Ara mostrant els elements 366-385 de 1771

    Computational studies of the conformational landscape of allosteric and enantioselective enzymes 

    María Solano, Miguel Ángel (Data de defensa: 2021-02-12)

    Enzymes are sophisticated biomacromolecules whose function is linked to its three-dimensional structure and conformational dynamics. Therefore, the understanding of enzyme conformational dynamics can be exploited to ...

    Disentangling the complexity of chemical and physical stressors impacting river systems 

    Sabater Liesa, Laia (Data de defensa: 2021-01-29)

    Humanity has always been closely linked to rivers, benefiting from their resources while producing impacts associated with their activity.Thus, river systems have been exposed to multiple stressors, which have affected the ...

    Análisis de la percepción del dolor y los factores de riesgo psicosocial para lesiones en mujeres que realizan entrenamiento deportivo regularmente 

    Oyarzo Sardiña, Juan Fernando (Data de defensa: 2020-12-16)

    The female sports, both in high performance and in regular physical activity, is impacted by physical, psychological and social characteristics. However, there are still few studies that analyze injuries, pain and training ...

    Correlating sensory attributes, textural parameters and volatile organic compounds for the assessment of distinctive quality traits of melon and peach fruit cultivars 

    Bianchi, Tiago Luís Cardoso Ferreira Pinhanços de (Data de defensa: 2021-02-09)

    Melons (Cucumis melo L.) and peaches (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) are two commercially important fruit species in the European Union. The quality improvement of melon and peach cultivars is determinant to maintain and ...

    Deep learning for atrophy quantification in brain magnetic resonance imaging 

    Bernal Moyano, Jose (Data de defensa: 2020-10-27)

    The quantification of cerebral atrophy is fundamental in neuroinformatics since it permits diagnosing brain diseases, assessing their progression, and determining the effectiveness of novel treatments to counteract them. ...

    Microbial communities responses in fluvial biofilms under metal stressed scenarios 

    Argudo Fernández, Maria (Data de defensa: 2021-02-08)

    This thesis shows how the metals of natural and anthropic origin change significantly the composition of the prokaryotic communities (mainly the composition of bacteria). The β-diversity is the most sensitive variable to ...

    Consideraciones sobre la calidad y éxito educativos en las instituciones escolares de educación obligatoria 

    Pérez Edo, Esther (Data de defensa: 2020-12-17)

    This study analyzes the scaffolding of a set of six innovative compulsory education schools through the analysis of its structure, organization and educational projects in order to capture the uniqueness of the teaching ...

    Co-creación adaptativa de material educativo para estudiantes con altas capacidades 

    Uribe-Rios, Mery Yolima (Data de defensa: 2020-12-03)

    Generally, High Ability or Gifted individuals show spontaneous and natural performance in one or more domains. Thus, a High Ability student is creative, 2/2 curious and motivated to learn new things. Despite this behaviour, ...

    Essays on preferences for redistribution 

    Tosu, Dilara (Data de defensa: 2020-03-06)

    The dissertation explores individuals' attitudes towards redistribution. Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 present two dynamic theoretical models that are used to analyze the interrelation between education decisions and preferences ...

    Development of strategies for waste valorisation in waste water treatment plants (WWTPS): Consorci Besòs Tordera case study 

    Palma Heredia, David (Data de defensa: 2021-02-08)

    The objective of this thesis is to develop and apply to a real case study a method to allow easier WWTP development planning and implementation of circular economy related processes in the wastewater treatment sector. In ...

    Arte fantástico: estrategias visuales de lo imposible 

    Parramon Rubio, Pere (Data de defensa: 2021-01-25)

    Distinguishing between “marvellous art”, “fantastic art” and what we call “daimonic art”, the first objective of this doctoral thesis consists of elaborating a functional definition of fantastic art that brings together ...

    Noves eines estratègiques per a la presa de decisions sobre externalització de serveis en l’administració local 

    López Avellaneda, Carles (Data de defensa: 2021-01-27)

    The main objective of this thesis is to offer local public administrations new management tools to help them in making their outsourcing decisions. The main body of the work consists three articles. The first article has ...

    Tornar. Els paisatges de la inquietud en la narrativa catalana de principis del segle XXI 

    Puig Parnau, Maria (Data de defensa: 2020-03-06)

    This dissertation is built on the basis that during the first decades of the twenty-first century, it has appeared a diverse corpus of Catalan prose-works characterized by a new representation of both the imaginary and the ...

    Relevance of the epigenetic regulation exercised by hepatic microRNAs in the fatty liver arena: from the bedside to the bench 

    Latorre Luque, Jèssica (Data de defensa: 2020-03-04)

    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has become the leading cause of chronic liver disease worldwide, involving a spectrum of disturbances mainly characterized by fatty acid infiltration and fat deposition in the liver ...

    At the edge of aquatic systems: intermittent streambed microbial communities’ responses to hydrological alterations 

    Gionchetta, Giulia (Data de defensa: 2019-10-25)

    Hydrological drought is a process of natural desiccation mainly due to large shortage of rainfall events. Reduced precipitations and prolonged droughts are spreading worldwide and threaten the integrity of aquatic ...

    La ciudad y el templo: religión cívica en la Barcelona moderna (XVI-XVIII) 

    Zamora Bretones, Montserrat (Data de defensa: 2020-11-20)

    At the end of Middle Ages, Barcelonese authorities had extended their authority over areas which, in principle, were exclusive competence of the Church, such as charity, morality or education. This historical phenomenon ...

    Bioinspired metal-based oxidants: selectivity in catalytic hydroxylation of aliphatic C-H bonds and insight into the reactivity of oxoiron species 

    Dantignana, Valeria (Data de defensa: 2020-12-03)

    Selective oxidation of C-H bonds is an important reaction, as it can disclose novel synthetic strategies to get functionalized products through efficient paths. Nonetheless, due to the inert character of C-H bonds, the use ...

    Implementación del SCT-Chile: la experiencia de la Universidad de Los Lagos 

    Quintana Püschel, Magaly (Data de defensa: 2020-04-16)

    This research explores the genesis of the Chilean Transfer Credit System implementation process by including the analysis of actions, agreements and projects that have allowed it to be installed in Higher Education ...

    Personalidad, bienestar y psicopatología en chimpancés y orcas. Una perspectiva evolutiva y comparada 

    Úbeda Arias, Yulán (Data de defensa: 2020-01-29)

    The rating method is based on raters’ assessment on animal behavior by using descriptive items on a questionnaire. Some psychometric and pragmatic aspects have been translated into a fact that ...

    Towards socially sustainable smart cities: observations and potentials from digitizing participatory planning 

    Bouzguenda, Islam (Data de defensa: 2021-02-01)

    This thesis contributes to the current debate on the relationship between the participation of digital citizens in urban planning and social sustainability within the framework of the smart city concept. Recent studies ...