Now showing items 321-340 of 3276

    El poder persuasivo de Maryam: Proselitismo religioso, acomodación y devoción mariana en la “conquista espiritual” castellana del sur peninsular (s. XVIII-XVI) 

    Valdés, Amanda (Date of defense: 2022-04-20)

    Esta investigación versa sobre el papel de la Virgen en el desarrollo, desde el siglo XIII al XVI, de estrategias de proselitismo y acomodación religiosa dirigidas a la población mudéjar de los antiguos territorios andalusíes, ...

    Visions del Cosmos: Estudi comparatiu entre les concepcions cosmogòniques gregues i egípcies 

    Ferrer Torrell, Elisabet (Date of defense: 2022-03-25)

    This is a comparative study between the Greek and Egyptian cosmogonies in addition to the kosmopoia in the Leiden J 395 papyrus. Without losing sight of the great influence that the Near East exerted on the Greek ...

    Arte "primitivo" y primitivismo en Nueva York, 1910-1941 

    Anton Martí, Marta (Date of defense: 2021-06-08)

    Esta investigación desarrolla un estudio analítico historiográfico que sistematiza cómo fue teorizado el arte “primitivo” en su relación con el arte moderno en Nueva York entre 1910 y 1941. Para ello se analizan las diversas ...

    Three essays in applied econometrics 

    Werner, Konstantin (Date of defense: 2023-01-13)

    In this dissertation, first, I study the effects of broadband internet on individual and regional outcomes. Second, I provide an overview of the political espionage activities of the former East German secret service, ...

    Essays on board of directors composition and firm outcomes 

    Manini, Raffaele (Date of defense: 2023-01-20)

    This thesis focuses in understanding the relationship between board of directors’ composition and firm outcomes. Chapter 1 investigates how US firms board of directors responded to a quasi-exogenous shift in the cyber risk ...

    Chinese international students' social network sites usages and their process of intercultural adaptation in Barcelona 

    Zhou, Siyu (Date of defense: 2022-12-14)

    In recent decades, the development of digital technology has reshaped the way of social interaction as well as social relationships for international students. With the advent of the internet in recent decades, social ...

    Assessing the impact of music recommendation diversity on listeners 

    Porcaro, Lorenzo (Date of defense: 2022-12-16)

    This thesis focuses on assessing the impact that music recommendation diversity may have on listeners. In the music domain, diversity is one of the values that recommender systems should preserve, because the world music ...

    Mainstream music in the postmodern scenario: an analysis of sexuality, well-being, and racialization 

    Alvarez-Cueva, Priscila (Date of defense: 2022-12-19)

    This research uses mainstream music scenarios in Spain to explore its representations and problematize them from a critical gender perspective. Structured by four items, this work 1) situates mainstream music within the ...

    The Representation and reception of mental and neurological disorders in Britidh-US coming-of-age dramedy TV series 

    Lopera Marmol, Marta (Date of defense: 2022-12-12)

    Las representaciones de los trastornos mentales en las series de televisión han sido a menudo inexactas. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo analizar la representación y la recepción de los trastornos mentales y ...

    Key sources of income (and wage) inequalities: from the State to the individuals 

    Giangregorio, Luca (Date of defense: 2022-12-19)

    The following thesis aims to provide a general picture of to what extent different important sources – at the macro and the micro level – affect income inequality over time. Indeed, given the natural interdependence between ...

    Culturally diversifying experiences: new methodologies, diverse samples, integrated perspectives 

    Soler Pastor, Elia (Date of defense: 2023-01-20)

    This dissertation explores the structure and impacts of culturally diversifying experiences, on a series of intra- and interpersonal outcomes. It extends prior research by using diverse conceptualizations (experimentally ...

    Lingue romanze e inglese: nemici o amici?. L'intercomprensione romanza come strumento strategico e motivazionale per apprendenti preadolescenti in contesto scolare 

    Arenare, Giovanna (Date of defense: 2022-12-22)

    Pur nel vastissimo corpus di studi condotti in un trentennio di ricerca sull’intercomprensione (IC), poca attenzione è stata ancora dedicata alla sua apertura extra-familiare — nel nostro caso dalle lingue romanze (LR) ...

    Risk assessment in complex data settings: algorithmic fairness and causal inference 

    Karimi-Haghighi, Marzieh (Date of defense: 2023-01-20)

    We try to address some challenges in structured risk assessment tools in two application areas of recidivism risk in criminal justice and dropout risk in higher education domain. Using Machine Learning (ML) methods, we ...

    Characteristics and uses of dual-spiral dual-energy CT in radiotherapy of the head and neck 

    Fernández-Velilla Cepria, Enric (Date of defense: 2023-01-25)

    Dual-Spiral Dual-Energy Computed Tomography is an emerging technology that is being introduced in Radiotherapy Departments of hospitals because of its cost and simplicity. There is still a lack of literature about its ...

    A temporal and pragmatic analysis of gestures-speech association: a corpus-based approach using the novel Multimodal MultiDimensional (M3D) labeling system 

    Rohrer, Patrick Louis (Date of defense: 2022-12-16)

    Human language is essentially multimodal in that speakers use multiple channels to convey meaning, including speech prosody and gesture (e.g. Mondada, 2016; Perniss, 2018). In the last decades, studies within the field of ...

    Brain states in health and disease: insights from neuroimaging and theoretical neuroscience 

    Escrichs, Anira (Date of defense: 2022-12-12)

    Spontaneous brain activity persists and transitions between brain states, such as from wakefulness to sleep, from development to ageing, or it may transition to pathological states such as coma. Nevertheless, a consensual ...

    Atenuació de la crítica en llengua de signes catalana (LSC): l'opinió restringida com a estratègia mitigadora 

    Moya-Avilés, Berta (Date of defense: 2022-11-30)

    Aquesta tesi estudia la cortesia en llengua de signes catalana (LSC), concretament, l’atenuació de la crítica a través de l’estratègia discursiva de restringir l’opinió personal. Amb aquest propòsit, hem elaborat un corpus ...

    La atmósfera de terror en la literatura de Edgar Allan Poe, H.P. Lovercraft, Shirley Jackson y Thomas Ligotti 

    Sola González, Josep (Date of defense: 2022-03-11)

    The objective of this investigation is to elucidate some of the narrative strategies authors employ to create an atmosphere of terror. To do so, we have resorted to four writers: Edgar Allan Poe, Howard Phillips Lovecraft, ...

    Joan Pérez-Jorba: Cronista, passeur i poeta en les avantguardes catalana i francesa 

    Garcia-Sedas, Pilar (Date of defense: 2022-02-28)

    The starting point of this research is a transnational vision of the avant-garde production of Joan Pérez-Jorba (Barcelona, 1878 − Paris, 1928), which includes both his journalism and poetry, from a receptive and creative ...

    Incidència, mesures de prevenció i particularitats de la reparació de l'hèrnia incisional de l'orifici del tròcar laparoscòpic 

    Ciscar Bellés, Ana (Date of defense: 2022-12-22)

    Es realitza estudi observacional que descriu una incidència d’ HIOT (Hèrnia incisional de l'orifici del tròcar) del 23,7%. L’edat>70 anys, el IMC ≥30 i la mida de la incisió són factors de risc per a HIOT. La incidència ...