Ara mostrant els elements 27-46 de 73

    Deformable object segmentation in ultra-sound images 

    Massich i Vall, Joan (Data de defensa: 2013-12-04)

    This thesis analyses the current strategies to segment breast lesions in Ultra-Sound (US) data and proposes a fully automatic methodology for generating accurate segmentations of breast lesions in US data with low false ...

    Efficient 3D scene modeling and mosaicing 

    Nicosevici, Tudor (Data de defensa: 2009-12-18)

    El modelat d'escenes és clau en un gran ventall d'aplicacions que van des de la generació mapes fins a la realitat augmentada. Aquesta tesis presenta una solució completa per a la creació de models 3D amb textura. En ...

    Efficient topology estimation for large scale optical mapping 

    Elibol, Armagan (Data de defensa: 2011-07-29)

    Large scale image mosaicing methods are in great demand among scientists who study different aspects of the seabed, and have been fostered by impressive advances in the capabilities of underwater robots in gathering optical ...

    Enhancing the AUV long-term deployment: non-holonomic AUV autonomous docking using acoustics in a funnel-shaped docking station 

    Esteba Masjuan, Joan (Data de defensa: 2023-10-19)

    Underwater robotics has undergone significant development in recent years. It has been applied to a wide range of sectors, such as the mapping of areas of interest, the collection of scientific data, or the Inspection ...

    Entorno de aprendizaje virtual adaptativo soportado por un modelo de usuario integral 

    Vélez Ramos, Jeimy Beatriz (Data de defensa: 2009-11-11)

    El objetivo de esta tesis es mejorar la efectividad y eficiencia de los entornos de aprendizaje virtual. Para lograr este propósito se define un Modelo de Usuario que considera las características del usuario, el contexto ...

    Forward-looking sonar mosaicing for underwater environments 

    Hurtós Vilarnau, Natàlia (Data de defensa: 2014-10-30)

    Vehicle operations in underwater environments are frequently compromised by poor visibility conditions. In this thesis, we propose an end-to-end mosaicing framework tailored to the characteristics of forward-looking sonar ...

    Framework for detection, assessment and assistance of university students with dyslexia and/or reading difficulties 

    Mejía Corredor, Carolina (Data de defensa: 2013-10-14)

    During the past years, the adoption of Learning Management System (LMS) to support an e-learning process has been continuously growing. Hence, a potential need and meaningful factor to provide a personalized support, within ...

    Framework for the design and development of motivational augmented reality learning experiences in vocational education and training 

    Bacca Acosta, Jorge Luis (Data de defensa: 2017-06-12)

    One of the advantages of Augmented Reality (AR) in education is that AR increases student motivation. However, there is a lack of research on guidelines to inform the design and development of motivational AR learning ...

    Framework para la educación patrimonial apoyada en realidad aumentada 

    Mendoza Garrido, Raynel Alfonso (Data de defensa: 2019-10-11)

    La Educación Patrimonial es el proceso que permite a las personas comprender y apropiarse de sus bienes patrimoniales tanto tangibles como intangibles. Tradicionalmente, la Educación Patrimonial se lleva a cabo en escenarios ...

    Geographical interdependent robustness measures in transportation networks 

    Rueda Pepinosa, Diego Fernando (Data de defensa: 2018-11-14)

    Most of transportation networks interacts with other to support our modern society way of life. The proper performance of interdependent networks depends on the normal operation of the networks that are interconnected. The ...

    Gestión del conocimiento en la co-creación de material educativo con y para estudiantes con altas capacidades 

    Meneses Ortegón, Juan Pablo (Data de defensa: 2023-06-20)

    The development of any process handles data. These data are generated from information that in turn generates knowledge. The ideal is that this knowledge provides the process with added value that allows it to improve, ...

    Glandular tissue pattern analysis through multimodal MRI-mammography registration 

    García Marcos, Eloy (Data de defensa: 2018-04-05)

    Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide. Several studies have shown that the combination of the different medical image modalities, such as the x-ray mammography and the magnetic resonance imaging ...

    Gradient-based reinforcement learning techniques for underwater robotics behavior learning 

    El-Fakdi Sencianes, Andrés (Data de defensa: 2011-03-03)

    Darrerament, l'interès pel desenvolupament d'aplicacions amb robots submarins autònoms (AUV) ha crescut de forma considerable. Els AUVs són atractius gràcies al seu tamany i el fet que no necessiten un operador humà per ...

    Image blending techniques and their application in underwater mosaicing 

    Prados Gutiérrez, Ricard (Data de defensa: 2013-05-02)

    The fusion of several images of the same scene into a single and larger composite is known as photo-mosaic. Unfortunately, the seams along image boundaries are often noticeable, due to photometrical and geometrical ...

    Improving resource utilization in carrier ethernet technologies 

    Caro Perez, Luis Fernando (Data de defensa: 2010-01-19)

    Ethernet está empezando a pasar de las redes de área local a una red de transporte. Sin embargo, como los requisitos de las redes de transporte son más exigentes, la tecnología necesita ser mejorada. Esquemas diseñados ...

    Label space reduction in GMPLs and All-Optical Label Swapping networks 

    Solano Donado, Fernando (Data de defensa: 2007-12-04)

    All-Optical Label Swapping (AOLS) es una tecnología clave para la implementación de nodos de conmutación completamente óptica de paquetes. Sin embargo, el costo de su desarrollo es proporcional al tamaño del espacio de ...

    Large-Scale Surface registration 

    Batlle Subirós, Elisabet (Data de defensa: 2008-12-19)

    The first part of this work presents an accurate analysis of the most relevant 3D registration techniques, including initial pose estimation, pairwise registration and multiview registration strategies. A new classification ...

    Learning design implementation in context-aware and adaptive mobile learning 

    Gómez Ardila, Sergio Eduardo (Data de defensa: 2013-06-06)

    Mobile learning (m-learning) is still in its infancy, and great efforts should be made so as to investigate the potentials of an educational paradigm shift from the traditional one-size-fits-all teaching approaches to an ...

    Manifold clustering for motion segmentation 

    Zappella, Luca (Data de defensa: 2011-06-30)

    En aquesta tesi s’estudia el problema de la segmentació del moviment. La tesi presenta una revisió dels principals algoritmes de segmentació del moviment, s’analitzen les característiques principals i es proposa una ...

    Medium access control messaging scheme for cognitive radio networks 

    Bolívar Díaz, Nicolás (Data de defensa: 2012-07-30)

    Cognitive Radio (CR) is one possible option for mitigating the inefficient wireless spectrum distribution that occurs as a result of fixed spectrum allocation. The use of Dynamic Spectrum Access capabilities will potentially ...