Now showing items 32-51 of 99

    Estudi de l'expressió dels receptors hormonals tiroïdals i les deiodinases, en cèl·lules de l'aparell reproductor de dones fèrtils i estèrils sotmeses a cicles de fecundació in vitro 

    López Navarro, Eva (Date of defense: 2015-03-27)

    L’esterilitat constitueix una part important de la pràctica clínica i de la consegüent despesa sanitària. Tot i el progrés que han experimentat les tècniques de reproducció assistida, aquestes tenen en el moment actual una ...

    Estudi de l'hemodinàmica intrarenal mitjançant l'Index de Resistivitat com a marcador d'afectació renal, risc cardiovascular i rigidesa arterial 

    Calabia Martínez, Jordi (Date of defense: 2014-12-12)

    Dins de les mesures en la ona espectral intrarenal, l’índex de resistivitat (IRI) és el més conegut i estudiat com relacionat amb la valoració de la disfunció renal i el seu pronòstic. Així mateix s’ha relacionat amb ...

    Estudi de l’alliberació del calci intracel·lular en cardiomiòcits derivats de iPSC de pacients amb taquicàrdia ventricular polimòrfica catecolaminèrgica (CPVT) 

    Carreras Gorgals, David (Date of defense: 2023-05-30)

    In a small region of the island of Gran Canaria, 11 cases of sudden cardiac death (SCD) were registered in emotional or physical stress situations in young individuals between 1994 and 2007 in four seemingly unrelated ...

    Estudi dels canvis promoguts per la cirurgia bariàtrica a nivell d'expressió gènica del teixit adipós subcutani i la relació amb la sensibilitat a la insulina 

    Xifra Villarroya, Gemma (Date of defense: 2017-02-03)

    INTRODUCTION: Bariatric surgery (CB) is the only treatment option that has proved capable of solving the DM2. In addition to the impact on weight and comorbidities, the CB has shown a great impact on adipose tissue. THEORY: ...

    Estudi epidemiològic poblacional de la incidència, tendència i supervivència de les neoplàsies limfoides a la província de Girona durant un període de 20 anys (1996-2015) 

    Auñón Sanz, M. del Carmen (Date of defense: 2020-11-20)

    The incidence, time trends and survival of lymphoid neoplasm’s in the Girona province are analyzed from 1996 to 2015. The survival of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (LBDCG) before and after 2004 and estimate incidence rate ...

    Estudio anatómico y funcional del ligamento colateral ulnar lateral. Análisis de su papel en la inestabilidad postero-lateral 

    Noriego Muñoz, Diana (Date of defense: 2021-03-19)

    We performed a descriptive and functional experimental study in various phases of the lateral elbow liamentous complex (LCL), with special relevance to the function of the lateral ulnar collateral ligament (LCUL). Initially,we ...

    Estudio de la regulación génica en el locus SCN5A-SCN10A y su implicación en la etiología del Síndrome de Brugada 

    Pérez Agustín, Adrián (Date of defense: 2023-03-28)

    Brugada syndrome (SBr) is a cardiac electrical disease associated with a high susceptibility to ventricular arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death. Genetic variants in the coding regions of the SCN5A gene, which encodes for ...

    Estudio de la rigidez arterial en arteria carótida y depósito tisular de hierro mediante resonancia magnética: relación con los factores de riesgo asociados al síndrome metabólico 

    Blasco Solà, Gerard (Date of defense: 2015-05-22)

    The aim is to demonstrate the utility of magnetic resonance (MR) for identifying subclinical changes associated with the metabolic syndrome (MS) that contribute to increased cardiometabolic risk. The effect of MS on ...

    Estudio del impacto de UGT2B17 y PD-1 en el trasplante alogénico de progenitores hematopoyéticos a partir de donante emparentado HLA idéntico 

    Santos Carvajal, Nazly (Date of defense: 2022-11-25)

    Study of the impact of UGT2B17 and PD-1 on allogeneic transplantation of hematopoietic progenitors (allo-TPH) from HLA-identical related donor. everal genetic factors can favor the development of graft-versus-host disease ...

    Estudio descriptivo y análisis de factores implicados en los casos de muerte producidos durante la práctica de buceo con escafandra autónoma (scuba) 

    Casadesús Valbí, Josep Maria (Date of defense: 2020-01-24)

    SCUBA (self-contained underwater breathing apparatus) diving is an underwater activity that is practiced with a certain frequency in certain environments and which is very popular nowadays. In this thesis it is proved that ...

    Factors associated with arterial stiffness in a general Mediterranean population and in a Mediterranean intermediate cardiovascular risk population 

    Camós Llovet, Lourdes (Date of defense: 2019-02-26)

    The objectives of the thesis are to estimate the prevalence of pathological arterial stiffness (measured with the Cardio-Ankle Vascular Index –CAVI-) in a general Mediterranean population and in a Mediterranean intermediate ...

    Factors associats a la incidència de fibril·lació auricular i estudi de l'associació del tractament amb estatines amb la incidència d'aquesta arítmia en població hipertensa sense antecedents de malaltia isquèmica vascular 

    Alves Cabratosa, Lia (Date of defense: 2016-12-16)

    Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common arrhythmia in clinical practice and implies a huge social, medical, and economical burden. Analyses of AF risk factors in certain groups of population would allow tailored ...

    Factors pronòstics en la dehiscència anastomòtica de la cirurgia del càncer de còlon. Models de predicció actuals i validació externa independent 

    Pigem Rodeja, Anna (Date of defense: 2023-03-03)

    INTRODUCTION: Anastomotic leak (AL) is the most dreadful and life-threatening complication in colon cancer (CC) surgery. It is associated to an increase of morbimortality, longer hospital stay, increased healthcare costs ...

    Fatty acid synthase expression and inhibition in cancer 

    Blancafort Jorquera, Adriana (Date of defense: 2016-01-29)

    In this thesis,the association of FASN (fatty acid synthase) expression with clinicopathological and anthropometric characteristics in breast cancer patients is studied to find out FASN role as a prognostic in early stage ...

    Fatty acid synthase expression and inhibition in triple-negative breast cancer 

    Giró Perafita, Ariadna (Date of defense: 2017-01-17)

    Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) represents 20% of breast cancer and patients receive only general chemotherapy. The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is commonly expressed in TNBC and it is associated with poor ...

    Grape stalk and coffee polyphenolic extracts administration as new pharmacological strategies to modulate spinal cord injury-induced neuropathic pain in mice 

    Bagó Mas, Anna (Date of defense: 2022-03-18)

    More than half of spinal cord injury patients develop central neuropathic pain, which is largely refractory to current treatments. Developing neuropathic pain has a high impact on the quality of life becoming an emotional, ...

    Identificació de microRNAs circulants i placentaris en obesitat materna gestacional i la seva relació amb paràmetres metabòlics materns i el creixement pre i postnatal 

    Bonmatí Santané, Alexandra (Date of defense: 2017-11-28)

    Increased metabolic disease in children is a major public health problem.. Epigenetic marks, such as microRNAs, could be one of the mechanisms that regulate the association maternal obesity with the development of metabolic ...

    Identificación de genes de susceptibilidad en esclerosis múltiple. Descripción clínica y análisis genético de una extensa familia de etnia gitana (Estudio EMGypsy) 

    Robles Cedeño, René (Date of defense: 2016-07-19)

    Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease of the central nervous system which has an unknown aetiology and an autoimmune mechanism. Two pathogenic processes, inflammation and neurodegeneration, converge causing a progressive ...

    Identificación y caracterización de factores de transcripción implicados en la regulación de procesos moleculares y cerebroreparadores en el ictus 

    Camós Badia, Susanna (Date of defense: 2015-03-27)

    The aim of this thesis was to identify transcriptional regulators involved in the modulation of ischaemia, as well as brain plasticity processes responsible for compensating the ischaemic lesions, in order to establish the ...

    Immunomodulation and metabolism: possible role of lactoferrin 

    Moreno Navarrete, José María (Date of defense: 2011-06-20)

    To gain insight in the relationship between innate immune system and metabolic disease, we aimed to investigate the effects of lactoferrin in obesity-related metabolic disturbances. Circulating lactoferrin concentration ...