Ara mostrant els elements 870-889 de 1766

    Health and economic convergence in the European Union (1990-2010): an econometric approach 

    Maynou Pujolràs, Laia (Data de defensa: 2013-11-21)

    The main aim of this thesis is to evaluate the reduction of economic and health disparities in the European Union from 1990-2010. Through different dynamic panel models, we show that in simple economics terms there has ...

    Heterogeneïtat pigmentària en bacteris fotosintètics verds: fisiologia i significació ecològica 

    Borrego i Moré, Carles (Data de defensa: 1996-11-15)

    Green bacteria possess one of the most complexes antenna systems within the group of the photosynthetic microorganisms. One reason for this complexity is the high diversity of pigments antenna, the bacteriochlorophylls ...

    High dynamic range content acquisition from multiple exposures 

    Ramírez Orozco, Raissel (Data de defensa: 2016-01-29)

    The limited dynamic range of digital images can be extended by composing different exposures of the same scene to produce HDR images. This thesis is composed of an overview of the state of the art techniques and three ...

    High-valent iron complexes supported with tetradentate and pentadentate ligands based on the triazacyclononane scaffold 

    Sabeña Vila, Gerard (Data de defensa: 2017-06-23)

    In this work we have prepared octahedral non - heme iron species in high oxidation states. Iron (IV) - oxo and iron (IV) - imido complexes based on triazacyclononane scaffold had been synthesised and all of them had been ...

    Highly enantioselective epoxidation with hydrogen peroxide and biologically inspired iron and manganese catalysts 

    Cussó Forest, Olaf (Data de defensa: 2016-06-20)

    Asymmetric epoxidation is one of the most important reactions in synthetic organic chemistry, because chiral epoxides act as versatile electrophiles which can be converted in a number of interesting and useful chiral ...

    Hisendes locals i turisme: tres assaigs 

    Rigall i Torrent, Ricard (Data de defensa: 2003-12-19)

    Aquesta tesi utilitza l'anàlisi econòmica per a estudiar les hisendes locals, especialment els aspectes relacionats amb la provisió i finançament dels béns i serveis públics locals. Les hisendes locals, tant a Catalunya ...

    La "Historia de Cataluña" de Rafael de Cervera 

    Genís i Mas, Daniel (Data de defensa: 2012-11-09)

    Bernat Desclot finished writing his Chronicle at the end of the 13th century, but it was not published until 1616, in a Spanish translation written by the Barcelona historian and politician Rafael Cervera. The reasons for ...

    Historia del inicio y desarrollo del teatro moderno en Barcelona (1579-1606) 

    Moreno Jimenez, Sergio (Data de defensa: 2023-11-03)

    The present work gathers, classifies, orders and contextualizes more than two hundred documents found in various archives and libraries and unknown up until now, related to the first stage of development of the modern drama ...

    Història de la indústria làctia a les comarques gironines: la Central Lletera Municipal de Girona i La Lactaria Española de Vidreres, entre d'altres 

    García Moreno, Antoni (Data de defensa: 2017-12-20)

    This doctoral thesis is about the history of dairy industry in the regions of Girona through the analysis of different centres that there are nowadays in Girona, especially the most important centres like “La Central ...

    Història social de l'escola a la Catalunya central. Vic 1830-1900 

    Godayol i Puig, M. Teresa (Data de defensa: 2006-11-17)

    En aquesta tesi es valora l'impacte social que comporta per a la ciutat de Vic el bastiment d'un nou sistema educatiu implantat per l'estat liberal en el transcurs del segle XIX. L'estudi s'estructura a partir de: l'anàlisi ...

    Històries de malaltia : anàlisi narrativa en l'experiència de càncer 

    Espinàs i Olvera, Laura (Data de defensa: 2010-07-12)

    En la present tesi doctoral es presenta, des d'una perspectiva narrativa i socioconstruccionista, una aproximació a l'estudi de l'experiència de malaltia en càncer a partir del treball amb relats narrats. Es realitza una ...

    Hollow fiber liquid-phase microextraction in the determination of pharmaceuticals and personal care products 

    Sagristà i Puig, Ester (Data de defensa: 2012-11-23)

    Extensive amounts of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (organic emerging pollutants) are introduced into the environment mainly through wastewater treatment plants discharges either effluent wastewater reaching ...

    Homes, terres, cases i masos del Baix Empordà. Estudi de les transformacions socials als segles XVIII i XIX 

    Esteve Torras, Eulàlia (Data de defensa: 2011-01-13)

    NOTA: Aquesta tesi va acompanyada d'un fitxer amb una base de dades de Capítols matrimonials.<br/>RESUM:<br/>L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi doctoral ha estat aproximar-nos als canvis socials experimentats per la comarca ...

    How Mediterranean plant species are able to cope with increasing levels of UV-B radiation and drought in the context of climate change? 

    Bernal Montolio, Meritxell (Data de defensa: 2013-07-22)

    Climatic models predict higher fluxes of UV-B radiation and a decrease in summer precipitation in the near future for the Mediterranean region. The UV radiation can be an oxidative stress factor for plants affecting their ...

    HRM 4 Innovation: from determinants to performance. Essays from the Spanish context 

    Manresa Matas, Alba (Data de defensa: 2018-07-09)

    Human resource (HR) practices are possible contributors to a firm’s success. There is a pressing need for empirical research that addresses how HR practices contribute to a company’s ability to be creative and innovative. ...

    Hydrological alteration, critical swimming speed and life history in inland fish 

    Cano-Barbacil, Carlos (Data de defensa: 2022-11-18)

    Fresh waters are among the most biodiverse ecosystems globally but, at the same time, also the most threatened. Serious threats to freshwater ecosystems are, for example, habitat alteration, invasive alien species and ...

    Hygrothermal effects on CFRP: testing, analysis and structural optimization 

    Marín Hernández, Lorena (Data de defensa: 2015-11-13)

    In the common design and certification process, a large number of experimental tests, going from small specimens to the full structure, are performed. In these tests, the environmental conditions, especially temperature ...

    I castelli della Sicilia nell'età aragonese-catalana (1282-1400) 

    Maurici, Ferdinando (Data de defensa: 2021-09-13)

    The long fourteenth century in Sicily can begin with the revolt of the Sicilian Vespers (1282) and end with the Congress of Caspe, the arrival of the first viceroy on the island and the defeat of the last baronial rebellions ...

    Identificació de gens i processos rellevants pel fel·lema i la suberina usant noves aproximacions 

    Fernández Piñán, Sandra (Data de defensa: 2018-04-13)

    The periderm is a complex structure that protects plants’ secondary organs and wounded tissues. This function is given by the phellem, a multilayered tissue formed by cells with suberized cell walls located on the outer ...

    Identificació de les necessitats de les dones diagnosticades de càncer de mama en diferents períodes des del diagnòstic de la malaltia 

    Jurado Pérez, Rocío (Data de defensa: 2016-01-15)

    To carry out an appropriate nursing intervention in women diagnosed of breast cancer, it is necessary to know the needs of this group and to have instruments that allow a reliable and valid assessment of their needs. The ...