Now showing items 37-56 of 130

    Dielectric spectroscopy studies of low-disorder and low-dimensional materials 

    Tripathi, Pragya (Date of defense: 2016-11-17)

    In this thesis we employ dielectric spectroscopy (in different implementations) to study the dielectric properties of different materials ranging from completely disordered supercooled liquids to low-disorder solids with ...

    Dinàmica orientacional i estructura local en liquids moleculars sobrerefredats 

    Ortiz de Urbina Viade, Jordi (Date of defense: 2021-09-30)

    The aim of this thesis is to study, by means of molecular dynamics simulations, the behaviour of two molecular models at different temperatures, approaching the glass transition. One of them mimics methanol molecules, ...

    Dynamic stochastic modeling for inertial sensors 

    Wis Gil, Mariano (Date of defense: 2016-11-02)

    Es ampliamente conocido que los modelos de error para sensores inerciales tienen dos componentes: El primero es un componente determinista que normalmente es calibrado por el fabricante en el firmware de la IMU. El segundo ...

    Dynamics and control for continuous low-thrust spacecraft near collinear libration points 

    Gao, Chen (Date of defense: 2022-05-18)

    Due to the rich dynamic properties of the equilibria of the Restricted Three Body Problem (RTBP), the libration point orbits (LPOs) around them are ideal locations for scientific missions. Fortunately, these invariant ...

    Dynamics and physical processes involving extreme temperatures in the Iberian Peninsula and Iraq 

    Mohammed, Ali Jasim (Date of defense: 2018-10-03)

    The occurrence of heat waves and cold spells has received special attention in recent years due to their impact on human health, ecosystems and economy. In the context of climate change, there is evidence that extreme ...

    Dynamics of cyclones and precipitation over the Middle East 

    Al-Nassar, Ali Raheem Tuaimah (Date of defense: 2018-09-25)

    Precipitation is one of the most important, and also difficult to predict, elements of climate. This difficulty is associated with the transport of moisture through weather fronts that change their pathway, shape and ...

    Dynamics of disordered systems 

    Vispa, Alessandro (Date of defense: 2016-11-24)

    Disordered systems are ubiquitous in nature and their study is complicated and often leads to controversial results. In any case, the important role of such systems in science and technological applications should not be ...

    Dynamics of large-scale shoreline perturbations 

    Arriaga García, Jaime Alonso (Date of defense: 2018-07-30)

    Shorelines around the world are rarely smooth and they can present undulations and cuspate shapes. On the one hand, human actions can cause shoreline perturbations via beach nourishments, which in turn perturb the wave ...

    Effects of vibrations applied to fluids at different gravity levels 

    Garcia Sabaté, Anna (Date of defense: 2016-06-20)

    Due to the increasing interest in space exploration, management of two-phase flows in the absence of gravity has become a key aspect in improving the efficiency of technological applications for space missions. Understanding ...

    Electronic & ionic conduction & correlated dielectric relaxations in molecular solids 

    Zachariah, Manesh (Date of defense: 2016-11-17)

    The study of crystalline materials has played a prominent role in solid state physics, whose basic theories were formulated for crystalline matter. However, disordered materials are more abundant in nature than crystalline ...

    Enhanced air traffic flow and capacity management under trajectory based operations considering traffic complexity 

    Melgosa Farrés, Marc (Date of defense: 2023-03-22)

    (English) The Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management (ATFCM) aims at maintaining the forecast traffic demand below the estimated capacity in airports and airspace sectors. The purpose is to maintain the workload of the ...

    Estimation of binding free energies with Monte Carlo atomistic simulations and enhanced sampling 

    Gilabert Navarro, Joan Francesc (Date of defense: 2020-07-22)

    The advances in computing power have motivated the hope that computational methods can accelerate the pace of drug discovery pipelines. For this, fast, reliable and user-friendly tools are required. One of the fields that ...

    Estudio de la inhomogeneidad elástica en vidrios metalicos en la mesoescala 

    Velasco Cruz, Jorge Enrique (Date of defense: 2019-06-28)

    Metallic glasses are amorphous solids produced by rapid cooling, with disordered atomic structure and lacking long-range order. This structural disorder makes them to show mechanical properties different from those observed ...

    Estudio de las propiedades fisicas en regiones chocadas en nebulosas planetarias 

    Castrillón Camacho, Arjuna (Date of defense: 2021-05-12)

    Planetary nebulae play a very important role in the chemical evolution of galaxies since they are responsible for returning nuclear-processed material to the interstellar medium. Observations of planetary nebulae are used ...

    Evaluation of TH multi-scale coupling methods in BEPU analysis 

    Casamor Vidal, Max (Date of defense: 2022-10-11)

    The combined use of thermal-hydraulics system with sub-channel codes (TH-TH coupling) in transient analysis provides an integrated tool with the capability of modelling in detail both the core thermal-hydraulic conditions ...

    Exact coherent structures in the transitional regime of shear and centrifugal flows 

    Ayats López, Roger (Date of defense: 2022-04-22)

    Turbulence is one of the major concerns for most technological problems involving fluid motion. Specially in aeronautics, a turbulent boundary layer results in structural stresses, vibrations and higher aircraft drag, ...

    Experimental study of speckle generated by semiconductor light sources: application in double pass imaging 

    Halpaap, Donatus (Date of defense: 2019-12-09)

    With the double pass (DP) technique it is possible to quantify the optical quality of a patient's eye by measuring its point spread function. Due to the low reflectivity of the retina a high-intensity, point-like illumination ...

    Exploring free-energy landscapes and microscopic interactions of selected small-molecules and proteins with cell membranes 

    Lu, Huixia (Date of defense: 2020-09-29)

    The present Thesis is devoted to the study of the physical-chemical properties of selected small-molecules (such as amino-acids like tryptophan or hormones like melatonin) and proteins (such as KRAS-4B) absorbed in model ...

    A fast engineering approach to high efficiency power amplifier linearization for avionics applications 

    Wang, Teng (Date of defense: 2020-12-17)

    This PhD thesis provides a fast engineering approach to the design of digital predistortion (DPD) linearizers from several perspectives: i) enhancing the off-line training performance of open-loop DPD, ii) providing ...

    Flow and heat transfer of impinging synthetic jets 

    Miró Jané, Arnau (Date of defense: 2019-06-19)

    Synthetic jets are produced by the oscillatory movement of a membrane inside a cavity, causing fluid to enter and leave through a small orifice. This results in a net jet that is able to transfer kinetic energy and momentum ...