Institut de Medi Ambient

L’Institut de Medi Ambient de la Universitat de Girona (IMA-UdG) és un institut universitari de recerca dedicat a l'estudi, gestió i millora del medi ambient a partir de l’anàlisi, gestió i planificació territorial, ambiental i paisatgística, i al disseny de solucions eco-innovadores en l’àmbit del medi ambient.

Si sou doctor o doctora de la Universitat de Girona i voleu publicar la vostra tesi a TDX, contacteu amb Per a més informació consulteu les preguntes més freqüents.

Recent Submissions

Paisaje, bien común y servicios ecosistémicos culturales. Nuevos parámetros de planificación territorial en la interfase de tierras secas (Mendoza - Argentina) 

Tonda, Maria Marta (Date of defense: 2025-01-28)

ENG- Dryland landscapes around the world face significant challenges due to their inherent fragility and the increasing pressure they face from multiple dimensions. Research suggests that developing territorial management ...

Infraestructura verde y planeamiento: método basado en las contribuciones de la naturaleza a las personas. El caso de Cuenca-Ecuador 

Albarracin, Giovany (Date of defense: 2024-12-17)

Although a globally recognized phenomenon, the growth of urban agglomerations presents particularities according to the local context. In Cuenca – Ecuador, expansive urban growth, especially during the twentieth century, ...

Impact of bio-reduced graphene oxide on the anaerobic transformation of emerging pollutants 

Casabella-Font, Oriol (Date of defense: 2024-12-11)

ENG- Human society has developed around a central pillar that enhances our well-being, increases life expectancy, and improves health. However, while medicines have been instrumental in solving many health issues, they ...

Bio-electro CO2 recycling into added value compounds: insights, routes, strategies and performance improvements 

Romans Casas, Meritxell (Date of defense: 2024-11-22)

ENG- In recent years, the decarbonization of industry has emerged as a key strategy for fostering a sustainable and eco-friendly economy. One promising approach is the conversion of CO2, a major contributor to climate ...

Towards energy neutral WWTPs: piloting mainstream partial nitritation AGS and anammox 

Carbó Monmany, Oriol (Date of defense: 2024-10-24)

ENG- Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) play a crucial role in safeguarding public health by treating wastewater before discharge into the environment. However, conventional facilities consume substantial amounts of energy ...

Development and scale-up of vacuum UV-based advanced oxidation to degrade aqueous organic micropollutants 

Kovoor George, Nimmy (Date of defense: 2024-10-21)

ENG- The degradation of organic micropollutants is crucial for the realization of sustainable (re)use of water. Advanced oxidation processes (AOP) are often chosen for this purpose. One such widely applied AOP is UV/H2O2 ...

Formation of disinfection by-products in drinking waters: a combination of advanced analytical techniques and modelization 

Valentí-Quiroga, Meritxell (Date of defense: 2024-09-25)

ENG- Potabilization aims to ensure the quality of drinking water, access to which has been considered a fundamental right since 2010. However, there are still some unknowns behind the entire process that hinder its ...

Nueva iniciativa de gestión del uso del suelo (NIGEUS) fundamentada en los enfoques ecosistémico, integrador, participativo y holístico, en el centro-norte de Nicaragua (municipios de Waslala, El Cuá y El Tuma-La Dalia) 

Muñoz Quintero, William (Date of defense: 2024-06-07)

There are approximately 608 million farms in the world, of which 84% are small farms and produce 35% of the world's food. Various training programs have been promoted by different organizations to achieve a more sustainable ...

Operation and control of high rate activated sludge process in urban wastewater treatment plants 

Canals Tuca, Joan (Date of defense: 2024-05-21)

This doctoral thesis focuses on the High Rate Activated Sludge (HRAS) process, which emerges as an alternative to the primary clarifier in activated sludge systems (CAS) to reduce energy consumption, analysing its effects ...

Electro bioremediation of nitrate contaminated groundwater: from laboratory to on site pilot plant 

Ceballos-Escalera Lopez, Alba (Date of defense: 2024-03-20)

Water stands out as the most essential resource currently under serious threat. The combination of water scarcity and increasing pollution of available water poses significant challenges to governance and society. Typically, ...

Roadmap for scaling up thermophilic CO2 bioreduction to acetate : shedding light on using surplus renewable energy and industrial off gases 

Rovira Alsina, Laura (Date of defense: 2022-12-02)

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is largely emitted in the ignition of fossil fuels for transport, electricity generation or other industrial processes. CO2 is an inorganic compound that exists naturally on Earth, but its concentration ...

La conservación del patrimonio natural geológico en campos volcánicos, una herramienta para la gestión sostenible del territorio. El caso de la zona volcánica de la Garrotxa 

Planagumà, Llorenç (Date of defense: 2022-11-25)

The study of the geodiversity of an area and the conservation of its geological heritage, unlike biodiversity, has only recently begun to be systematized. This thesis analyses the conservation of geological heritage in ...

Agua, actores sociales y servicios de los ecosistemas en la cuenca del río Muga. Una aproximación socioecológica 

Garau, Enrica (Date of defense: 2022-01-31)

This doctoral thesis aims to identify and characterize the relationships between stakeholders and water resources through the sociocultural and spatial analysis of the water ecosystem services (WES) in the social-ecological ...

Percepción del cambio climático y medidas de ahorro de agua en alojamientos turísticos de la cuenca del río Muga (Girona, España) 

Torres Bagur, Maria (Date of defense: 2020-09-25)

This thesis analyses the perception of climate change and problems with water perceived by lodging industry. 33 in-depth interviews to owners or managers of hotels, campsites and rural lodgings of the Muga river basin have ...

Steering CO2 bio-electrocycling into valuable compounds through inline monitoring of key operational parameters 

Blasco Gómez, Ramiro (Date of defense: 2020-07-22)

Microbial Electrochemical Technologies (METs) are a promising alternative for capturing and in-situ reducing CO2 through the use of renewable electricity. Microorganisms grown in autotrophic conditions use CO2 as an electron ...

Els prats de dall de la terra baixa catalana. Caracterització geobotànica, valoració agroambiental i estudi de les relacions fitosociològiques entre els prats dalladors de l'Europa occidental 

Mercadal i Corominas, Gabriel (Date of defense: 2019-11-13)

The hay meadows in the Mediterranean region of Catalonia. Geobotanical characterisation, agri-environmental assessment, and study of the phytosociological relationships between hay meadows in Western Europe We locate ...

Abatement of siloxanes in sewage biogas: coupling adsorption and biological treatments 

Santos Clotas, Eric (Date of defense: 2019-11-08)

The anaerobic digestion of organic matter causes the formation of biogas that can be used in energy conversion systems for the production of electricity and heat, injection into the gas grid or as a fuel. However, biogas ...

Assessment and optimisation of the operation of integrated membrane system for wastewater reclamation 

Mamo, Julian (Date of defense: 2018-12-11)

The combination of two membrane technologies coupled together in series has become a standard technology when it comes to producing reclaimed water of high quality for potable reclamation or industrial applications. This ...

Taking advantage of autotrophic nitrogen removal: potassium and phosphorus recovery from municipal wastewater 

Johansson, Sara (Date of defense: 2019-04-29)

Increasing awareness on the limited nature of the raw materials for the production of inorganic fertilizer is pushing for a shift from removal to recovery of nutrients from waste streams. In municipal wastewater treatment ...

Efectes del canvi global a les rouredes de Quercus petraea al NE de la Península Ibèrica 

Bou Manobens, Jordi (Date of defense: 2019-04-11)

The sessile oak Quercus petraea is widespread in Central Europe. The populations in the NE Iberian Peninsula are at the southernmost limit of the species range, in the most Mediterranean-type conditions and at the xeric ...
