Ara mostrant els elements 201-220 de 3325
Kranas, Hanna (Data de defensa: 2023-11-03)
Living cells are exposed to naturally occurring DNA-damaging agents that promote the loss of genome integrity, threatening the proper functioning of the cell. To counteract the toxic accumulation of DNA damage, organisms ...
Idesis, Sebastian Ariel (Data de defensa: 2023-11-03)
Stroke is the second leading cause of death worldwide and a major contributor to disability. However, our understanding of the consequences of stroke lesions remains limited, relying mainly on behavioral reports and ...
Castro Arnau, Júlia (Data de defensa: 2023-10-23)
The molecular mechanisms regulating sperm differentiation (spermiogenesis) and maturation in fishes are largely unknown. In these oviparous species, the initiation of sperm motility is triggered by the osmolality of the ...
Llorens DeCesaris, Gerard (Data de defensa: 2023-06-09)
This thesis explores the interconnections between the U.S. and the Spanish Empire in the late 19th century, adopting an approach that departs from the traditional historical narratives that have considered these histories ...
Jiménez Arteaga, Carolina (Data de defensa: 2023-07-24)
The Indus Valley Civilisation (IVC) is the earliest known urban culture of South Asia (2600-1900 BCE). While archaeological research has been conducted in the region for over a century, systematic archaeobotanical analyses ...
Martín Vilató, Zoel (Data de defensa: 2023-07-07)
Aquesta tesi conté tres assaigs sobre macroeconomia i anàlisi textual. En el primer capítol, estudio l’impacte de la polarització política sobre les polítiques mediambientals utilitzant propostes de llei de les ...
Castella-Martinez, Sergi (Data de defensa: 2023-06-28)
El poeta J. V. Foix desplega en l’obra literària i assagística una intensa i ininterrompuda recepció, interpretació i apropiació de la matèria lul·liana. Alguns aspectes de l’Ars de Ramon Llull, dels quals destaquem ...
Zinemanas Frieti, Pablo (Data de defensa: 2023-10-20)
Deep-learning models have revolutionized state-of-the-art technologies in many research areas, but their black-box structure makes it difficult to understand their inner workings and the rationale behind their predictions. ...
Vitiugin, Fedor (Data de defensa: 2023-10-06)
Social media is a valuable platform for sharing real-time perspectives and insights, particularly during dynamic events. Extracting relevant information from social media during emergencies can be challenging, especially ...
Hochberg, Amy Dara (Data de defensa: 2023-10-02)
The purpose of the thesis is to investigate multilingual health information websites in English, Spanish, and Catalan for comprehensibility and cultural adaptation in terms of language. This study questions whether there ...
Rasouligandomani, Morteza (Data de defensa: 2023-10-02)
Adult Spine Deformity (ASD) leads to abnormal spine curvature causing imbalance, pain, and fall risk. Spinal surgery is common but carries the risk of Mechanical Complications (MC), notably Proximal Junctional Failure ...
Pagès-Portabella, Carlota (Data de defensa: 2023-10-19)
La música està present en totes les cultures. Tot i tenir les mateixes habilitats auditives, la manera en la què experimentem la música depèn del context cultural, la música que escoltem en el dia a dia o si hem rebut ...
Platania, Leonardo (Data de defensa: 2023-10-11)
The South Pacific is an intriguing region for studying evolutionary biology, presenting an exceptional diversity and complex geological and environmental characteristics. New Caledonia, in particular, hosts a rich and ...
Soldevila Domènech, Natàlia (Data de defensa: 2023-10-05)
Les intervencions que milloren l’estil de vida (dieta, exercici físic i entrenament cognitiu) poden frenar el declivi cognitiu en persones a risc de demència. En el context d’intervencions en l’estil de vida, aquesta ...
Cianferoni, Damiano (Data de defensa: 2023-10-09)
Aquesta tesi presenta diversos avenços que inclouen: (i) noves funcionalitats afegides a la “suite” d'eines de disseny de proteïnes FoldX per permetre als usuaris treballar amb qualsevol tipus de molècula; (ii) estudis ...
Pardo Lorente, Natalia (Data de defensa: 2023-10-06)
Subcellular compartmentalisation of metabolic enzymes may elicit specific cellular functions by establishing a unique metabolic environment. Indeed, the nuclear translocation of certain metabolic enzymes impacts epigenetics ...
Torregrosa Cortés, Gabriel (Data de defensa: 2023-09-29)
This thesis is about development and its study from a theoretical point of view, with special interest in how to describe development as a dynamical systems' problem. The thesis digs into four directions embedded in this ...
Martí Castellote, Pablo-Miki (Data de defensa: 2023-09-27)
This PhD thesis explores how data science can be leveraged to learn from diverse cohorts and fuse information from heterogeneous data, aiming to advance understanding and improve prediction in healthcare settings. It covers ...
Soberats, Clara (Data de defensa: 2023-09-26)
Meaning in any naturalistic utterance has a dual aspect: one is lexical-semantic memory, which enters into utterances in the form of words that we remember and retrieve; the other is the specific kind of meaning carried ...
Xi, Xiatong (Data de defensa: 2023-09-22)
In the realm of second language acquisition of pronunciation, perception-based phonetic training has been shown to be effective in improving L2 perception and production. By incorporating the visual modality of the speaker’s ...