Now showing items 441-460 of 3276

    Creating the AML-specific t(9;11) chromosomal translocation model to study the structural basis of leukemia development in mouse cells 

    Sparavier, Aleksandra (Date of defense: 2022-06-03)

    Chromosomal translocation are large-scale genome rearrangements found in several cancers. They are formed when two (or more) non-homologous chromosomes interchange large parts as a result of erroneous DNA repair after ...

    Evolution of the transcriptomic regulation in the primate lineage 

    Ferrández Peral, Luis (Date of defense: 2022-06-08)

    The evolution of transcriptomes has been linked to the emergence of novel phenotypes. However, our knowledge on how isoform diversity has impacted recent human evolution is very limited. To fill this gap, we have performed ...

    Motivación e intervención delictiva: una revisión de la "participación psíquica" 

    Martínez Sanromà, Oriol (Date of defense: 2022-05-06)

    La presente tesis doctoral efectúa una aproximación a la motivación al delito desde una perspectiva dogmática. El objetivo es doble. Por un lado, establecer una base de incriminación materialmente legítima para este fenómeno. ...

    Immunotherapy of chronic virus infections : Exhausted CD8+ T cell subsets are differentially regulated by XCR1 + DC 

    Domenjó Vila, Eva (Date of defense: 2022-06-01)

    The contribution of cross-presenting XCR1+ dendritic cells (DC) in maintaining T cell function during exhaustion and immuno-therapeutic interventions of chronic infections remains poorly characterized. Using the mouse model ...

    The Role of chromatin-associated factors in genome topology 

    Mugianesi, Francesca (Date of defense: 2022-06-02)

    Gene expression, epigenetic states and topological conformation are three fundamental aspects of genome organization that are tightly regulated in space and time. Epigenetic states, protein occupancy and chromatin ...

    The Impact of germline variants on human somatic mutation processes 

    Vali Pour Jamnani, Mischan (Date of defense: 2022-06-02)

    Somatic mutations are an inevitable component of ageing and the most important cause of cancer. The rates and types of somatic mutation vary across individuals, but relatively few inherited influences on mutation processes ...

    El Anglicismo terminológico: consecuencias léxicas del uso de textos escritos en inglés en las clases de medicina en español 

    Porras-Garzón, Jorge M. (Date of defense: 2022-05-27)

    This PhD dissertation deals with the analysis of the linguistic characteristics of terminological anglicisms in relation to the use of written texts in English as a means of preparation for oral and written communication ...

    Cross-modal multilingualism: a reflection on language emergence via Pattern Asociation 

    Menéndez Rodríguez, Bruno (Date of defense: 2022-05-25)

    Cross-modal and intra-modal language transfer divergences were analysed along with developmental ones from the multilingual texts written by 13 deaf sign-multilingual teenage learners whose L1 and language of instruction ...

    Study of molecular targets and neurobiologial mechanisms involved in compulsive overeating 

    Gallego Román, Ana María (Date of defense: 2022-05-26)

    Binge-eating disorder (BED) is a chronic eating disturbance that affects 1.6-2.0% of people worldwide. It is characterised by recurrent episodes of consuming large amounts of food in a short period, together with a sense ...

    Interpretable machine learning through radiomics and attribute-regularized neural networks for cardiology 

    Cetin, Irem (Date of defense: 2022-05-23)

    El diagnóstico asistido por ordenador de enfermedades cardiovasculares (CVD) con resonancia magnética cardíaca (CMR) es un campo importante de investigación para el fenotipado avanzado de imágenes cardíacas. Las mediciones ...

    Essays on the economic psychology of well-being 

    Pirla Lopez, Sergio (Date of defense: 2022-05-04)

    This thesis consists of three chapters that improve our knowledge of how income shapes well-being. Chapter 1 (“Measuring Affect Dynamics: An Empirical Framework”) presents an empirically-derived framework to conduct ...

    A physician-in-the-loop approach by means of machine learning for the diagnosis of lymphocytosis in the clinical laboratory 

    Bigorra López, Laura (Date of defense: 2022-04-08)

    The complete blood count (CBC) is one of the most commonly performed test due to its clinical utility, versatility and safety. Thus, there are well established consensus rules to review a CBC through the peripheral blood ...

    A 3D culture system to study gene regulation in breast cancer cells 

    Ramírez Cuéllar, Angélica Julieta (Date of defense: 2022-05-12)

    In this Thesis we report the successful growth of hormone responsive T47D cells as 3D spheroids in Matrigel mimicking the ECM. A detailed characterization by using a genome-wide approach of the main physical and biochemical ...

    The Developing architecture of expressive pragmatics in preschoolers: multimodal and structural language trumps social cognition 

    Pronina, Mariia (Date of defense: 2022-05-06)

    Pragmatics, defined as the ability to use language socially, matters enormously in our day-to-day life and involves both the linguistic and social aspects of human communication. The literature focusing on developmental ...

    The Structural and functional organization of the language network in non- or minimally verbal autism spectrum disorders 

    Slušná, Dominika (Date of defense: 2022-03-31)

    Language impairment forms a broader spectrum in humans than current diagnostic labels such as specific language impairment suggest. This thesis is about language capacities at the neglected bottom end of severity across ...

    Efectividad de las estrategias de comunicación en la entrevista laboral: estudio perceptivo y psicofisiológico del impacto de las estrategias comunicativas basadas en sesgos cognitivos en la selección de personal 

    Abuin Lorenzo, Lorena (Date of defense: 2022-04-01)

    El presente estudio parte de una premisa relacionada tanto con intereses investigadores como con una voluntad de aplicación práctica. Tras la identificación de un vacío en la literatura científica referido a la investigación ...

    Diseño, aplicación y evaluación de un programa CLIL y EPI de Música en inglés, en el ciclo superior de Educación Primaria 

    Asensio Arjona, Verónica (Date of defense: 2022-04-05)

    Esta investigación tiene como objeto de estudio la elaboración, aplicación y evaluación de un programa de mejora del nivel de inglés a partir de una propuesta CLIL en Música, desde un enfoque plurilingüe integrador de ...

    Comparative cellular biology of vetebrate primordial oocytes 

    Dhandapani, Laasya (Date of defense: 2022-05-04)

    En este proyecto, hemos desarrollado métodos que permiten la caracterización comparativa basada en imágenes en vivo de ovocitos primordiales de humano, ratón y Xenopus. Mostramos que los ovocitos primordiales en las tres ...

    Differential genetic events in the two main pathways of prostate carcinogenesis : Molecular, pathological and clinical analysis of crucial genetic alterations in ETS fusion-positive and negative prostate cancer 

    Segalés Tañà, Laura (Date of defense: 2022-05-06)

    S'han identificat dues vies carcinogèniques en el càncer de pròstata (CaPr): la positiva i la negativa per a fusions dels gens ETS. L’objectiu d’aquest estudi ha estat entendre el significat biològic i la posició jeràrquica ...

    Learning to identify and encode entities with deep learning models 

    Sorodoc, Ionut-Teodor (Date of defense: 2022-04-11)

    In this thesis, I tackle the ability of deep neural networks to represent entities, and I assess the extent to which this feature impacts tasks involving entities. I consider two standard architectures, LSTM and Transformer, ...