Now showing items 11-30 of 36

    Contribución a la comprensión y mejora de los procesos de inyección de resina para la fabricación de componentes aeronáuticos de geometría compleja en composite 

    Ariño Palacín, María (Date of defense: 2022-10-03)

    To overcome the challenges coming from environmental impacts has been a priority for the aeronautical sector in the past years, with a special focus on reducing CO2 emissions. The fibre-reinforced polymers (FRP) are ...

    A contribution to the understanding of compression after impact of composite laminates 

    Liv, Yi (Date of defense: 2017-10-26)

    The threat of impact on laminated composite structures has been a serious concern in the aerospace industry and scientific community because the compression load-carrying capacity of the structures, namely Compression 1/2 After ...

    Desenvolupament i caracterització d'aliatges de base ferro produïts per aliatge mecànic i solidificació ràpida 

    González Gasch, Àlex (Date of defense: 2006-04-07)

    L'objectiu general d'aquest treball és l'obtenció de nous materials nanoestructurats magnètics tous produïts mitjançant la tècnica de l'aliatge mecànic. Forma part d'un projecte més ampli de desenvolupament d'aquests tipus ...

    Development and study of nanocrystalline and amorphous soft-ferromagnetic alloys 

    Bonastre i Muñoz, Jordi (Date of defense: 2018-01-15)

    This thesis deals with the production, characterization and analysis of Fe and Co based nanocrystalline and amorphous soft-ferromagnetic alloys, alloys showing ferromagnetic hysteresis cycles with low energy losses, produced ...

    Dynamics and mixing in the Upper Ocean Layer 

    Figueroa Rodríguez, Jesús Manuel (Date of defense: 2005-11-24)

    S'estudia la resposta de la capa de barreja oceànica al forçament atmosfèric considerant dades obtingudes durant 12 dies d'abril del 2001 a 42 estacions a través de l'Atlàntic nord seguint aproximadament la latitud de ...

    Effects of aquatic vegetation on sediment transport 

    Ros i Sala, Àlex (Date of defense: 2016-10-26)

    In the margins of continents there are the coastal zones, regions of remarkable biological productivity. Coastal zones include, among others, wetlands, that are land areas inundated permanently o seasonally, characterized ...

    Evaluación de modelos climáticos: el comportamiento de la variable nubosidad 

    Enríquez Alonso, Aarón (Date of defense: 2016-07-01)

    Las nubes constituyen uno de los fenómenos más importantes en cuanto a la regulación de la radiación entrante y saliente de la Tierra y por ende, del clima. El principal objetivo de esta tesis es analizar cómo se reproduce ...

    Front spreading in population dynamic models. Theory and application to the Neolithic transition 

    Isern Sardó, Neus (Date of defense: 2011-12-01)

    This thesis presents population dynamics models that can be applied to predict the rate of spread of the Neolithic transition (change from hunter-gathering to farming economics) across the European continent, which took ...

    Geometric characteristics of clouds from ceilometer measurements and radiosounding methods 

    Costa Surós, Montse (Date of defense: 2014-10-02)

    Improving methods for automatic and continuous description of cloud has a huge importance in order to determine the role of clouds in climate and their contribution to climate change. The geometric characteristics of clouds, ...

    Implementation of a high-pressure resin transfer molding (HP-RTM) process to increase the production rate of structural composites and characterization of sustainable vitrimer-matrix high-performance composites 

    Builes Cárdenas, Cristian (Date of defense: 2023-03-20)

    Transport industry, especially automotive, is one of the most pollutant in the world. Current environmental concerns demand original equipment manufacturers (OEM’s) to reduce the amount of emissions released by their ...

    Intermittency of turbulence in natural waters: patchiness in the thermocline of a lake under low winds and small-scale intermittency in the bottom boundary layer of a tidal flow 

    Planella Morató, Jesús (Date of defense: 2015-07-15)

    Turbulence intermittency influences so many processes in natural waters on a wide range of scales. This work analyzes intermittency, both internal and external, by considering two cases: the thermocline of a small lake ...

    Modified hydrodynamics in fragmented canopies exposed to oscillatory flows 

    El Allaoui, Nazha (Date of defense: 2016-07-21)

    The general objective of this doctoral thesis has been to contribute to understand the modification of hydrodynamics in fragmented canopies. The effect of different parameters such as the canopy density, the plant height ...

    Morphometric seagrass thresholds for hydrodynamics and sediment capture 

    Barcelona Arbat, Aina (Date of defense: 2024-03-11)

    Seagrass meadows are globally extensive nearshore ecosystems known as coastal engineers that provide key ecological services in coastal areas such as attenuating wave and turbulence and promoting sediment deposition. ...

    Numerical modeling of anisotropic granular media 

    Kanzaki Cabrera, Takeichi (Date of defense: 2013-11-29)

    Granular materials are multi-particle systems involved in many industrial process and everyday life. The mechanical behavior of granular media such as sand, coffee beans, planetary rings and powders are current challenging ...

    Obtaining advanced oxide thin films at low temperatures by chemical methods. Thermal analysis of thin films 

    Sánchez Rodríguez, Daniel (Date of defense: 2015-10-14)

    L'objectiu d'aquest treball és analitzar mètodes químics de baix cost com a ruta per a sintetitzar òxids avançats a baixa temperatura. En particular, hem explorat l'SHS per a la síntesi d'un òxid catalitzador fent servir ...

    Population and evolutionary dynamics in spatial systems 

    Rodríguez Amor, Daniel (Date of defense: 2013-06-28)

    Physical and mathematical models are extremely useful to understand key processes in population and evolutionary dynamics. Such models allow the study of many diverse features in spatial systems such as front propagation, ...

    Population range expansions, with mathematical applications to interacting systems and ancient human genetics 

    López de Rioja, Víctor (Date of defense: 2019-03-11)

    The thesis studies from an analytical and computational perspective, and by using reaction-diffusion equations, the spatiotemporal evolution of different populations. First, the dynamics of the T7 bacteriophage infecting ...

    Processos convectius en un sistema aquàtic natural: l'estany de Banyoles 

    Sánchez Martín, Xavier (Date of defense: 2008-05-26)

    En aquesta tesi s'aborda l'estudi de la turbulència convectiva, a partir d'un treball experimental realitzat a l'estany de Banyoles. Més concretament, els objectius s'emmarquen en dues categories diferents. En la primera, ...

    Producció i anàlisi d’aliatges Heusler no estequiomètrics: Ni-Mn-Sn-(Co,Fe) 

    Deltell, Àlex (Date of defense: 2020-09-07)

    Magnetic memory alloys are a subset of shape memory materials that respond to the application of external magnetic fields. These materials are currently gaining more and more interest, given their properties, for use in ...

    Production and characterization of magnetic iron-based materials by mechanical alloying, arc melting, and spark plasma sintering 

    Zaara, Kaouther (Date of defense: 2023-11-03)

    This thesis dissertation discusses the microstructure, thermal behavior, magnetic and mechanical properties of some Fe-based alloys and a high entropy alloy (HEA) in the form of mechanically alloyed powders or bulk solids, ...