Ara mostrant els elements 29-48 de 112

    Els sòls agrícoles periurbans i el tractament al planejament 

    Paricio García, Pilar (Data de defensa: 2016-01-19)

    For thousands of years, cities have been closely linked to agriculturaL environments that catered them. lt was not until the end of 19th century, with Industrial Revolution, that urban phenomenon focused in residential and ...

    Enhancement of pedestrian comfort in the hot climate city of Jeddah 

    Masoud, Badia Ghassan (Data de defensa: 2021-11-03)

    The ancient cities of hot arid climates, founded and grew linked to pedestrian mobility, followed a preferably compact growth pattern until the beginning of the 20th century. The resulting urban form impacted urban ...

    Entendiendo los Parques Nacionales como reflejo de nuestra capacidad para vivir en un medio natural. Una mirada a través de la habitabilidad, Parque Torres del Paine 

    Villanueva Retamales, Laura Alicia (Data de defensa: 2022-11-22)

    (English) Since last decade, tourism in Chilean Patagonia has grown rapidly, largely promoted by State policies and encouraged by privately held companies, whose objective is to turn this region into a pole of attraction ...

    Estrategias de diseño bioclimático para una vivienda popular en clima cálido-húmedo de México : protección solar, ventilación y técnicas de deshumidificación 

    Guzmán Hernández, Ignacio Alejandro (Data de defensa: 2023-11-06)

    (English) Popular housing in hot and humid areas of Mexico often faces challenges in terms of energy efficiency and comfort due to extreme weather conditions. Humidity is one of the main problems affecting the habitability ...

    La estructura del mercado residencial en Barcelona : un análisis de una metodología de identificación de los submercados a partir de la movilidad residencial 

    González Tamez, Carlos Adrián (Data de defensa: 2016-01-26)

    This thesis is based on the assumption that residential mobility understood as the housing changes that individuals experience throughout their lives can provide solid elements for a more sophisticated understanding of the ...

    Estudio de la estructura urbana e identificación y análisis del impacto de la localización de la actividad económica sobre las dinámicas territoriales : El caso de Bogotá, Colombia 

    Ruiz Estupiñán, Nancy Helena (Data de defensa: 2016-01-29)

    El objetivo de la investigación es el estudio de los rasgos que caracterizan la estructura territorial de Bogotá y los 17 municipios de su área de influencia inmediata, y el análisis de los cambios ocurridos durante el ...

    Estudio de la precisión del método de los componentes para la predicción del comportamiento rotacional de una basa de pilar : propuestas de mejora para el caso de estudio 

    Alentorn Puigcerver, Jaume (Data de defensa: 2016-03-04)

    Connections between different structural elements, despite the fact that very often have been despised as structural components and have been considered as simple constructive details ,are key elements to guarantee a corree! ...

    Estudio experimental de geopolímeros de arcillas en función de la resistencia mecánica 

    Calderón Peñafiel, Juan Carlos (Data de defensa: 2019-06-20)

    Considering that architecture and construction play an active part in the current global warming problems, there is a need to develop resistant construction materials with coherent environmental characteristics. The main ...

    Estudio numérico y comparativo del comportamiento de columnas tubulares mixtas con un pretensado inicial de uno de los componentes : aproximación experimental del comportamiento de secciones CFST pretensadas, sometidas a compresión cíclica 

    Milan, Caio Cesar (Data de defensa: 2023-03-23)

    (English) The use of mixed structures of the most varied types and typologies, mainly in steel and concrete, have been increasingly used in the recent decades. The mechanical advantages of these structures in comparison ...

    Evaluación crítica de los nuevos sistemas de transporte público en la ciudad de La Paz, desde la perspectiva de la planificación, gestión y gobernanza 

    Vargas Beltrán, Dan Delvi (Data de defensa: 2022-11-09)

    (English) The characteristics of the transport system are what explain the difficulties and facilities for mobility and access to services. The transport situation in the urban area of La Paz has been worsening over time, ...

    Evaluación de las externalidades del comercio informal sobre los valores inmobiliarios : el caso de la Ladera Oeste, La Paz, Bolivia 

    Maidana Zeballos, Jessica (Data de defensa: 2016-01-22)

    In principle we can say that this thesis defines the informal trade as all commercial activity and/or service activities which settle in the streets (pavement and sidewalks) by will and arbitrary way they appropriate a ...

    Evaluación de modelos de demanda en la edificación que minimicen la generación de emisiones de CO2 en el aprovechamiento de la oferta de sistemas de alta eficiencia energética : adecuación de la demanda 

    Rendón Poujol, Georgina (Data de defensa: 2018-01-23)

    To address the environmental imbalance of which the current demand model of the building sector is an active part, the focus of this research is to suggest a response for a more efficient and sustainable use of energy ...

    Evolució de la tipologia i sistemes constructius en edificis d’habitatges de promoció pública a l’àrea metropolitana de Barcelona 1975-1992 

    Font Basté, Jaume (Data de defensa: 2017-07-18)

    In the wake of the great economic crisis of 1973, the migratory movement undergone through the previous twenty years in the metropolitan area of Barcelona comes to an end and urban growth slows down heavily. The end of ...

    Exploring the applications and limitations of location-based social network data in urban spatiotemporal analysis 

    Yang, Liya (Data de defensa: 2021-09-27)

    Nowadays, the widespread utilization of intelligent mobile and located-embedded services extends the border of social network sites (SNS) to physical-spatial space. The appearance of SNS changes our daily life meanwhile ...

    Exploring the potential usage of underused urban space: Hajj sites in Mecca as case study 

    Imam, Ayman Amin (Data de defensa: 2017-07-20)

    The term Underused Urban Spaces (UUS) refers to spaces within urban areas that have become unused, or that are being used to a lesser degree than they could or should be. The emergence of such spaces has therefore encouraged ...

    Externalidades de la economía del conocimiento en el crecimiento urbano : un análisis para las áreas metropolitanas de Barcelona y Helsinki 

    Chica Mejía, Juan Eduardo (Data de defensa: 2016-02-10)

    The centrality of knowledge-based industries (KBI) in the economy of metropolitan areas leads to the transformation of their labour markets and promotion of new forms of urban growth. This is due, among other things, to ...

    Fachadas ligeras : un proceso hacia el límite : diseño y construcción de fachadas ligeras : del concepto arquitectónico y el detalle técnico a la obra construida 

    Ferrés Padró, Xavier (Data de defensa: 2017-07-11)

    For the last decades, and especially in last years, light facades have been the greatest exponent of technology and innovation in construction. While they have played the leading role in several conventional buildings, ...

    Fachadas ventiladas : hacia un diseño eficiente en Brasil 

    Atem, Camila Gregorio (Data de defensa: 2016-11-10)

    The ventilated facade is a multi-layer element that has been used in Europe for several decades. It has high degree of industrialization and specialization of elements. This "skin" of the building has evolved considerably ...

    Fuera de juego: variables cualitativas de la luz en la arquitectura 

    Campos de Armas, Attenya (Data de defensa: 2016-01-15)

    According to architecture, lighting design involves a high sensitivity keep with the intended use of each project. One of the key issues in defining the indoor environment is the optima! planning of daylight, providing ...

    Fundamentos de la morfogénesis de tensoestructuras: Membrane House 

    Arnaiz Barrio, Beatriz (Data de defensa: 2021-07-30)

    The fundamental objective of this thesis is to delve into the process of generating the shape of tensioned membrane structures, from the conjunction of the theoretical foundations presented and practical experimentation, ...