Now showing items 896-915 of 1780

    I castelli della Sicilia nell'età aragonese-catalana (1282-1400) 

    Maurici, Ferdinando (Date of defense: 2021-09-13)

    The long fourteenth century in Sicily can begin with the revolt of the Sicilian Vespers (1282) and end with the Congress of Caspe, the arrival of the first viceroy on the island and the defeat of the last baronial rebellions ...

    Identificació de gens i processos rellevants pel fel·lema i la suberina usant noves aproximacions 

    Fernández Piñán, Sandra (Date of defense: 2018-04-13)

    The periderm is a complex structure that protects plants’ secondary organs and wounded tissues. This function is given by the phellem, a multilayered tissue formed by cells with suberized cell walls located on the outer ...

    Identificació de les necessitats de les dones diagnosticades de càncer de mama en diferents períodes des del diagnòstic de la malaltia 

    Jurado Pérez, Rocío (Date of defense: 2016-01-15)

    To carry out an appropriate nursing intervention in women diagnosed of breast cancer, it is necessary to know the needs of this group and to have instruments that allow a reliable and valid assessment of their needs. The ...

    Identificació de microRNAs circulants i placentaris en obesitat materna gestacional i la seva relació amb paràmetres metabòlics materns i el creixement pre i postnatal 

    Bonmatí Santané, Alexandra (Date of defense: 2017-11-28)

    Increased metabolic disease in children is a major public health problem.. Epigenetic marks, such as microRNAs, could be one of the mechanisms that regulate the association maternal obesity with the development of metabolic ...

    Identificació de paràmetres cinètics i estequiomètrics del procés de depuració de fangs actius mitjançant tècniques respiromètriques 

    Gutiérrez Garcia-Moreno, Oriol (Date of defense: 2003-10-16)

    El sistema de depuració de tipus Fangs Actius constitueix una de les tècniques més esteses arreu del món pel tractament biològic de les aigües residuals. Els softwares de modelització i simulació permeten adquirir ...

    Identificació, interpretació i valorització turística de les zones humides litorals del Baix Ter 

    Pueyo-Ros, Josep (Date of defense: 2018-07-10)

    The aim of the thesis is to analyse the relationships between mass tourism in Baix Ter and the coastal wetlands. The goal is to know if the wetlands are able to become tourism resources and, thus, to provide arguments for ...

    Identificación de genes de susceptibilidad en esclerosis múltiple. Descripción clínica y análisis genético de una extensa familia de etnia gitana (Estudio EMGypsy) 

    Robles Cedeño, René (Date of defense: 2016-07-19)

    Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease of the central nervous system which has an unknown aetiology and an autoimmune mechanism. Two pathogenic processes, inflammation and neurodegeneration, converge causing a progressive ...

    Identificación y caracterización de factores de transcripción implicados en la regulación de procesos moleculares y cerebroreparadores en el ictus 

    Camós Badia, Susanna (Date of defense: 2015-03-27)

    The aim of this thesis was to identify transcriptional regulators involved in the modulation of ischaemia, as well as brain plasticity processes responsible for compensating the ischaemic lesions, in order to establish the ...

    Identifying factors for the customer delight in tourism industry: model and measurement scale 

    Escobar Rivera, Dalilis (Date of defense: 2019-05-24)

    The objective of the present dissertation is to empirically identify customer delight in customer’s most memorable experiences in the context of tourism services. Specifically, the aim of the present dissertation is to ...

    Identitat ebrenca i comunicació local a les Terres de l'Ebre. La premsa de proximitat com a tret identitari de la societat local 

    Guzmán Casals, Jaume (Date of defense: 2020-01-29)

    This doctoral thesis focuses on the digital and paper format press in Terres de l'Ebre. It also emphasizes the concept of territorial identity in the course of the local press as a hallmark of a territory. Also, the ...

    Identitat, racisme i violència. Les relacions interètniques en un institut català 

    Serra i Salamé, Carles (Date of defense: 2001-10-16)

    Aquesta tesi està basada en l'etnografia d'un institut d'educació secundària situat en una ciutat mitjana de Catalunya, amb un nivell socioeconòmic mig-baix i una important presència d'immigrants (de diferents zones de ...

    Image blending techniques and their application in underwater mosaicing 

    Prados Gutiérrez, Ricard (Date of defense: 2013-05-02)

    The fusion of several images of the same scene into a single and larger composite is known as photo-mosaic. Unfortunately, the seams along image boundaries are often noticeable, due to photometrical and geometrical ...

    Image classification for a large number of object categories 

    Bosch Rué, Anna (Date of defense: 2007-09-25)

    L'increment de bases de dades que cada vegada contenen imatges més difícils i amb un nombre més elevat de categories, està forçant el desenvolupament de tècniques de representació d'imatges que siguin discriminatives quan ...

    Image segmentation integrating colour, texture and boundary information 

    Muñoz Pujol, Xavier, 1976- (Date of defense: 2003-02-21)

    La tesis se centra en la Visión por Computador y, más concretamente, en la segmentación de imágenes, la cual es una de las etapas básicas en el análisis de imágenes y consiste en la división de la imagen en un conjunto de ...

    Imaginación visual: nuevo paradigma en interfaces cerebro-máquina 

    Llorella Costa, Fabio Ricardo (Date of defense: 2023-06-01)

    This doctoral thesis focuses on the study of the use of visual imagery for the construction of brain-computer interfaces (BCI) non-invasive. Although the construction of brain-computer interfaces is already is a reality, ...

    La imatge turística del Pirineu català: el cas de la Vall de Camprodon 

    Noguer i Juncà, Ester (Date of defense: 2014-07-21)

    This doctoral thesis will try to identify all structural elements that form the tourist landscape of the Valley of Camprodon, primarily from the tension between tradition/modernity vectors and between the nodes/semiologic ...

    Imágenes para la experiencia. Pensar la imagen fotográfica desde la obra de Giorgio Agamben 

    Garcia Orallo, Robert (Date of defense: 2020-10-23)

    This research takes a look at the work of Giorgio Agamben to address a crisis in the transmission of experiences. On one side, the very notion of experience which will be studied and questioned to the point of denying its ...

    Immunomodulation and metabolism: possible role of lactoferrin 

    Moreno Navarrete, José María (Date of defense: 2011-06-20)

    To gain insight in the relationship between innate immune system and metabolic disease, we aimed to investigate the effects of lactoferrin in obesity-related metabolic disturbances. Circulating lactoferrin concentration ...

    Impact of chlorophenols and heavy metals on soil microbiota: their effects on activity and community composition, and resistant strains with potential for bioremediation 

    Cáliz Gelador, Joan (Date of defense: 2011-12-13)

    Pollution by toxic compounds is one of the most relevant environmental damages to ecosystems produced by human activity and, therefore, it must be considered in environmental protection and restoration of contaminated ...

    The impact of ISO 9001 on employee engagement 

    Yazdani, Shirin (Date of defense: 2021-07-07)

    In the past few decades, ISO 9001 quality management and human resources are major issues in business and management research, due to their potential impact on a range of individual and organizational outcomes. In this ...