Indicació selectiva de "shunt" en l'endoarteriectomia carotídia, un nou mètode 

    Andrés Navarro, Omar (Fecha de defensa: 2020-09-25)

    The protocol followed in this thesis is to indicate the EAC according to the NASCET criteria. Closure of the arteriotomy with patch. The criteria to indicate this have been based on an original method, which takes into ...

    Indicadors de qualitat de vida en demència avançada i relació amb la mortalitat 

    Ballester Ferrando, David (Fecha de defensa: 2015-01-21)

    El objetivo de este trabajo fue identificar indicadores pronósticos de mortalidad en personas con demencias avanzadas a corto y largo plazo, introduciendo la calidad de vida como un nuevo posible indicador. Metodología: ...

    Industria y concentración de cultivos: la contribución de la industria del frío en la fruticultura leridana 

    Badia Roig, Carmina (Fecha de defensa: 2005-10-28)

    Para avanzar en el estudio de la concentración espacial de cultivos, se ha elegido el caso de la manzana, la pera y el melocotón en Lleida, desde 1962 a 2000. La evolución de ese fenómeno se ha estudiado mediante técnicas ...

    Influence of anthropogenic pollution on the prevalence, maintenance and spread of antibiotic resistance in aquatic microbial communities 

    Subirats Medina, Jessica (Fecha de defensa: 2018-07-24)

    This Thesis demonstrates that microorganisms derived from wastewater are the 2/2 main contributors to antibiotic resistance (AR) in the environment. Once there, the background chemical contamination with antibiotic ...

    Influence of feeding restriction and dietary phosphorus levels on body tissue composition evaluated in vivo by computed tomography, bone mineralisation and sensory properties of the meat from gilts 

    Luo, Xin (Fecha de defensa: 2019-12-19)

    Feeding strategy is very important for farmers to improve pig productive parameters and keep its competitive advantage in the market. The computed tomography (CT) technology can evaluate the effect of feeding strategy on ...

    Influence of flow alteration and metal pollution on stream biota: from species to community-level responses 

    Rubio Gracia, Francesc (Fecha de defensa: 2021-10-27)

    This thesis aimed to assess the responses of stream biota to flow alterations, in terms of water velocity increments and reductions of discharge, and to metal pollution. The investigations performed encompassed (i) ...

    Influence of individual dynamic managerial capabilities over business sustainability commitment, stakeholder engagement and gender 

    Buil Fabregà, Marian (Fecha de defensa: 2017-06-22)

    In today's dynamic environment, which is characterized by continuous and unpredictable changes, companies need new strategies to maintain their competitive advantage in the market, ensure long-term sustainability and ...

    Influences of toxicants on freshwater biofilms and fish: from experimental approaches to statistical models 

    Tuulaikhuu, Baigal-Amar (Fecha de defensa: 2016-06-10)

    The main aims of this thesis are: i) to evaluate arsenic toxicity in two major, interacting components of the freshwater ecosystem, biofilm and fish, to provide information on environmentally realistic exposures and on ...

    Influencia de la grasa epicárdica en la arritmia: fibrilación auricular, la cardioversión eléctrica, la recurrencia y el tratamiento 

    Valenzuela Leal, Helen (Fecha de defensa: 2019-04-09)

    The thickness of epicartic fat can be directly measured by transthoracic echocardiography. Epicartic fat has recently been associated with the onset of atrial fibrillation (AF). In this work we will analyze the relationship ...

    Influencia de la suplementación de antioxidantes y de la administración de enrofloxacina en la calidad y seguridad de la carne de ave 

    Carreras Ferrer, Irene (Fecha de defensa: 2005-04-14)

    Los fenómenos oxidativos y en particular la oxidación lipídica son uno de los principales responsables de la pérdida de calidad en la carne y en los productos cárnicos. Como consecuencia de estos procesos se generan ...

    Influencia del proceso de reciclado sobre las propiedades de los materiales compuestos obtenidos por inyección de poliestireno reforzado con fibras lignocelulósicas 

    López Sánchez, Ángel (Fecha de defensa: 2004-07-27)

    The objective of this research is to study the influence of several recycling cycles on the mechanical properties of four different materials made by the injection of polystyrene. <br/>The four materials studied have ...

    Influència de l'adherència terapèutica i el suport social en la qualitat de vida percebuda de les persones amb diàlisi peritoneal 

    Sitjar Suñer, Miquel (Fecha de defensa: 2018-03-15)

    Chronic renal insufficiency is a public health problem that affects about 11% of the world’s adult population. However, the impact of peritoneal dialysis on people who receive this treatment is little known. The present ...

    Informació i persuasió: en els orígens de la premsa catalana (c. 1500-1720) 

    Expósito Amagat, Ricard (Fecha de defensa: 2014-07-14)

    The main objective of this thesis is to analyse public information in Early Modern Catalonia: its production, circulation and consumption from the end of the Middle Ages until the end of the War of the Spanish Succession ...

    Information sources selection methodology for recommender systems based on intrinsic characteristics and trust measure 

    Aciar, Silvana Vanesa (Fecha de defensa: 2007-06-18)

    El treball desenvolupat en aquesta tesi presenta un profund estudi i proveïx solucions innovadores en el camp dels sistemes recomanadors. Els mètodes que usen aquests sistemes per a realitzar les recomanacions, mètodes com ...

    Information theory techniques for multimedia data classification and retrieval 

    Vila Duran, Marius (Fecha de defensa: 2015-07-09)

    We are in the information age where most data is stored in digital format. Thus, the management of digital documents and videos requires the development of efficient techniques for automatic analysis. Among them, capturing ...

    El Inhibidor de carboxipeptidasa de patata (PCI): un antagonista del EGF con actividad antitumoral 

    Blanco Aparicio, Carmen (Fecha de defensa: 1998-07-17)

    In this work we report that potato carboxypeptidase inhibitor suppresses the growth of several human and mouse pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell lines. The inhibitor also reduces the growth of solid tumors obtained by ...

    Inhibition of sialyltransferases in pancreatic cancer: effects on the EGFR pathway and on the tumour phenotype 

    Miró Domènech, Laura (Fecha de defensa: 2023-01-13)

    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA) presents a dismal prognosis mainly due to its delayed diagnosis, its aggressiveness, and resistance to existing therapies. Aberrant glycosylation and, in particular, the overexpression ...

    Inicios del pensamiento algebraico en educación infantil a través de los patrones de repetición 

    Acosta Inchaustegui, Yeni (Fecha de defensa: 2023-07-24)

    The purpose of the doctoral thesis presented in this report is to provide knowledge that allows us to situate the way in which 3-, 4- and 5-year-old children are initiated in the understanding of repetition patterns in ...

    Innovació i desestacionalització de la demanda hotelera en un districte turístic: el paper de les xarxes relacionals 

    Comas Trayter, Jordi (Fecha de defensa: 2005-10-21)

    La tesi es planteja en quina mesura l'estructura de la xarxa social existent en un districte turístic entre els diferents actors que la conformen, i la posició que aquests ocupen en la mateixa, afecta a la estacionalitat ...

    Innovació i recerca responsables i processos de cocreació a l'educació superior 

    Terradellas, M. Rosa (Fecha de defensa: 2021-03-22)

    This thesis is structured in two applied researches. One, focused on how to embed the transversal competence of sustainability to undergraduate studies at the UdG. The other promotes an innovation in teacher education, by ...