Now showing items 555-574 of 3239

    Creencias de profesores chinos respecto a la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera en China 

    Li, Zhiying (Date of defense: 2018-11-06)

    Esta investigación tiene como objetivo fundamental estudiar las creencias de profesores chinos de ELE respecto a la metodología de enseñanza y contrastarlas con su actuación docente (Williams y Burden, 1999). Centramos la ...

    Cricking implementation with augmented reality and RFID: towards independent living of people with motor disabilities 

    Rashid, Zulqarnain (Date of defense: 2016-01-11)

    People with manipulative and locomotive disabilities represents a large fraction of the population classified as disabled, including the elder, injured and other health related issues. Wheelchairs have evolved in order to ...

    La Crisis y su representación: Huellas de la violencia política en la narrativa chilena contemporánea 

    Balmaceda, Paz (Date of defense: 2015-02-23)

    Esta tesis se propone analizar cómo la literatura, ante determinados sucesos extremadamente violentos y circunstancias traumáticas, puede constituirse en un mecanismo fundamental para la sociedad para interpretar y asimilar ...

    A Critical analysis of full-body interaction learning environments : towards novel design and evaluation methods 

    Malinverni, Laura (Date of defense: 2016-07-27)

    Full-Body interaction represents a branch of research in embodied interaction that addresses the use of the whole body to interact with the physical and digital environment. Several researchers have suggested its potential ...

    Crítica de la razón virtual: las ciencias humanas del castigo y las personas jurídicas: un debate contemporáneo 

    Ballerini, Sebastián (Date of defense: 2023-05-26)

    1. ¿Es correcto llamar al Derecho en general y al Derecho penal en particular bajo el rotulo de ciencia? 2. ¿Es posible todavía hablar de libre albedrío como fundamento último de la responsabilidad penal? 3. ¿Cómo es ...

    Crops and Environment in the Lower Indus Plain During the Bronze Age : A Multi-proxy Approach to the Agricultural Strategies of the Indus Valley Civilization 

    Jiménez Arteaga, Carolina (Date of defense: 2023-07-24)

    The Indus Valley Civilisation (IVC) is the earliest known urban culture of South Asia (2600-1900 BCE). While archaeological research has been conducted in the region for over a century, systematic archaeobotanical analyses ...

    Cross-lingual sentiment analysis for under-resourced languages 

    Barnes, Jeremy (Date of defense: 2019-01-28)

    Sentiment Analysis is a task that aims to calculate the polarity of text automatically. While some languages, such as English, have a vast array of resources to enable sentiment analysis, most under-resourced languages ...

    Cross-modal multilingualism: a reflection on language emergence via Pattern Asociation 

    Menéndez Rodríguez, Bruno (Date of defense: 2022-05-25)

    Cross-modal and intra-modal language transfer divergences were analysed along with developmental ones from the multilingual texts written by 13 deaf sign-multilingual teenage learners whose L1 and language of instruction ...

    Cross-modal predictive mechanisms during speech perception 

    Sánchez García, Carolina (Date of defense: 2013-11-29)

    El objetivo de esta tesis es investigar los mecanismos predictivos que operan de forma online durante la percepción audiovisual de una lengua. La idea de que existen mecanismos predictivos que actúan a distintos niveles ...

    Cross-talk between inflammation amd mitochondria in X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) : an integrative approach towards diferent therapies 

    Parameswaran, Janani (Date of defense: 2018-03-09)

    Lack of function of ALDP in mouse leads to a late onset disease, characterized by spastic paraparesis and degeneration of corticospinal tracts, without signs of inflammatory demyelization resembling AMN patients. Taking ...

    Cross-talk between iron starvation and H202 signaling pathways in Schizosaccharomyces pombe 

    Gabrielli, Natalia (Date of defense: 2012-12-04)

    Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), a reactive oxygen species (ROS), is involved in both oxidative stress and signaling cascades in a dosage dependent manner. Its toxicity is partially explained through reactivity with iron via the ...

    CT scans in children and young adults and cancer risk: the Spanish EPI-CT cohort 

    Bosch de Basea i Gómez, Magda (Date of defense: 2016-11-28)

    The present thesis introduces the EPI-CT cohort study; a European collaborative effort aimed at quantifying the health risks of computed tomography (CT scan) radiation exposure during childhood and assesses the main ...

    La Cuestión de la letra y la controversia Lacan-Derrida: cortocircuitos entre filosofia y psicoanálisis 

    Frucella, María Laura (Date of defense: 2015-11-19)

    La presente tesis representa un intento por dilucidar el contenido de la polémica entre Jacques Lacan y Jacques Derrida en relación a la escritura. Parte de la convicción de que a pesar de los diferentes campos en que ...

    Cuidado agudo y resultados de salud en los accidentes cerebrovasculares isquémicos en Chile 

    Hoffmeister Arce, Lorena (Date of defense: 2014-01-22)

    Background and objectives: Middle- and low-income countries face an increasing burden of mortality and disability due to stroke. The aim of this study was to describe the acute care of ischemic stroke, the impact of increased ...

    Cultura material i ideologia en l'arqueologia de la Península Ibèrica: Interpretacions sobre l'etnologia hispànica durant la primera meitat del segle XX 

    Closa i Cortada, Jordi (Date of defense: 2017-10-05)

    A principis del segle XX, l'arqueologia hispànica, que fins al moment havia anat a càrrec d'aficionats, començà un procés professionalitzador de la mà d'investigadors de formació germànica. Així, la seva metodologia i la ...

    Cultural and structural explanations of fertility : the Spanish case at the beginning of the 21sr century 

    Delclós Gómez-Morán, Carlos Eric (Date of defense: 2014-09-22)

    Esta tesis analiza la natalidad en España a principios del S.XXI. Incluye tres capítulos empíricos sobre el impacto de los factores culturales sobre la natalidad, el impacto de los factores estructurales y culturales ...

    Cultural animals : the role of ostensive signals in knowledge acquisition 

    Găluşcă, Cristina-Ioana (Date of defense: 2019-01-25)

    Human cultures abound in arbitrary symbols and behaviors acquired effortlessly, mostly through social interactions. Here we explore how social aspects of an interaction (ostensive signals) affect the long-term memory of ...

    The cultural gifting dynamics of Valentine’s Day in Kuwait: the adoption of western Practices in muslim majority countries 

    Dbaibou, Rawan Oussama (Date of defense: 2022-01-25)

    This thesis is a study of historical anthropology that explores gift-giving practices in Kuwait, a multicultural Islamic country, with a focus on Valentine’s Day. The research is conducted among five age groups, allowing ...

    Culturally diversifying experiences: new methodologies, diverse samples, integrated perspectives 

    Soler Pastor, Elia (Date of defense: 2023-01-20)

    This dissertation explores the structure and impacts of culturally diversifying experiences, on a series of intra- and interpersonal outcomes. It extends prior research by using diverse conceptualizations (experimentally ...

    Curación de contenidos en el periodismo digital: conceptualización y propuesta de un sistema para la evaluación de la curación en medios de comunicación digitales 

    Guallar, Javier (Date of defense: 2021-05-27)

    El objetivo de esta investigación es estudiar la curación de contenidos en el ámbito del periodismo, desarrollar un sistema de análisis para evaluar su uso y analizar su implementación en medios de comunicación digitales. ...