Now showing items 621-640 of 1771

    Influence of anthropogenic pollution on the prevalence, maintenance and spread of antibiotic resistance in aquatic microbial communities 

    Subirats Medina, Jessica (Date of defense: 2018-07-24)

    This Thesis demonstrates that microorganisms derived from wastewater are the 2/2 main contributors to antibiotic resistance (AR) in the environment. Once there, the background chemical contamination with antibiotic ...

    Reduced density matrices: development and chemical applications 

    Rodríguez Mayorga, Mauricio (Date of defense: 2018-07-24)

    In this thesis, we focused on the alternative methodologies that are based on the reconstruction of density matrices. While in DFT several benchmarks can be found in the literature, for the rest of alternative methodologies ...

    Underwater navigation and mapping with an omnidirecional optical sensor 

    Bosch Alay, Josep (Date of defense: 2018-10-17)

    Omnidirectional vision has received increasing interest during the last decade from the computer vision community. However, the use of omnidirectional cameras underwater is still very limited. In this thesis we propose ...

    Desenvolupament i aplicació dels microsatèl·lits a l'estudi de la dinàmica reproductiva de la Gamba rosada (Aristeus antennatus) 

    Planella Albí, Laia (Date of defense: 2018-06-27)

    The blue and red shrimp, Aristeus antennatus, is a commercially important crustacean in the Western Mediterranean Sea and has been listed as a priority species for fishery management. In this thesis, 97 potential and novel ...

    Identificació, interpretació i valorització turística de les zones humides litorals del Baix Ter 

    Pueyo-Ros, Josep (Date of defense: 2018-07-10)

    The aim of the thesis is to analyse the relationships between mass tourism in Baix Ter and the coastal wetlands. The goal is to know if the wetlands are able to become tourism resources and, thus, to provide arguments for ...

    Materiales compuestos de una poliamida de origen renovable y fibras naturales de alto rendimiento: una sólida alternativa a los materiales compuestos de polipropileno reforzados con fibra de vidrio 

    Oliver Ortega, Helena (Date of defense: 2018-07-20)

    The main goal of this thesis is the production and characterization of composites materials from a bio-based polyamide and natural fibres which could be more sustainable alternative to glass fibre reinforced polypropylene. ...

    El análisis composicional (CoDa) como herramienta para el mapeo de la teoría de la agenda-setting. Estudio de caso de la opinión sobre política en el sistema mediático español, dentro del período de las Elecciones Generales de 2015 

    Blasco Duatis, Marc (Date of defense: 2018-07-20)

    Since researchers Maxwell McCombs and Donald Shaw published the seminal work of Chapel Hill on agenda-setting theory (AS) at the beginning of the 1970s, its academics have developed their investigations using two methodological ...

    Social exclusion and eudaimonic well-being: a children's perspective 

    Crous Parcerisas, Gemma (Date of defense: 2018-03-15)

    The main objective is to explore eudaimonic well-being (PWB) and social exclusion from children’s and adolescents’ perspective and the associations between these constructs and with other related ones such as hedonic ...

    Factors affecting the distribution, abundance and diversity of uncultured archaeal groups in freshwater sediments 

    Compte Port, Sergi (Date of defense: 2018-07-03)

    Archaea are abundant in extreme environments but they are also a prevalent component of microbial communities in soils, marine or freshwater plankton and sediments. Many studies highlighted the prominent role of marine ...

    La incorporación de los fondos de conocimiento e identidad en el medio abierto: los proyectos FICAB y EUCAB 

    Subero Tomás, David (Date of defense: 2018-05-04)

    The main challenge of this thesis, presented as a compendium of publications, is to address the phenomenon of school failure and the lack of meaning of formal learning, from the perspective of funds of knowledge and identity, ...

    El meu fill té autisme, i ara què? Anàlisi de les necessitats de les famílies amb nens amb autisme durant el procés d’avaluació diagnòstica a Catalunya. Disseny d’un programa d’acollida i suport per a famílies 

    Montero Camacho, Mario Raul (Date of defense: 2018-05-18)

    A number of studies show that the prevalence of ASD is rising in alarming numbers, currently reaching 1 in every 68 people. The most effective approach 2/2 to improve the lives of these children is to support, train and ...

    Moral identity and career construction: implications for theory, intervention and research. Example of people in recovery from substance use disorders 

    Kapanadze, Maria (Date of defense: 2018-09-07)

    There is growing interest in the efficacy of career construction as a technique in counseling programs which aim to improve employability. There remains a lack of empirical scholarship on career interventions applied ...

    La gestió municipal de la salut pública: estudi empíric de les característiques poblacionals i politico-tècniques en el cas dels municipis de la demarcació de Girona 

    Alabert López, Marc (Date of defense: 2017-07-28)

    This thesis aims to provide information and analysis on the development of activities derived from municipal public health competencies in the municipalities of the Girona demarcation. The data show that the organization ...

    Electrically tunable thermal conductivity and exhaust heat recovery applications of thermoelectric materials 

    Massaguer Colomer, Albert (Date of defense: 2018-06-08)

    The current work is focused on two areas related to thermoelectricity: (i) the study of the capability of controlling the thermal conductivity of TEMs and (ii) the development, testing and improvement of an automotive ...

    Estudio de la red trófica microbiana en lagunas someras: autotrofia versus heterotrofia 

    Àvila Izquierdo, Núria (Date of defense: 2017-05-26)

    Autotrophic and heterotrophic microorganisms are two essential functional units in the microbial food web of aquatic ecosystems. They play a key role in nutrient cycling and carbon flow and influence the structure, composition ...

    Essays on social networks and cooperation: the case of natural resources 

    Marco Renau, Jorge (Date of defense: 2018-07-16)

    This thesis revisits the problem of the tragedy of the commons. We analyze the role of social networks and social pressure as driving forces for the establishment and maintenance of cooperation in resource use under variable ...

    New challenges in Rh(I)-catalysed [2+2+2] cycloaddition reactions 

    Fernández Wang, Martí (Date of defense: 2017-07-20)

    This doctoral thesis studies the involvement of challenging unsaturated substrates in the transition-metal catalysed [2+2+2] cycloaddition reaction, as well as new catalytic systems for the reaction. First, Morita-Baylis-Hillman ...

    Les transicions a la vida activa i/o continuïtat formativa dels i de les joves amb una bàsica qualificació professional. Anàlisi del pla de transició al treball (PTT) i de la formació i aprenentatge professional (FIAP) de les comarques gironines 

    Oller Ribas, Sílvia (Date of defense: 2018-06-07)

    The transition to the work life of young people with low professional qualifications is a topic of concern to European education systems . "Second-chance" programs try to help these young people to follow different ...

    Història de la indústria làctia a les comarques gironines: la Central Lletera Municipal de Girona i La Lactaria Española de Vidreres, entre d'altres 

    García Moreno, Antoni (Date of defense: 2017-12-20)

    This doctoral thesis is about the history of dairy industry in the regions of Girona through the analysis of different centres that there are nowadays in Girona, especially the most important centres like “La Central ...

    Nou mecanismes implicats en els dèficits transcripcionals i la pèrdua del BDNF en la malaltia de Huntington: descripció de noves dianes terapèutiques 

    Vidal Sancho, Laura (Date of defense: 2018-01-10)

    Huntington disease is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by motor, cognitive and psychiatric dysfunction. Huntington disease is caused by an expanded CAG trinucleotide repeat at the exon 1 of the IT15 gen, which ...