Mostrando ítems 1046-1065 de 1776

    Transition metal-catalysed [2+2+2] cycloaddition reactions. Methodology and mechanism 

    Parera Briansó, Magda (Fecha de defensa: 2014-05-20)

    The transition-metal catalysed [2+2+2] cycloaddition reaction is a highly efficient synthetic tool that allows six-membered polysubstituted carbo- and heterocyclic derivatives to be obtained in an atom economy process. ...

    Rice seeds as biofactories of the production of antimicrobial peptides 

    Montesinos Barreda, Laura (Fecha de defensa: 2014-05-16)

    A series of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) derived from the BP134 peptide (a member of the CECMEL11 library) exhibited potent bactericidal effect and low cytotoxicity, and were selected for expression in transgenic rice. ...

    El "Tractat de les penes particulars d'infern" de Joan Pasqual: estudi i edició crítica 

    Gómez Martín, Francesc Josep (Fecha de defensa: 2014-04-11)

    El Tractat de les penes particulars d’infern de Joan Pasqual, mestre en teologia i franciscà de Castelló d’Empúries, forma part d’una obra de divulgació teològica dividida en dos volums: el Llibre de beatitud, dedicat el ...

    La proyección macular, un nuevo método para determinar la agudeza visual potencial 

    Rodríguez Mier, Fernando Avelino (Fecha de defensa: 2014-03-14)

    The "Macular Projector" MAP, designed by us, is so effective, reliable and predictive as the Guyton-Minkowski PAMÒ and Retinometer Heine Lambda 100 in the assessment of potential visual acuity. The PAM has the advantage, ...

    Multi-attribute auctions: application to workflow management systems 

    Pla Planas, Albert (Fecha de defensa: 2014-04-25)

    Resource and task allocation for workflows poses an allocation problem in which several attributes may be involved (economic cost, delivery time, CO2 emissions...), therefore, it must be treated from a multi-criteria ...

    Sonar scan matching for simultaneous localization and mapping in confined underwater environments 

    Mallios, Angelos (Fecha de defensa: 2014-05-15)

    This thesis presents the development of a localization and mapping algorithm for an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). It is based on probabilistic scan matching of raw sonar scans within a pose-based simultaneous ...

    Reproducció i desenvolupament de la mallerenga blava (Cyanistes caeruleus): conseqüències de la invasió de la formiga argentina (Linepithema humile) en la xarxa tròfica del bosc mediterrani 

    Estany-Tigerström, David (Fecha de defensa: 2013-11-29)

    We investigated whether the Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) invasion modifies the trophic web of the sclerophyllous Mediterranean forests to the point that impacts co-occurring bird communities. We studied if the invaded ...

    Numerical modeling of anisotropic granular media 

    Kanzaki Cabrera, Takeichi (Fecha de defensa: 2013-11-29)

    Granular materials are multi-particle systems involved in many industrial process and everyday life. The mechanical behavior of granular media such as sand, coffee beans, planetary rings and powders are current challenging ...

    Pobresa, privació i rendes mínimes a Catalunya 

    Ballester González, Ramon (Fecha de defensa: 2014-03-14)

    The current economic crisis has increased severe poverty as well as severe deprivation levels in our society, putting under stress the existing social protection system. In the Spanish system of social protection, the very ...

    Coverage path planning for autonomous underwater vehicles 

    Galceran Yebenes, Enric (Fecha de defensa: 2014-04-25)

    This thesis proposes new methods to find collision-free paths allowing an AUV to cover an area of the ocean floor with its sensors, which is known as coverage path planning. First, we propose a coverage path planning method ...

    Development of new tools for local electron distribution analysis 

    Ramos Cordoba, Eloy (Fecha de defensa: 2014-04-11)

    This thesis focuses in the development and application of new tools for the analysis of the electron distribution in molecules, focusing on the concepts of local spins, and oxidation state. The thesis can be divided into ...

    Implementació d'eines avançades de control per a l'eliminació de nitrogen i optimització dels costos energètics a l'EDAR de la Vall del Ges 

    Pellicer Johera, Neus (Fecha de defensa: 2014-03-31)

    WWTP present two issues: 1) Get adequate depuration performance; 2) Do it with minimal costs. There are many strategies that can be applied to achieve these requirements, but they cannot be applied indiscriminately. In ...

    Development of analytical methodologies for the assessment of odorous and fragrance compounds in wastewater treatment plants 

    Godayol Boix, Anna (Fecha de defensa: 2014-03-27)

    Different analytical methodologies have been developed for the determination of odorous compounds and synthetic fragrances in water and air WWTP samples from Girona and Tarragona provinces. With regards to the odorous ...

    Automated underwater object classification using optical imagery 

    Shihavuddin, A.S.M. (Fecha de defensa: 2014-03-28)

    This thesis addresses the problem of automated underwater optical image characterization. Remote underwater optical sensing allows the collection and storage of vast amounts of data for which manual classification may take ...

    L'estructura de govern de les universitats públiques del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya 

    Lladó Martínez, Albert (Fecha de defensa: 2014-03-18)

    La tesi doctoral "L’estructura de govern de les universitats públiques del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya", proposa una configuració del govern intern de les universitats públiques que aglutina els elements requerits ...

    Turismo, pobreza y desarrollo sostenible en el Perú. Los casos de Cuzco, Cajamarca y La Libertad 

    Figueroa Pinedo, Jessica Ruth (Fecha de defensa: 2014-03-13)

    The present research aims to analyze the relationship between tourism and, the social and economic conditions of the population considered socially and culturally poor. The thesis focuses on the ability to develop tourism ...

    Beyond trust. Using fuzzy contextual filters for reliability assessment in multi agent systems 

    Acebo Peña, Esteve del (Fecha de defensa: 2011-05-27)

    Trust modeling is widely recognized as an aspect of essential importance in the construction of agents and multi agent systems (MAS). As a consequence, several trust formalisms have been proposed over the last years. All ...

    Unstructured P2P social search query routing algorithms for agentified social networks 

    Trias Mansilla, Albert (Fecha de defensa: 2013-07-19)

    The village paradigm presents some benefits compared with the library paradigm; people can adapt the answer content as a function of who is requesting the information, or furthermore, people can perform clarifications of ...

    Familiness in tourism family firms 

    Presas i Maynegre, Pilar (Fecha de defensa: 2014-01-31)

    The family firm have the ability to generate a competitive advantage which lies on the nature of its resources and capabilities arising from the interaction between family and business, known as familiness. This thesis ...

    Las garantías del crédito tributario 

    Fernández Caballero, Zuley (Fecha de defensa: 2013-11-11)

    La Hacienda Pública tiene un derecho de crédito frente al obligado tributario. Con la función recaudatoria se realiza aquel derecho, pero cuando se producen actuaciones evasivas del deudor, la Administración puede recurrir ...