Ara mostrant els elements 1-4 de 4

    Clinical epidemiology and molecular biology of cutaneous and mucosal melanoma in Girona 1994-2018 

    Carbó Bagué, Anna (Data de defensa: 2023-03-27)

    In this doctoral thesis, the epidemiology of cutaneous and mucosal melanoma is analyzed, as well as its molecular profile to provide new knowledge on a population basis in the province of Girona. The cancer registry of ...

    Dietary patterns in the etiology of lymphoid neoplasms 

    Solans Margalef, Marta (Data de defensa: 2019-10-14)

    Diet is a key modifiable risk factor for several neoplasms, but evidence for lymphoid malignancies is still inconsistent. Previous epidemiological studies were mostly focused on single dietary components (i.e. nutrients ...

    Eficacia de los fármacos antihipertensivos en monoterapia y combinación 

    Paz Bermejo, Marco Antonio (Data de defensa: 2022-05-30)

    Background. The relative efficacy of antihypertensive drugs/combinations is not well known; Identifying the most effective ones, and the patients’ characteristics associated to best performance of the drugs will improve ...

    Survival analysis of lymphoid neoplasms and impact of comorbidity in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia in Girona: a population-based study 

    Villavicencio Obando, Alicia Silvana (Data de defensa: 2022-03-29)

    Comprehensive population-based studies assessing the survival of hematological entities are scarce and typically conducted using old classifications schemes, which hampers their interpretation and international comparisons. ...