Now showing items 1182-1201 of 1771

    L’impacte de les pràctiques de qualitat i mediambientals en el sector de l’hostaleria 

    Oliveras Villanueva, Marc (Date of defense: 2022-02-21)

    Tourism is one of the drivers of our economy. The importance of this sector, the high competition and the current crisis caused by Covid19 surfaced the need for the operators to gain competitive advantages. Therefore, an ...

    L’impacte de l’aproximació dels fons de coneixement en les relacions família-escola. Un estudi qualitatiu 

    Machancoses Puchades, Mireia (Date of defense: 2023-07-14)

    The present doctoral thesis is part of a large number of research studies that have highlighted the benefits of good family-school relationships in the development and learning processes of children (Blasco, 2018; ...

    L’impacte social dels museus. El cas de les associacions d’amics dels museus 

    Jove Casabella, Eva (Date of defense: 2022-09-23)

    This thesis is entitled "L’impacte social dels museus. El cas de les associacions d’amics dels museus" and focuses on the most loyal audience of museums: museum friends. This associative phenomenon is one of the largest ...

    L’ós de les cavernes (Ursus spelaeus) a Catalunya 

    Millan Arnau, Ferran (Date of defense: 2023-06-21)

    This study comprises an examination of the osteological remains of populations of cave bears (Ursus spelaeus, Rosenmüller, 1794) found in the Late Middle Palaeolithic layers of three caves in northeastern Catalonia, Spain: ...

    Macroalgal-dominated coastal detritic bottoms of the Mediterranean Sea and the Northeastern Atlantic: description, distribution and sampling methodologies 

    Joher Sais, Sergi (Date of defense: 2016-01-14)

    En aquesta tesi es van descriure els principals fons algals del detrític costaner de la plataforma continental de Mallorca i Menorca (illes Balears, Espanya), i es van proposar mètodes efectius per al seu mostreig tant a ...

    Macrocicles nitrogenats contenint unitats de ferrocè i llurs complexos de Pal·ladi(0). Estudi estructural i aplicacions en catàlisi 

    Pla i Quintana, Anna (Date of defense: 2004-11-23)

    La present tesi doctoral s'ha basat en la caracterització estructural i en l'estudi de les propietats catalítiques de nous complexos de pal·ladi(0) amb lligands olefínics contenint unitats de ferrocè. En una primera fase ...

    Macrocyclic chemistry. From anion recognition to the reactivity of their copper complexes 

    Arbusé Font, Arnau (Date of defense: 2020-11-12)

    Macrocyclic ligands and its complexes have been studied in a wide variety of fields, among them bioinorganic chemistry. In this work it is reported three studies of macrocyclic species under three points of view. Firstly, ...

    Managanese and dicopper complexes for bioinspired oxidation reactions: catalytic and mechanistic studies on C-H and C=C oxidations 

    Garcia Bosch, Isaac (Date of defense: 2011-12-20)

    Enzymes are high-weight molecules which catalyze most of the metabolic processes in living organisms. Very often, these proteins contain one or more 1st row transition metal ions in their active center (Fe, Cu, Co, Mn, Zn, ...

    Management of industrial wastewater discharges in river basins through agents'argumentation 

    Aulinas Masó, Montse (Date of defense: 2009-10-14)

    La gestió de l'aigua residual és una tasca complexa. Hi ha moltes substàncies contaminants conegudes però encara moltes per conèixer, i el seu efecte individual o col·lgectiu és difícil de predir. La identificació i avaluació ...

    Manifestacions musicals a Barcelona a través de la festa: les entrades reials (segles XV-XVIII) 

    Raventós Freixa, Jordi (Date of defense: 2006-03-31)

    El tema d'aquesta tesi és el factor de la festa en l'articulació de pràctiques musicals a Barcelona en un context que s'estén des del segle XV al XVIII. Concretament, se centra en les anomenades "Entrades Reials", unes ...

    Manifold clustering for motion segmentation 

    Zappella, Luca (Date of defense: 2011-06-30)

    En aquesta tesi s’estudia el problema de la segmentació del moviment. La tesi presenta una revisió dels principals algoritmes de segmentació del moviment, s’analitzen les característiques principals i es proposa una ...

    Manuel Brunet i Solà (1889-1956). El periodisme d'idees al servei de la "veritat personal" 

    Montero Aulet, Francesc (Date of defense: 2011-10-28)

    This doctoral thesis deals with the intellectual biography of the writer and journalist Manuel Brunet (Vic, 1889, Figueres, 1956). It reconstructs the life and professional studies of the author, and the most important ...

    Mapping the crimes of the powerful and the economic crisis: crime, state and power 

    Bernat Molina, Ignasi (Date of defense: 2020-12-18)

    The ‘Mapping the Crimes of the Powerful and the Economic Crisis: Crime, State and Power’ focuses on four recent episodes of the different crisis affecting Southern Europe. Departing from criminological literature and crimes ...

    Mass transport and fouling of novel forward osmosis thin-film composite membranes 

    Sauchelli Toran, Marc (Date of defense: 2019-07-18)

    Forward osmosis (FO) is known to be particularly efficient at treating impaired water sources with a high fouling potential. In the context of water reuse FO is being introduced as a robust pre-treatment process, usually ...

    Mass unemployment in Spain (1959-2014): productive and commercial problems of a peripheral economy in global capitalism 

    Portella Carbó, Ferran (Date of defense: 2015-12-18)

    The thesis studies one of the main problems in Spain: mass unemployment. It is not a short-term problem, but a structural feature of the Spanish socio-economic system since at least the end of the 1970s, which remains ...

    Materiales compuestos a partir de filamentos naturales y matriz plástica biobasada, y sus posibles aplicaciones tecnológicas 

    Séculi, Faust (Date of defense: 2023-10-11)

    Nowadays the problem of climate change on planet Earth has aggravated, it has become extremely important to find solutions that considerably reduce or even eliminate its causes. Among the set of solutions that have been ...

    Materiales compuestos de una poliamida de origen renovable y fibras naturales de alto rendimiento: una sólida alternativa a los materiales compuestos de polipropileno reforzados con fibra de vidrio 

    Oliver Ortega, Helena (Date of defense: 2018-07-20)

    The main goal of this thesis is the production and characterization of composites materials from a bio-based polyamide and natural fibres which could be more sustainable alternative to glass fibre reinforced polypropylene. ...

    Mágica belleza. El pensamiento mágico como fundamento original de la teoría del arte 

    Ferrer Ventosa, Roger (Date of defense: 2018-09-20)

    Artistic forms seem to be closely related to magical thinking, because of their use of symbols and representations, the creation of talismanic objects and the articulation of ritual practices. This link has fluctuated ...

    Más allá de una indemnización: autonomía y respeto en la responsabilidad civil 

    Vargas Tinoco, Alexander (Date of defense: 2020-06-15)

    This research intends to approach to the Law of Torts from its philosophical and moral foundations, to explain and justify remedies that do not involve the payment of a sum of money in this area of private law. The central ...

    Más allá del realismo sucio. Ruido, Nocilla, historia y puntos ciegos en la novela española contemporánea. Desde Mañas hasta Cercas, pasando por Fernández Mallo 

    Lobina, Matteo (Date of defense: 2019-05-17)

    This doctoral study focuses on a literary and cultural analysis of contemporary Spanish literature starting from the 1990. Historias del Kronen (Mañas, 1994) and its four sequels, represent a starting point for the analysis, ...