Aliatges magnètics nanocristal·lins de base ferro i aliatges Heusler: producció i caracterització 

    Carrillo Berlanga, Albert (Fecha de defensa: 2020-01-17)

    This work is focused on the production and characterization of: (1) Fe based nanocrystalline soft magnetic materials of NANOPERM and HITPERM families and (2) Heusler magnetic shape memory alloys. Within the first typology, ...

    Analysis of chemotherapy drugs and related compounds in aquatic environment: removal, transformation and risk evaluation in eco-friendly and advanced technologies 

    Ferrando Climent, Laura (Fecha de defensa: 2016-11-28)

    In order to evaluate the increasing environmental and human risk of anticancer drugs in the environment, more information needs to be gathered about their presence, their toxicity, bioaccumulation and persistence. In ...

    Analysis of cooperation and electron delocalization in intermolecular hydrogen bonds 

    Guillaumes Domènech, Laia (Fecha de defensa: 2015-06-15)

    This thesis presents different studies on hydrogen bonds that occur between two molecules. It is because of the biological importance of DNA that the base pairs, and other compounds with similar hydrogen bonds as these ...

    Analytical methodologies based on X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (XRF) and Inductively Couple Plasma Spectroscopy (ICP) for the assessment of metal dispersal around mining environments 

    Marguí Grabulosa, Eva (Fecha de defensa: 2006-05-19)

    La investigació que es presenta en aquesta tesi es centra en l'aplicació i millora de metodologies analítiques existents i el desenvolupament de nous procediments que poden ser utilitzats per a l'estudi dels efectes ...

    Aprovechamiento integral del Cannabis sativa como material de refuerzo/carga del polipropileno 

    Vallejos, María Evangelina (Fecha de defensa: 2006-06-09)

    En este trabajo se ha estudiado el potencial tanto los filamentos de cáñamo como de la cañamiza como refuerzo/carga del polipropileno. La modificación de estos materiales se realiza para lograr una mayor compatibilidad con ...

    Assessment and optimisation of the operation of integrated membrane system for wastewater reclamation 

    Mamo, Julian (Fecha de defensa: 2018-12-11)

    The combination of two membrane technologies coupled together in series has become a standard technology when it comes to producing reclaimed water of high quality for potable reclamation or industrial applications. This ...

    Bioinspired copper and nonheme iron models for oxygen activation: unprecedented reactivities 

    Serrano Plana, Joan (Fecha de defensa: 2016-07-26)

    The oxidation of hydrocarbons is one of the most important processes in the chemical industry, and it is often related to highly toxic reagents that generate a big amount of undesired residues. In sharp contrast, oxygenase ...

    Bioinspired iron models: from diiron complexes to supramolecular functionalized metallocavitands 

    Vidal Sánchez, Diego (Fecha de defensa: 2019-07-24)

    The oxidation of hydrocarbons under soft and selective conditions is a reaction almost exclusively produced under these conditions by enzymes. A lot of these enzymes, posses iron in their metal center, responsible for the ...

    Characterization and improvement of plant-associated Lactobacillus plantarum. Novel biocontrol agent for fire blight disease 

    Roselló Prados, Gemma (Fecha de defensa: 2016-06-13)

    Fire blight is a disease caused by Erwinia amylovora. For the limited effectiveness of copper products and the new regulations for the sustainable use of pesticides, biological control is considered a good alternative for ...

    Characterization of dissolved organic matter in wastewater using liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry 

    Verkh, Yaroslav (Fecha de defensa: 2019-01-28)

    Individual hazardous chemicals and substance mixtures with synergistic toxicity ef-fects occur in the dissolved organic matter (DOM) of wastewater and negatively im-pact human health. Yet a large number of chemicals and ...

    Combined application of experimental and predictive modelling approaches towards the microbial safety of ready-to-eat meat products 

    Serra Castelló, Cristina (Fecha de defensa: 2023-07-07)

    The food safety challenges derived from the market demands towards convenient food, such as ready-to-eat meat products with extended durability, motivate food business operators to explore and adopt new intervention ...

    Computational chemistry applied to hydrocarbon functionalization by iron catalysts, oxidation state characterization, and electrides design 

    Postils Ribó, Verònica (Fecha de defensa: 2018-05-07)

    In this thesis, the three constituent areas of chemistry (in agreement with Jensen's quotation in his "Introduction to Computational Chemistry" book), which are construction, transformation, and properties of molecules, ...

    Density functional theory to the rescue of transition-metal chemistry 

    Martins, Frederico F. (Fecha de defensa: 2023-10-09)

    Density functional theory (DFT) was postulated almost 60 years ago and equipped chemists with a powerful framework to simulate, in silico, the behavior of chemical systems. Despite its widespread utility, DFT methods have ...

    Desenvolupament de metodologia analítica per al seguiment d'herbicides fenoxiacètics i cafeïna en el medi ambient 

    Moret Solà, Sònia (Fecha de defensa: 2006-12-15)

    El control d'herbicides i altres anàlits orgànics presents en el medi ambient constitueix una pràctica habitual en els laboratoris des de l'establiment de legislacions que limiten la seva concentració. Per aquesta raó, cal ...

    Desenvolupament de mètodes de preconcentració emprant membranes líquides suportades i extracció en fase sòlida per a la determinació de l'herbicida glifosat i el seu metabòlit AMPA en aigües naturals 

    Rios Losada, Carolina (Fecha de defensa: 2004-04-16)

    El glifosat, N-(fosfonometil) glicina, és un dels herbicides més utilitzats arreu del món a causa de la seva baixa toxicitat i al seu ampli espectre d'aplicació. A conseqüència del gran ús que se'n fa, és necessari ...

    Development of a decision support system for the integrated control of membrane bioreactors 

    Monclús Sales, Hèctor (Fecha de defensa: 2011-11-08)

    The work presented in this PhD thesis includes various partial studies aimed at developing a decision support system for membrane bioreactor integrated control. The decision support systems (DSS) have as a main goal to ...

    Dihydrogen bonds: a study 

    Hugas Germà, David (Fecha de defensa: 2010-10-21)

    Un pont de dihidrogen (dihydrogen bond,DHB) és un tipus de pont d'hidrogen atípic que s'estableix entre un hidrur metàl·lic i un donador de protons com un grup OH o NH. Els ponts de dihidrogen són claus en les característiques ...

    Efecto de la aplicación de altas presiones hidrostáticas en un producto de origen animal, el jamón curado y en un producto vegetal, el nabo 

    Clariana Orduña, Maria (Fecha de defensa: 2011-12-16)

    High pressure processing is a food preservation technique which can be an alternative to heat treatment. Pressurization, in theory, produces changes in organoleptic properties and antioxidant compounds to a lesser extent. ...

    Effects of operational conditions on the performance of a partial nitritation SBR treating high nitrogen loads 

    Gabarró i Bartual, Jordi (Fecha de defensa: 2014-07-18)

    The biological treatment of industrial wastewater containing high nitrogen concentrations (>1000 mg N L-1) and low biodegradable organic matter (bCOD) such as landfill leachate is nowadays challenging. Conventional ...

    Electro bioremediation of nitrate contaminated groundwater: from laboratory to on site pilot plant 

    Ceballos-Escalera Lopez, Alba (Fecha de defensa: 2024-03-20)

    Water stands out as the most essential resource currently under serious threat. The combination of water scarcity and increasing pollution of available water poses significant challenges to governance and society. Typically, ...