Ara mostrant els elements 1-13 de 13

    Analysis and impact of antibiotics in marine organisms. Laboratory experiments and field studies 

    Serra Compte, Albert (Data de defensa: 2021-03-26)

    Antibiotic residues in the environment are amongst the most concerning micropollutants due to their potential impact on the natural ecosystems and human health. In this thesis, laboratory and field studies were conducted ...

    Analysis of chemotherapy drugs and related compounds in aquatic environment: removal, transformation and risk evaluation in eco-friendly and advanced technologies 

    Ferrando Climent, Laura (Data de defensa: 2016-11-28)

    In order to evaluate the increasing environmental and human risk of anticancer drugs in the environment, more information needs to be gathered about their presence, their toxicity, bioaccumulation and persistence. In ...

    Analysis, occurrence, fate and behaviour of emerging micropollutants in wastewater and the receiving environment 

    Gusmaroli, Lucia (Data de defensa: 2020-05-25)

    The presence of xenobiotics - such as pharmaceutically active compounds, endocrine disrupting compounds and pesticides - in the aquatic environment has risen great environmental concern due to their high toxicity even at ...

    Chemometric methods to process online spectrometry for quality monitoring of different water matrices 

    Plà Castellana, Mireia (Data de defensa: 2023-02-24)

    Water quality monitoring during the purification and sanitation processes in Drinking Water Treatment Plants (DWTP), Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP) and Water Reclamation Plants (ERA) is a necessary step to obtain a ...

    Controls on the dynamics of riverine dissolved organic matter: insights from a Mediterranean river network 

    Casas Ruiz, Joan Pere (Data de defensa: 2017-05-31)

    In river networks, dissolved organic matter (DOM) constitutes the major pool of organic carbon, and plays a key role as energy source and modulator of toxic substances availability. In this thesis, Joan P. Casas-Ruiz and ...

    Electrochemical control and minimization of hydrogen sulfide formation in anaerobic systems 

    Sergienko, Natalia (Data de defensa: 2021-10-13)

    Formation of hydrogen sulfide represents a major challenge in the operation of wastewater collection systems. Hydrogen sulfide is malodourous and toxic gas, which causes corrosion of pipes, wells, and constructions, hence ...

    Elimination of micropollutants in conventional and novel nitrogen removal processes. A comparative assessment of diverse microbial communities capabilities 

    Kassotaki, Elissavet (Data de defensa: 2018-09-07)

    Pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) and endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) can pose a significant risk to the environment and human health, undermining prosperity. Current wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) cannot ...

    Evaluation and comparison of advanced treatment technologies to enhance the removal of pharmaceutical active compounds from wwtp secondary effluent 

    Sbardella, Luca (Data de defensa: 2019-05-22)

    The presence of several pharmaceutical active compounds (PhACs) in water bodies has garnered increasing attention and worldwide concern. The effluents from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are one of the main sources ...

    Factors affecting the distribution, abundance and diversity of uncultured archaeal groups in freshwater sediments 

    Compte Port, Sergi (Data de defensa: 2018-07-03)

    Archaea are abundant in extreme environments but they are also a prevalent component of microbial communities in soils, marine or freshwater plankton and sediments. Many studies highlighted the prominent role of marine ...

    Influence of anthropogenic pollution on the prevalence, maintenance and spread of antibiotic resistance in aquatic microbial communities 

    Subirats Medina, Jessica (Data de defensa: 2018-07-24)

    This Thesis demonstrates that microorganisms derived from wastewater are the 2/2 main contributors to antibiotic resistance (AR) in the environment. Once there, the background chemical contamination with antibiotic ...

    Mass transport and fouling of novel forward osmosis thin-film composite membranes 

    Sauchelli Toran, Marc (Data de defensa: 2019-07-18)

    Forward osmosis (FO) is known to be particularly efficient at treating impaired water sources with a high fouling potential. In the context of water reuse FO is being introduced as a robust pre-treatment process, usually ...

    Sulfide and methane production in anaerobic sewer pipes: from microbial community characterization to effective mitigation strategies 

    Auguet Horta, Olga (Data de defensa: 2016-07-13)

    Sewer systems transport wastewater from its source to treatment plants. During this transport, wastewater microorganisms colonize pipe walls and develop biofilms. The activity of microbial communities generates sulfide ...

    Towards better management of combined sewer systems. A methodology based on low-cost monitoring 

    Montserrat Royuela, Albert (Data de defensa: 2015-07-03)

    In combined sewer systems (CSS) wastewater and stormwater flow through the same pipes. During severe rain episodes, the excess combined flow of untreated wastewater and stormwater is released out from the system through ...