Now showing items 1154-1173 of 1771

    Les transicions a la vida activa i/o continuïtat formativa dels i de les joves amb una bàsica qualificació professional. Anàlisi del pla de transició al treball (PTT) i de la formació i aprenentatge professional (FIAP) de les comarques gironines 

    Oller Ribas, Sílvia (Date of defense: 2018-06-07)

    The transition to the work life of young people with low professional qualifications is a topic of concern to European education systems . "Second-chance" programs try to help these young people to follow different ...

    Lexicografia catalana siscentista: el Gazophylacium Catalano-Latinum, de Joan Lacavalleria i Dulac 

    Montalat Buscató, Pere (Date of defense: 2020-11-30)

    This dissertation is devoted to the study and partial edition of the Gazophylacium Catalano-Latinum by Joan Lacavalleria Dulac, a Catalan-Latin lexicographic thesaurus published in Barcelona in 1696 that constitutes the ...

    Life cycle assessment of cities: the first steps for standardization 

    Albertí Bueno, Jaume (Date of defense: 2019-07-03)

    Cities are recognised as great generators of impacts and, consequently, seen as an opportunity for reducing them Worldwide. Cities are environmentally relevant because of two reasons. Firstly, because they are responsible, ...

    Limnological characteristics and zooplankton community structure of Mediterranean coastal lagoons undergoing restoration 

    Badosa i Salvador, Anna (Date of defense: 2007-03-06)

    Entre 1999 i 2003 es va desenvolupar un projecte Life de restauració a la maresma de La Pletera, afectada per un pla urbanització, i a la llacuna del Ter Vell, amb un elevat grau d'eutròfia (aiguamolls del Baix Ter, NE ...

    Linking river sediment physical properties to biofilm biomass and activity 

    Ann, Vannak (Date of defense: 2015-06-30)

    River sediments are composed by a variety of grain sizes which determine their permeability and biogeochemistry. The aim of this thesis was to test whether differences in river sediment physical characteristics generate ...

    La literatura de Jorge Luis Borges com a reelaboració dels materials del pensament i la cultura 

    Muntada, Lluís (Date of defense: 2013-05-23)

    Borges’ philosophical tale is based on the logic of the palimpsest, linking the creation and the tradition of literature and acting as a centripetal force of the most diverse culture materials. Used as he was to merging ...

    Lírica trobadoresca a la Corona d'Aragó: estudi de casos 

    Viñolas i Solés, Mariona (Date of defense: 2017-03-16)

    The PhD entitled "Troubadour Lyrics in the Crown of Aragon: case study" offers a detailed census of all those troubadours for whom a link has been proposed with the Crown of Aragon, with fundamental information about the ...

    Llengua i nacionalisme en el discurs mediatitzat català i espanyol produït arran de l'elaboració de l'Estatut de Catalunya del 2006 

    Pi Vilà, Anna (Date of defense: 2019-06-11)

    The drawing up of the 2006 Statute of Catalonia introduced the obligation of knowing Catalan, as the 1978 Spanish Constitution did for Spanish. This dissertation starts from the hypothesis that nationalist representati ...

    Local model predictive control for navigation of a wheeled mobile robot using monocular information 

    Pacheco Valls, Lluís (Date of defense: 2009-11-30)

    Aquesta tesi està inspirada en els agents naturals per tal de planificar de manera dinàmica la navegació d'un robot diferencial de dues rodes. Les dades dels sistemes de percepció són integrades dins una graella d'ocupació ...

    Localización de faltas en sistemas de distribución de energía eléctrica usando métodos basados en el modelo y métodos basados en el conocimiento 

    Mora Flórez, Juan José (Date of defense: 2006-12-15)

    La calidad de energía eléctrica incluye la calidad del suministro y la calidad de la atención al cliente. La calidad del suministro a su vez se considera que la conforman dos partes, la forma de onda y la continuidad. ...

    Los casos inaudita parte 

    Roig Mateo, Betlem (Date of defense: 2017-06-02)

    The legal provision that the Spanish legislator makes about absence at trial is adequate and proportionate to its ultimate goal, which is to fully guarantee the rights of those who are party to a process in all branches ...

    Los comportamientos de salud en mujeres con incontinencia urinaria 

    Lamoglia Puig, Montserrat (Date of defense: 2015-02-27)

    Esta investigación, se centra en la promoción de la salud, pretende contribuir a la misma aportando conocimiento documentado sobre la incontinencia urinaria (IU) de la mujer a partir de las propias protagonistas que la ...

    Los conflictos de jurisdicción entre la Administración y los tribunales. Evolución histórica, análisis y propuestas de lege ferenda 

    Aurich Taberner, Jordi (Date of defense: 2022-04-05)

    Conflicts of jurisdiction, currently regulated in articles 38 to 41 of the LOPJ and in Organic Law 4/1987, of July 15, represent an oddity in the spanish constitutional system, particularly due to the especial features ...

    Los derechos de información y de participación ciudadanas en materia urbanística 

    Llorens Ferrer, Marta (Date of defense: 2013-04-19)

    This thesis has the aim of establish a compilation of the citizen’s rights in urbanism. By one hand, the right of having access to the urbanistic information, means to study exhaustively the right of having access to the ...

    Los Fundamentos jurídico-laborales de la obligación general de seguridad empresarial 

    Camas Roda, Ferran (Date of defense: 1999-12-21)

    The aim of this doctoral thesis is to consolidate the preventive perspective as one of priority action, both by public authorities and private companies, in order to protect the health and safety of employees. To this end, ...

    Los límites del pluralismo jurídico. Una revisión del caso de Venezuela: ¿Fractura o aporía? 

    El Fakih Rodríguez, Fátima Josefina (Date of defense: 2021-11-29)

    Since the approval of the Constitution in 1999, the Venezuelan state recognizes a set of collective rights for indigenous peoples that imply, therefore, the incorporation of legal pluralism as a regulating principle of ...

    Los manuscritos reales de Philippe de Commynes 

    Sánchez Ruiz, María (Date of defense: 2018-12-20)

    This doctoral thesis is responsible for making a critical edition of two Spanish manuscripts, namely: the codex escurialense J.I.6 and the testimony BNE 17638, which we keep of the historiographical work of the French ...

    Los retos y estrategias de la educación inclusiva en la universidad para personas con discapacidad intelectual. Diseño, aplicación y evaluación de una experiencia piloto 

    Mejía Cajamarca, Paulina Elizabeth (Date of defense: 2023-10-27)

    The main objective of this thesis is to design, apply and evaluate an educational program for people with intellectual disabilities at the Faculty of Education and Psychology of the University of Girona. For this research, ...

    Los sistemas de información en el sector hotelero: un modelo de éxito 

    Martínez Rodríguez, Joaquim (Date of defense: 2014-05-30)

    This thesis includes a review of how the information technology is used at present in the hotels, as well as the functionality expected from the hotels information systems. We compare these systems characteristics with ...

    Los valores de la creatividad y del goce artístico en el imaginario del docente de arte 

    Cagigós Villacampa, Núria (Date of defense: 2022-02-25)

    Education in values is a cross educational process that develops unique, responsible, and socially conscious individuals who in turn form civic, democratic, and tolerant societies. In this context, art is one of the main ...