Ara mostrant els elements 73-92 de 128

    Fat and salt reduction and substitution in small-caliber non-acid fermented sausages 

    Mora Gallego, Héctor (Data de defensa: 2014-09-08)

    The objective of this thesis is to develop fermented sausages with lower fat and sodium content by means of innovative processing and the use of fat and NaCl substitutes. The effect of sunflower oil and pork lard-based ...

    Feasibility of incorporating treated lignin and cellulose nanofiber in fiberboards made from corn stalk and rice straw 

    Theng, Dyna (Data de defensa: 2017-07-28)

    Agricultural waste is of particularly interest due to abudant, cheap, widely available worldwide and renewable material. It represent a good option for wood sources substitution, containing similar in chemical and physical ...

    Food safety evaluation and management approaches in dry-cured meat products 

    Austrich i Comas, Anna (Data de defensa: 2024-04-03)

    This doctoral thesis focuses on the study of the behavior of foodborne pathogens during the production process and/or storage of dry-cured meat products, including chicken-based fermented sausages and pork dry-cured ham. ...

    Formulació i caracterització de materials compostos de polipropilè reforçat amb fibres lignocel·lulòsiques procedents de poda de taronger. Estudi del seu ús per a materials aplicables a la construcció 

    Reixach Corominas, Rafel (Data de defensa: 2015-10-28)

    Aquesta tesi doctoral i tot el treball experimental s’ha realitzat dintre les línies de treball del grup de recerca, Laboratori d’Enginyeria Paperera i Materials Polímers (LEPAMAP) de l’Escola Politècnica Superior de la ...

    Fugitive green-house gas emissions during biological wastewater treatment: investigating sources and mitigation strategies in laboratory and full-scale systems 

    Rodríguez-Caballero, Adrián (Data de defensa: 2015-03-20)

    The exponential increase of the atmospheric concentration of green-house gases due to human activities is responsible for the acceleration of global warming and climate change. Recently, scientific studies have pointed ...

    Grape stalk and coffee polyphenolic extracts administration as new pharmacological strategies to modulate spinal cord injury-induced neuropathic pain in mice 

    Bagó Mas, Anna (Data de defensa: 2022-03-18)

    More than half of spinal cord injury patients develop central neuropathic pain, which is largely refractory to current treatments. Developing neuropathic pain has a high impact on the quality of life becoming an emotional, ...

    Greenhouse gas emissions from wastewater treatment processes: identifying triggering factors at laboratory and full-scale systems 

    Ribera Guàrdia, Anna (Data de defensa: 2017-12-12)

    This thesis focuses on the study of the global green house gas (GHG) emissions from wastewater systems. Nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) are the main GHG directly emitted from wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). In ...

    Identificació de paràmetres cinètics i estequiomètrics del procés de depuració de fangs actius mitjançant tècniques respiromètriques 

    Gutiérrez Garcia-Moreno, Oriol (Data de defensa: 2003-10-16)

    El sistema de depuració de tipus Fangs Actius constitueix una de les tècniques més esteses arreu del món pel tractament biològic de les aigües residuals. Els softwares de modelització i simulació permeten adquirir ...

    Implementació d'eines avançades de control per a l'eliminació de nitrogen i optimització dels costos energètics a l'EDAR de la Vall del Ges 

    Pellicer Johera, Neus (Data de defensa: 2014-03-31)

    WWTP present two issues: 1) Get adequate depuration performance; 2) Do it with minimal costs. There are many strategies that can be applied to achieve these requirements, but they cannot be applied indiscriminately. In ...

    Importance of hydrogen-mediated mechanisms for microbial electrosynthesis: regulation at the molecular level 

    Perona Vico, Elisabet (Data de defensa: 2022-01-28)

    Microbial electrosynthesis (MES) is engineered to use electric power and carbon dioxide (CO2) as the only energy and carbon sources in reductive bioelectrochemical processes for biosynthesis. This technology is conducted ...

    Influence of feeding restriction and dietary phosphorus levels on body tissue composition evaluated in vivo by computed tomography, bone mineralisation and sensory properties of the meat from gilts 

    Luo, Xin (Data de defensa: 2019-12-19)

    Feeding strategy is very important for farmers to improve pig productive parameters and keep its competitive advantage in the market. The computed tomography (CT) technology can evaluate the effect of feeding strategy on ...

    Integrated assessment of wastewater treatment plants and their receiving river systems in a global change context 

    Aymerich Blazquez, Ignasi (Data de defensa: 2019-01-22)

    For a long time, there has been a need and an ambition to better understand the behavior of integrated systems by considering the whole urban water cycle, including wastewater transportation, wastewater treatment and the ...

    Integrated management of bacterial spot disease of stone fruits caused by Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni: development of a disease forecasting system 

    Morales Nicolàs, Gerard (Data de defensa: 2018-04-12)

    Bacterial spot disease of stone fruits, caused by Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni, is of high economic importance in the major stone-fruit-producing areas worldwide. Disease control is mainly based on preventive measures, ...

    Integrated management of urban wastewater systems: a model-based approach 

    Prat Busquets, Pau (Data de defensa: 2012-02-26)

    The main objective pursued in this thesis targets the development and systematization of a methodology that allows addressing management problems in the dynamic operation of Urban Wastewater Systems. The proposed methodology ...

    Integrated operation of membrane bioreactors: simulation and experimental studies 

    Dalmau Figueras, Montserrat (Data de defensa: 2014-10-17)

    Membrane bioreactors (MBR) are a combination of common bioreactors and membrane filtration units for biomass retention, presenting unique advantages like high effluent quality and a smaller footprint than the one by ...

    Integrating computational fluid dynamics and biological model to assess wastewater reactor design 

    Vilà-Rovira, Albert (Data de defensa: 2017-10-20)

    This doctoral thesis has integrated biological models (activated sludge models “ASM”) with simulation tools of computational fluid dynamics “CFD”, and has applied them to the design of two advanced technologies for wastewater ...

    Interacció Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae-perera. Factors determinants i activitat de diversos fosfonats en el desenvolupament de la malaltia 

    Moragrega i Garcia, Concepció (Data de defensa: 1997-10-24)

    Blast of pear caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae is one of the bacterial disease that limit pear production throughout the world. Symptoms are characterized by blast of buds and blossoms wich causes significant ...

    Knowledge-based modelling and simulation of operational problems of microbiological origin in wastewater treatment plants 

    Dalmau Solé, Jordi (Data de defensa: 2009-11-13)

    The activated sludge and anaerobic digestion processes have been modelled in widely accepted models. Nevertheless, these models still have limitations when describing operational problems of microbiological origin. The aim ...

    Materiales compuestos a partir de filamentos naturales y matriz plástica biobasada, y sus posibles aplicaciones tecnológicas 

    Séculi, Faust (Data de defensa: 2023-10-11)

    Nowadays the problem of climate change on planet Earth has aggravated, it has become extremely important to find solutions that considerably reduce or even eliminate its causes. Among the set of solutions that have been ...

    Materiales compuestos de una poliamida de origen renovable y fibras naturales de alto rendimiento: una sólida alternativa a los materiales compuestos de polipropileno reforzados con fibra de vidrio 

    Oliver Ortega, Helena (Data de defensa: 2018-07-20)

    The main goal of this thesis is the production and characterization of composites materials from a bio-based polyamide and natural fibres which could be more sustainable alternative to glass fibre reinforced polypropylene. ...