Analysis and modeling spatiotemporal events on complex spatial regions 

    Chaudhuri, Somnath (Fecha de defensa: 2023-06-09)

    Spatial statistics is traditionally based on stationary models like Matérn fields. However, applying stationary models to complex spatial regions having physical barriers like islands or coastal areas can result in ...

    Compositional methodology and statistical inference of family relationships using genetic markers 

    Galván Femenía, Iván (Fecha de defensa: 2020-07-10)

    The present thesis is a compendium of three research articles produced between 2015 and 2019. The three articles are different contributions based on compositional statistical methodology and statistical inference of ...

    Good-visibility computation using graphics hardware 

    Madern Leandro, Narcís (Fecha de defensa: 2010-10-08)

    Aquesta tesi tracta del disseny, implementació i discussió d'algoritmes per resoldre problemes de visibilitat i bona-visibilitat utilitzant el hardware gràfic de l'ordinador. Concretament, s'obté una discretització ...

    Models matemàtics per a la predicció dels robatoris amb força a domicili a Catalunya 

    Boqué Busquet, Pere (Fecha de defensa: 2021-11-22)

    Predictive policing is a global strategic orientation of the police that emphasizes the anticipation of crimes to prevent them. Its development comes from various fields of knowledge, in which criminology has created a ...