Ara mostrant els elements 24-26 de 26

    Spatial Planning Instruments in Bulgaria: Toward the Europeanization of the Spatial Model 

    Simeonova Simeonova, Velislava (Data de defensa: 2017-06-16)

    This study aims to advance the knowledge of the system of spatial planning instruments and of the Europeanization process, having as an object of study a country from Eastern Europe: Bulgaria. The actuality of the topic ...

    Variabilitat espai-temporal del transport de sediment dissolt a una conca mediterrània mitjana (riu Anoia) 

    Rallo Solà, Elena (Data de defensa: 2016-12-22)

    La tesi que es presenta té com a objecte d’estudi el transport del sediment dissolt a les aigües superficials del riu Anoia. Es tracta d’una conca d’escala mitjana, amb 926 km2 de superfície, situada al nord-est de la ...

    Wildfire and forest management effects on soil properties 

    Francos Quijorna, Marcos (Data de defensa: 2019-03-27)

    Forest fires are a common phenomenon in the Mediterranean ecosystem. These wildfires, post-fire weather conditions and forest management before and after the fire can cause irreversible damage to the soil. This thesis aims ...