Novel developments in the Diffusive Gradient in Thin films (DGT) technique for the determination of bioavailable mercury and other trace metals in aquatic and terrestrial environments 

    Turull López, Marta (Fecha de defensa: 2019-07-19)

    This thesis is focused on the use of the Diffusive Gradient in thin film (DGT) technique for the analysis of bioavailable mercury and other trace metals in water and soil. Homemade DGT devices using a selective ion-exchange ...

    Novel insights into paternal factors influencing the maternal environment and embryo development 

    Mateo Otero, Yentel (Fecha de defensa: 2023-06-13)

    For many years, reproductive outcomes were considered as being solely determined by the genome of oocytes and sperm. Yet, in the last decades, many other female and male factors have also been found to be relevant. Focusing ...

    Novel methods for the efficacy and safety in the artificial pancreas intended for domiciliary use 

    Ramkissoon, Charrise Mary (Fecha de defensa: 2019-03-07)

    Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune disease that targets the insulin producing β-cells in the pancreas that results in chronically elevated blood glucose (BG) levels and requires lifelong insulin-replacement therapy. ...

    Noves aproximacions a la síntesi i caracterització de poliglicols al·lílics, polihidrosiloxans i surfactants copolimèrics. Avaluació d'aquests surfactants en formulacions de poliuretà 

    Nadal i Soy, Josep (Fecha de defensa: 2002-12-10)

    Els polímers són una sèrie de compostos que troben un ampli ventall d'aplicacions en la indústria actual. Un exemple són les espumes de poliuretà, estructures de tipus cel·lular obtingudes mitjançant la reacció química ...

    Noves eines estratègiques per a la presa de decisions sobre externalització de serveis en l’administració local 

    López Avellaneda, Carles (Fecha de defensa: 2021-01-27)

    The main objective of this thesis is to offer local public administrations new management tools to help them in making their outsourcing decisions. The main body of the work consists three articles. The first article has ...

    Noves eines per a l'anàlisi sectorial. Aplicació al sector agrícola català 

    Rondós, Elena (Fecha de defensa: 2019-07-22)

    This doctoral thesis aims at developing and implementing a computational framework for performing virtual testing of composite structures using a High-Performance Computing (HPC) environment. In this sense, this thesis ...

    Noves tecnologies i aplicacions innovadores per l'ensenyament d'assignatures d’empresa en estudis d’enginyeria 

    Rafart Serra, Maria Assumpció (Fecha de defensa: 2020-11-20)

    The present doctoral thesis explores an e-learning proposal fruit of using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) with the objective of improving students’ learning experience. The proposal aims to facilitate the ...

    Noves tècniques de gestió per a l'empresa promotora constructora 

    Cassú i Serra, Elvira (Fecha de defensa: 2006-02-03)

    En el sector de la promoció construcció, i en especial, en el subsector de la promoció construcció d'habitatges, l'empresari ha de tenir un bon coneixement de les variables d'entorn ja que la consideració de les mateixes ...

    Nuevos determinantes moleculares en la respuesta a isquemia cerebral 

    Gubern Mérida, M. Carme (Fecha de defensa: 2015-12-18)

    Cerebral ischaemia is a potent inducer of gene expression, however, little is known about the mechanisms that regulate this expression. Studies of gene expression and the study of the mechanisms regulating this expression ...

    Numerical modeling of anisotropic granular media 

    Kanzaki Cabrera, Takeichi (Fecha de defensa: 2013-11-29)

    Granular materials are multi-particle systems involved in many industrial process and everyday life. The mechanical behavior of granular media such as sand, coffee beans, planetary rings and powders are current challenging ...

    O direito à margem do direito. O direito indígena: perspectiva emancipatória e dimensão do pluralismo jurídico 

    Ujacow Martins, Tatiana Azambuja (Fecha de defensa: 2020-06-08)

    One of the great conflicts, nowadays, is the effectuation of human rights when a country has culturally different peoples such as Brazil, where, in addition to the lack of respect and recognition by the right of these ...

    O potencial didático das imagens geocientíficas em livros de textos do ensino secundário: representação da dinâmica interna da terra 

    Souza, Edson Roberto da (Fecha de defensa: 2015-07-29)

    Dada la importancia de ilustraciones científicas en los procesos de aprendizaje de contenidos geológicos, se investigó posibles relaciones entre su potencial educativo y sus etapas de producción en los libros de texto de ...

    O2 activation at bioinspired complexes: dinuclear copper systems and mononuclear non-heme iron compounds. Mechanisms and catalytic applications in oxidative transformations 

    Company Casadevall, Anna (Fecha de defensa: 2008-12-16)

    L'activació d'oxigen que té lloc en els éssers vius constitueix una font d'inspiració pel desenvolupament d'alternatives als oxidants tradicionals, considerats altament tòxics i nocius. En aquesta treball s'utilitzen ...

    L'obrador d'Antoni Peitaví i la producció de retaules als comtats del Rosselló i la Cerdanya (c. 1560-1592) 

    Vázquez Vives, Adrià (Fecha de defensa: 2022-11-17)

    This research paper focuses on the study of the professional career of the painter Antoni Peitaví and his workshop. Furthermore, it presents a critical analysis of his artistic culture. Born in Toulouse in the mid-16th ...

    Obtaining advanced oxide thin films at low temperatures by chemical methods. Thermal analysis of thin films 

    Sánchez Rodríguez, Daniel (Fecha de defensa: 2015-10-14)

    L'objectiu d'aquest treball és analitzar mètodes químics de baix cost com a ruta per a sintetitzar òxids avançats a baixa temperatura. En particular, hem explorat l'SHS per a la síntesi d'un òxid catalitzador fent servir ...

    Occurrence and behaviour of silver nanoparticles in the environment: analytical methodologies and laboratory studies 

    Torrent Fàbrega, Laura (Fecha de defensa: 2019-10-09)

    The production of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) has grown in last years due to their special physicochemical properties in respect to their bulk counterparts, derived from their small size (1-100 nm). Among the existing ...

    Occurrence of antibiotic resistance genes in aquatic microbial communities exposed to anthropogenic activities 

    Marti Serrano, Elisabet (Fecha de defensa: 2014-03-07)

    The overuse of antibiotics has led to the selection of resistant strains. This thesis investigated the occurrence of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in aquatic microbial communities influenced by anthropogenic activities. ...

    On intentional and social agents with graded attitudes 

    Casali, Ana (Fecha de defensa: 2008-12-16)

    La principal contribución de esta Tesis es la propuesta de un modelo de agente BDI graduado (g-BDI) que permita especificar una arquitetura de agente capaz de representar y razonar con actitudes mentales graduadas. ...

    On the generation of design allowables of composite coupons accounting for defects using a multi-fidelity approach 

    Vallmajó Martín, Oriol (Fecha de defensa: 2024-04-12)

    Composite structures play a crucial role in lightweight applications due to their exceptional mechanical performance and low density. However, their anisotropic behavior and susceptibility to uncertainties, such as ...

    On the use of energy decomposition analyses to unravel the origin of the relative stabilities of isomers 

    El Hamdi Lahfid, Majid (Fecha de defensa: 2013-10-15)

    Structural isomers are molecules that have the same number and type of atoms but arranged in different manner. The isomerization energy is the energy difference between two isomers, i.e. the energy cost corresponding to ...