Now showing items 1086-1105 of 1776

    Health and economic convergence in the European Union (1990-2010): an econometric approach 

    Maynou Pujolràs, Laia (Date of defense: 2013-11-21)

    The main aim of this thesis is to evaluate the reduction of economic and health disparities in the European Union from 1990-2010. Through different dynamic panel models, we show that in simple economics terms there has ...

    Control and modeling techniques in biomedical engineering: the artificial pancreas for patients with type 1 diabetes 

    Abu-Rmileh, Amjad Hisham Ahmad (Date of defense: 2013-12-09)

    This thesis presents different control strategies, for the closed-loop artificial pancreas, which are based on Model Predictive Control (MPC) and Sliding Mode Control (SMC). Multiple MPC with linear models and gain scheduling, ...

    El suburbium de Gerunda. Evolució històrica del pla de Girona en època romana 

    Palahí Grimal, Lluís (Date of defense: 2013-10-11)

    This doctoral thesis aims to go deep on the knowledge of the city of Gerunda in the Roman period using as a main source of information the data about its suburbium, especially thanks to several archaeological projects ...

    Case-based diagnosis of batch processes based on latent structures 

    Berjaga Moliné, Xavier (Date of defense: 2013-11-14)

    The aim of this thesis is to present a methodological approach for the automatic monitoring of batch processes based on a combination of statistical models and machine learning methods. The former is used to model the ...

    Valoración de materiales compuestos de HDPE reforzados con fibras de Agave sisalana. Aproximación a un paradigma de geometría fractal para las fibras 

    Bayer Resplandis, Jordi (Date of defense: 2013-10-18)

    Natural fibers have been used recently as reinforcement of polymer-matrix based composites. The present thesis examines the mechanical properties of high density polyethylene (HDPE) composite reinforced with sisal fiber, ...

    Caracterização mecânica e biológica de scaffolds produzidos por BioCell Printing 

    Domingos, Marco (Date of defense: 2013-10-04)

    This research work proposes a novel automated and integrated system for the production and in vitro culture of scaffolds, called BioCell Printing. The main goal of the present research work, besides the development of the ...

    Caracterització de determinants estructurals de propietats especials de la ribonucleasa pancreàtica humana 

    Tubert Juhé, Pere (Date of defense: 2012-07-24)

    Ribonucleases are promising candidates for use in anticancer therapy. There are different ways to endow an RNase with antitumor properties. Targeting the enzyme to the cell nucleus is a potential approach. PE5 is a variant ...

    Pollution assessment of arsenic in groundwater: geochemistry and analytical aspects 

    Majumder, Santanu (Date of defense: 2013-10-30)

    Apart from the geological controls that can cause As mobilization in groundwater in the Bengal Delta Plain, local anthropogenic factors may also contribute to some extent. Investigations showed that As(III) get enriched ...

    Arsenic and its speciation analysis in biological and environmental samples using ICP techniques 

    Bhowmick, Subhamoy (Date of defense: 2013-10-31)

    Arsenic (As) is one of the common cancers causing contaminant in groundwater of West Bengal, India along with other regions of the world. Scientists believe that As contamination in groundwater of these region are because ...

    Design and implementation of a closed-loop blood glucose control system in patients with type 1 diabetes 

    León Vargas, Fabian Mauricio (Date of defense: 2013-10-23)

    In the work presented in this dissertation, open-loop and closed-loop control strategies that were aimed at resolving major glucose control problems in the postprandial period were developed. A new model-based control ...

    El fracàs d'una utopia. Comunicació política dels feixismes a Espanya durant la Segona República, 1931-1936 

    Jiménez Cortacans, Alfons (Date of defense: 2013-09-30)

    The thesis "The fail of an utopia. Political communication of fascists groups in Spain, 1931-1936" studies communicative strategies of the following political groups: Las Juntas Castellanas de Actuación Hispánica, La ...

    Contribution to laser milling process parameters selection for process planning operations 

    Teixidor Ezpeleta, Daniel (Date of defense: 2013-10-17)

    Nontraditional manufacturing processes (NTM) appeared to answer the growing demands of market productivity. Needs of higher quality products in less time and new demands such as new exotic work materials, innovative geometric ...

    On the use of energy decomposition analyses to unravel the origin of the relative stabilities of isomers 

    El Hamdi Lahfid, Majid (Date of defense: 2013-10-15)

    Structural isomers are molecules that have the same number and type of atoms but arranged in different manner. The isomerization energy is the energy difference between two isomers, i.e. the energy cost corresponding to ...

    Nitrate groundwater pollution and aquifer vulnerability: the case of the Osona region 

    Boy Roura, Mercè (Date of defense: 2013-10-04)

    Nitrate groundwater pollution in the Osona region is a persistent and widespread problem. Nitrate concentrations are commonly above the drinking water threshold of 50 mg/L in wells and springs. ANOVA and logistic regression ...

    La eficacia de la protección del derecho a la seguridad y salud en el trabajo de los trabajadores extranjeros 

    Martínez Aso, Mercedes (Date of defense: 2013-07-22)

    This thesis conducts a legal analysis of the effectiveness of the protection of foreign workers’ right to safety and health at work. Even though this is a right attached to the legal status of any worker, regardless of ...

    Framework for detection, assessment and assistance of university students with dyslexia and/or reading difficulties 

    Mejía Corredor, Carolina (Date of defense: 2013-10-14)

    During the past years, the adoption of Learning Management System (LMS) to support an e-learning process has been continuously growing. Hence, a potential need and meaningful factor to provide a personalized support, within ...

    Multi-scale investigation of occurrence, fate, removal and biodegradation of pharmaceutical contamination in wastewater treatment and river systems 

    Collado Alsina, Neus (Date of defense: 2013-07-19)

    Human and veterinary pharmaceuticals have been recognized as ubiquitous water microcontaminants with potential subtle detrimental effects on aquatic organisms. The majority of pharmaceutical compounds, after being consumed ...

    Ecological and biological strategies taken by the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile (Mayr, 1868), in cold seasons. Effects of winter nests management in natural invaded areas 

    Diaz Buitrago, Mireia (Date of defense: 2013-02-21)

    The winter nesting behaviour of the Argentine ant seems to be intrinsic, and its success as an invasive species does not rely on a shift in social organization, nor on a shift in its mode of nesting associated with the ...

    Desarrollo de la teoría de la mente, lenguaje y funciones ejecutivas en niños de 4 a 12 años 

    Serrano Ortiz, Jèssica (Date of defense: 2012-12-10)

    Considerable attention has focused on the theory of mind (TM) in the past 25 years and it has become a very productive area of research in developmental psychology. Several studies addressed this issue and many researchers ...

    A naturalistic theory of intentional content 

    Artiga Galindo, Marc (Date of defense: 2013-09-16)

    Naturalistic theories of intentional content aim at explaining the phenomenon of representation in naturalistic terms: what kind of relation is a representational relation? What grounds the fact that certain states qualify ...