Mostrando ítems 866-885 de 1771

    Violència i psiquiatria: validació de l'Escala de Valoració de Risc d'Agressivitat (EVRA) 

    Font Pujol, Jordi (Fecha de defensa: 2016-02-05)

    Prospective observational research over a period of three years. Based on a 722 patient sample hospitalized at the acute unit of the Parc Hospitalari Marti i Julià at the Institut d’Assistència Sanitària. Since admission, ...

    La gestión de la innovación en las empresas de servicios intensivas en conocimiento tecnológico (t-KIBS) de Cataluña 

    Amores Bravo, Xavier (Fecha de defensa: 2015-11-16)

    The present thesis analyses data from 45 t-KIBS (Technological Knowledge Intensive Business services) of Catalonia that are provided with a minimum dimension and activity during the last few years to ensure certain capability ...

    Variantes genéticas y su relación con la progresión y el pronóstico de la cardiopatía isquémica 

    Zabalza Cerdeiriña, Michel (Fecha de defensa: 2015-12-09)

    La enfermedad cardiovascular es un trastorno complejo, multifactorial, poligénico y con un importante componente ambiental. Este grupo de enfermedades, y en particular la cardiopatía isquémica, ocasionan una gran morbilidad ...

    Factors psicosocials implicats en la construcció de la identitat nacional: un estudi empíric en el context del Principat d'Andorra 

    Monné, Alexandra (Fecha de defensa: 2015-07-27)

    This thesis examines national identity in order to understand the psychological mechanisms underlying social and cultural nature of its construction. The study presented here aims to describe in greater detail and depth ...

    Towards the implementation of ecosystem management: a multi-level assessment of a small scale Mediterranean multi-specific fishery 

    Dimitriadis, Caterina (Fecha de defensa: 2015-10-16)

    Fisheries are complex systems, in which the process of assessment and management should explicitly consider the ecological, social and economic attributes of the system. For a responsible and sustainable management of ...

    Solid-phase synthesis of 5-arylhistidine-containing peptides: from linear antimicrobial peptides to cyclic peptides derived from arylomycins and aciculitins 

    Ng Choi, I-teng Montserrat (Fecha de defensa: 2015-12-15)

    The incorporation of unsymmetrical biaryl systems into peptide sequences is a strategy that can improve their biological activity. Due to the difficulty of arylating the 4(5}-position of the imidazole ring, this doctoral ...

    The syntax of wh-movement in multiple (true and echo) questions. A Q-particle approach 

    Chernova, Ekaterina (Fecha de defensa: 2015-03-06)

    This dissertation studies typological distinctions among wh-fronting languages with respect to syntax of multiple questions. The main goal of this study is twofold: to provide a unified syntactic account of different ...

    Turismo rural comunitario como una propuesta metodológica de Innovación Social para comunidades en conflicto. Caso Montes de María 

    Huertas Cardozo, Netty Consuelo (Fecha de defensa: 2016-01-29)

    The purpose of this research is to present a methodology for Social Innovation to communities in conflict (characterized by poverty, but with great natural and cultural wealth); for which it is proposed to Rural Community ...

    Study of the ability of carboranylcarboxylate ligands to generate polynuclear compounds. Potential applications 

    Fontanet Cepeda, Mònica (Fecha de defensa: 2013-11-22)

    In this thesis is presented the synthesis and characterization of two different carboranylcarboxylate ligands, 1-CH3-2-CO2H-1,2-closo-C2B10H10 and 1-CO2H-1,2-closo-C2B10H11, in which the methyl group bonded to the carbon ...

    High dynamic range content acquisition from multiple exposures 

    Ramírez Orozco, Raissel (Fecha de defensa: 2016-01-29)

    The limited dynamic range of digital images can be extended by composing different exposures of the same scene to produce HDR images. This thesis is composed of an overview of the state of the art techniques and three ...

    Advanced illumination and view-selection techniques for volume rendering and its application to medical imaging 

    Ruiz Altisent, Marc (Fecha de defensa: 2012-05-04)

    Volume visualization is a method of extracting information from volumetric data using interactive graphics. Volume visualization aims to assist visual interpretation of data by creating three-dimensional models that reproduce ...

    Nivells de vida, dinàmiques socials i canvi històric. L'àrea de Besalú, 1750-1850 

    Serramontmany, Albert (Fecha de defensa: 2016-02-08)

    This thesis researches the rural uplands district of Besalú from 1750 to 1850. The thesis emphasizes how Besalú area achieved a high level of population in spite of apparent limitations in agriculture through the integration ...

    Evaluación de un modelo de gestión de la docencia basado en competencias en la educación preescolar 

    Antonio Tepetla, Susana (Fecha de defensa: 2016-02-05)

    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar y evaluar la contribución del modelo de gestión de la docencia “Competence Based Teaching” (CBT) en la gestión de la docencia de la educación preescolar de México. La investigación ...

    L'assentament de la immigració andalusa a Olot durant el franquisme. Trajectòries i mobilitat social de la immigració andalusa i els seus descendents 

    Casademont Falguera, Xavier (Fecha de defensa: 2016-01-28)

    The process of settlement of Andalusian immigrants in Catalonia during the Franco’s regime was one of the most intense in the long Catalan tradition of receiving immigration. While the majority of Andalusian immigrants ...

    Identificació de les necessitats de les dones diagnosticades de càncer de mama en diferents períodes des del diagnòstic de la malaltia 

    Jurado Pérez, Rocío (Fecha de defensa: 2016-01-15)

    To carry out an appropriate nursing intervention in women diagnosed of breast cancer, it is necessary to know the needs of this group and to have instruments that allow a reliable and valid assessment of their needs. The ...

    Antitumoral properties of epidermal growth factor derivatives 

    Panosa Roqueta, Clara (Fecha de defensa: 2015-12-14)

    The members of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) / ErbB family are prime targets for cancer therapy. However, the therapeutic efficiency of the existing anti-ErbB agents is limited. Thus, identifying new molecules that ...

    Creixement recuperador postnatal secundari a restricció de pes prenatal en rates Wistar: canvis moleculars en l'expressió dels gens STK11, DLK1 i SIRT1 en els teixits adipós, hepàtic muscular i placentari 

    Carreras Badosa, Gemma (Fecha de defensa: 2015-12-22)

    Both the prenatal and postnatal environment have a profound impact on the risk for adult diseases. A model of catch-up growth following fetal growth restriction was set in Wistar rats to study changes in the gene expression ...

    Ecophysiology and philogeny of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii in healthy and diseased gut. Application in Inflamatory Bowel Disease diagnostics 

    López Siles, Mireia (Fecha de defensa: 2016-01-25)

    In this PhD thesis Faecalibacterium prausnitzii populations of patients with gut disease and healthy individuals have been characterized. First, isolates from healthy volunteers have been phenotypically characterised, ...

    Els mitjans digitals de proximitat. El cas del grup Nació Digital 

    Puntí Brun, Mònica (Fecha de defensa: 2016-01-11)

    This thesis is an investigation that the main objective is to study proximity digital media in Catalonia. The theoretical framework establishes the foundations on which stands the sector: proximity communication and digital ...

    Anàlisi de l'obra narrativa de Ferrater Mora des de la seva filosofia 

    Bardera Poch, Damià (Fecha de defensa: 2015-03-06)

    In this thesis we offer a philosophical reading of Josep Ferrater Mora’s narrative work, starting from Ferrater Mora’s philosophical thought. Thus, this is an intraferraterian doctoral thesis, which aims at proving that ...