Now showing items 53-72 of 113

    The impact of open spaces in the social life : the case of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 

    Summan, Maher Mafoz A. (Date of defense: 2019-12-04)

    This study discusses social life in public open spaces within an urban context of Jeddah city, by examining the quality and design of these spaces. Jeddah is a multicultural city, with a high proportion of immigrant ...

    Impresión 3D cerámica de densidad variable controlada 

    Aguilar Urquidez, Pavel (Date of defense: 2024-02-26)

    (English) This doctoral thesis aims to develop an Additive Manufacturing technique for the production of Ceramic Building Elements with controlled variable density. The research seeks to provide an alternative to the ...

    Influence of joints on the seismic response of traditional timber frames in Turkey 

    Aslankaya, Güzide (Date of defense: 2020-03-03)

    Timber frame structures which constitute an important cultural heritage of many countries, are well known as efficient seismic resistant structures worldwide and are worth to be preserved. Himis is one common traditional ...

    The influence of urban factors on senior tourists' choice for the location of a second home : an evaluation of assisted living desirability and residential preferences in Costa Brava 

    Ghabouli-Mankalpa, Elham (Date of defense: 2018-02-06)

    Spanish Mediterranean coasts are known as famous tourism destinations and have been under the construction of tourist accommodations and second home developments for several decades. These areas have faced with unsustainability ...

    Influencia de los subcentros metropolitanos en la estructura de los valores inmobiliarios y nuevos métodos de identificación de centralidades 

    Aguirre Núñez, Carlos (Date of defense: 2021-01-19)

    The Monocentric model of urban structure, characterized by a clear dominance of the CBD (central business district) in terms of concentration of employment and activity, flourished the main theories of the urban economy, ...

    La innovació tecnològica en l'arquitectura per a la indústria durant els anys 40, 50 i 60 del segle XX a l'àrea de Barcelona 

    Crispi Brillas, Albert (Date of defense: 2023-11-17)

    (English) The construction of architecture for industry between 1939 and 1969 in the Barcelona area was a challenge for all those who intervened, since, in a post-war environment with serious economic, technical and cultural ...

    La intervención pública en rehabilitación y regeneración urbana en Barcelona : caracterización de claves operativas y metodológicas 

    Uzqueda Martínez, Ángel L. (Date of defense: 2023-07-24)

    (English) There is a broad consensus on the need to drive urban intervention public policies with the purpose of promoting more inclusive, sustainable, balanced and diverse cities. Urban intervention is not neutral; it has ...

    La chimenea solar : parámetros de diseño de un sistema pasivo generador de movimiento de aire 

    León Vázquez, Juan Carlos (Date of defense: 2018-02-07)

    The solar chimney is a climatic conditioning passive system. This can generate air movements in a room by means of solar radiation. These air movements can amplify the comfort zone increasing human habitability conditions ...

    La città compatta in clima Mediterraneo : isola di callore, morfologia e sostenibilità = The compact city in Mediterranean climate: heat island, urban morphology and sustainabilty 

    Salvati, Agnese (Date of defense: 2016-06-22)

    The era we are living calls us to face the environmental and urban issues. As the main source of greenhouse emissions and energy consumption, cities are as well the most vulnerable places as for the effects of climate ...

    La ciudad cuidadora : calidad de vida urbana desde una perspectiva feminista 

    Gutiérrez Valdivia, Blanca (Date of defense: 2021-01-27)

    The goal of this thesis is to evaluate from a feminist perspective whether the quality of life in urban spaces is equal for women and men The research method is based on a triangulation of qualitative and quantitative ...

    La construcción de templos conventuales masculinos en el nuevo Reino de Granada 

    Carvajal Jaramillo, Henry Hernan (Date of defense: 2018-05-25)

    In the practice of restoration, knowledge on the primitive spatiality of buildings, their transformations throughout time and their materiality is crucial to responsibly approach this hard task. This is why the research ...

    La cubierta ventilada metálica en el clima cálido húmedo 

    Escobar Ruiz, Violeta (Date of defense: 2018-02-08)

    Several studies have been performed demonstrating the Ventilated Roof effectiveness (VR) in the reduction of heat transfer due to high solar radiation. The present study analyses and classifies the strategies used in this ...

    La inserción de la eficiencia energética en los edificios universitarios brasileños : las políticas y los procesos de toma de decisiones 

    Leite Frandoloso, Marcos Antonio (Date of defense: 2018-01-24)

    In recent years, concerns about energy efficiency have become significantly relevant both in terms of environmental and economical aspects. The initiatives launched by national or international regulations, some with ...

    La no equidad del impuesto inmobiliario: un análisis al valor catastral de vivienda en Mazatlán, mediante uso del método CRITIC y el método de Ratio 

    Colado Velázquez, Luis Alfonso (Date of defense: 2021-07-22)

    Methodological inconsistencies in land appraisal, legal (constitutional) lagging and the lack of a manual updated to current construction technology at the Cadastral Institute of Sinaloa State, along with inconsistencies ...

    La percepción de la calidad de los materiales de construcción : aplicación en pavimentos y revestimientos interiores en el uso residencial 

    Spairani Berrio, Silvia (Date of defense: 2016-02-02)

    The objective of this thesis is to prove, theoretically and empirically, the influence of the perceived quality of the building materials for residential use, in the determination of its estimated real estate value, for ...

    La persistencia de lo habitable : Socoroma y la construcción del paisaje del agua : el habitar y la gestión del agua para la construcción del paisaje de los pueblos alto-andinos del norte de Chile 

    Chandia Jaure, Rosa (Date of defense: 2021-02-24)

    The study of Traditional Ancestral Knowledge associated with the construction of a landscape and a way of living, constitutes an effective mechanism to move towards sustainable development. It is a body of technical ...

    Labor mobility under the background of industrial relocation 

    Dou, Xiao (Date of defense: 2018-06-18)

    Due to the high land price and consumption levels, the demand for resources and cheap labour, as well as the environmental problems in the east, enterprises and industries that had previously gathered on the coast have ...

    Las "Declaraciones Ambientales de Producto" como instrumento de mejora ambiental en el sector de la construcción en México : el sector de la vivienda como enfoque inicial 

    Arvizu Piña, Víctor Alberto (Date of defense: 2018-04-24)

    The building sector environmental impact is specially important in emerging economies such as Mexico, due to the population increase and urban growth that they are currently facing. Due to the holistic approach of Life ...

    Las One-Stop-Shops, ventanillas únicas para la rehabilitación energética residencial. Estrategia para fomentar la renovación del parque edificado en España 

    Biere Arenas, Rolando Mauricio (Date of defense: 2023-05-22)

    (English) Global warming and climate change are undeniable and must be combated with urgent measures. In this sense, the rehabilitation of the building stock is crucial to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In Europe, 35% ...

    Les voltes de rajola doblada : construcció i seguretat estructural de les esglésies barroques catalanes 

    Feu, Anna (Date of defense: 2017-06-26)

    La gran quantitat de monuments religiosos existents a Catalunya fa molt difícil mantenir en condicions aquest parc edificat, i sovint, les solucions proposades per a reparar danys o revertir el mal estat d’aquestes ...