Sehgal, Sapna (Date of defense: 2021-12-17)
This doctoral dissertation examines the effects of a short stay abroad (SA) experience on second language (L2) oral fluency development, taking into consideration individual differences in cognition and ...
Martínez Rodríguez, Elena (Date of defense: 2020-04-20)
This dissertation provides a philological corpus of the kinship lexicon attested in the Lycian and Hieroglyphic Luwian sources with an evaluation of their semantic, morphological and epigraphic aspects. ...
Juan Castelló, Jaume (Date of defense: 1980-01-01)
En esta tesis se hace un estudio sobre la relación entre la puntuación latina y la lectura en voz alta de los textos. Después de demostrar que los romanos puntuaban se incluyen numerosos testimonios y ...
Hugué, Joan (Date of defense: 2015-06-29)
En citar L’Onomàstica del Terme Municipal de Calafell ens referim a la recerca, l’estudi i la recopilació dels noms propis que existien en aquest municipi i en el seu terme pels voltants de l’any 1950, ...
Spinoglio, Francesco (Date of defense: 2017-12-12)
En esta tesis de investigación, de carácter interlingüístico por ahondar en los contrastes entre lenguas e interdisciplinar por acercarse a la neurociencia, se realiza un estudio contrastivo desde la ...
Montagut Barbarà, Maria Mercè (Date of defense: 1979-01-01)
La lectura d'un treball sobre fórmules de tractament en portuguès antic ens va fer pensar en la possibilitat de fer un treball semblant en català. Aquesta idea ens va portar a redactar ja a l'any 1972 ...
Ruiz Tada, Marina (Date of defense: 2019-01-15)
The main purpose of this thesis is to research the interactional behavior of transnational Japanese-English bilingual women on Facebook (FB) through photo- initiated Status Updates (SUs) in terms of the ...
Wisniewska, Natalia (Date of defense: 2021-02-26)
This doctoral dissertation examines the benefits of extended exposure to multimodal input through captioned videos for second language pronunciation development. It investigates the effects of TV viewing ...
Ter Avest, Irene (Date of defense: 2017-09-29)
Cross-linguistic influence in L3 acquisition appears to be mediated by a complex interplay of factors, among which L2 status and perceived typological distance appear to be the most important ones, at ...
Hernáiz, Rodrigo, 1951- (Date of defense: 2018-05-30)
This thesis interrogates the extent to which a range of written variation in the Old Babylonian letters from the central area of Mesopotamia relate significantly to variables denoting temporal-historical ...