Caracterització farmacològica de moduladors gabaèrgics per al tractament de l’insomni primari 

    Buira Morell, Irma (Fecha de defensa: 2011-02-04)

    L’insomni és un trastorn caracteritzat per la insatisfacció en la qualitat i/o quantitat del son, que persisteix durant un considerable període de temps. És un son no reparador, amb conseqüències diürnes com la fatiga, la ...

    Caracterización de la microbiota intestinal en pacientes con ictus isquémico: un estudio metagenómico 

    Lledós i de Benito, Miquel (Fecha de defensa: 2024-03-15)

    [spa] Esta tesis investiga la asociación de la microbiota intestinal con el ictus isquémico. Se reclutaron un total de 340 pacientes con ictus, de los cuales se analizó una muestra fecal para obtener un perfil taxonómico ...

    Caracterización de las alteraciones estructurales y funcionales de la corteza cerebral de ratones mutantes de pérdida y ganancia de función de DYRK1A 

    Arranz Villacañas, Juan (Fecha de defensa: 2016-12-16)

    DYRK1A es un gen del cromosoma 21 humano que codifica para una proteína quinasa constitutivamente activa que fosforila a sustratos que son clave en el desarrollo del cerebro. La proteína DYRK1A regula el crecimiento del ...

    Caracterización de los eventos inmunológicos diferenciales en pacientes con cáncer de pulmón de célula pequeña tratados con quimioterapia con o sin ipilimumab 

    Hardy-Werbin, Max (Fecha de defensa: 2020-01-30)

    El cáncer de pulmón de célula pequeña (CPCP) es el subtipo mas agresivo del cáncer de pulmón. Mas de la mitad de los pacientes se diagnostican con enfermedad diseminada, donde el tratamiento de elección desde la década de ...

    Caracterización molecular del reflejo inflamatorio y modulación de la respuesta inmune frente a infecciones en peces 

    Torrealba Sandoval, Débora Alejandra (Fecha de defensa: 2016-06-03)

    El mantenimiento de la homeostasis del sistema inmune innato es fundamental, ya que éste debe mantener una respuesta equilibrada frente a los patógenos. En mamíferos, uno de los mecanismos por el cual se mantiene la ...

    Caracterización molecular y búsqueda de causas genéticas del cáncer colorrectal hereditario no polipósico 

    Bellido Molías, Fernando (Fecha de defensa: 2015-07-17)

    La presente tesis doctoral consta de 4 proyectos independientes centrados en el estudio de las causas genéticas del cáncer colorrectal (CCR) hereditario: A) Estudio de una variante común (rs2075786) en el gen de la ...

    Cell-extrinsic barriers of cellular plasticity: contribution of natural killer cells, T lymphocytes and vitamin B12 to in vivo reprogramming 

    Meléndez Esteban, Elena (Fecha de defensa: 2022-03-24)

    The ectopic expression of transcription factors Oct4, Sox2, Klf4 and Myc (OSKM) enables the conversion of differentiated cells into pluripotent stem cells, a process known as “reprogramming”. Methods based on in vivo ...

    Cellular senescence and adaptive immune responses 

    Marin Guillen, Ines (Fecha de defensa: 2023-04-20)

    [eng] Cellular senescence is a response to stress and damage, ant it is known to activate innate immune cells. However, the mechanisms by which senescent cells interact with the adaptive arm of the immune system and their ...

    Change agents: sea urchin regulation and state shifts in Mediterranean macrophyte systems = Agents de canvi: el control de les garotes i els canvis d'estat en els ecosistemes de macròfits de la Mediterrània 

    Boada Garcia, Jordi (Fecha de defensa: 2016-04-22)

    Macrophyte systems are globally vulnerable to overgrazing, often shifting precipitously to functionally poorer alternative stable states triggered by herbivore population outbreaks. Sea urchin herbivory can cause shifts ...

    Characterization of mRNA expression and localization in synaptic plasticity 

    Mendoza Blanco, Mónica (Fecha de defensa: 2023-11-24)

    [eng] Neurons are highly polarized cells that require protein synthesis in distal dendrites to fulfil local protein requirements on short timescales. The regulation of this process relies in two major sub processes: the ...

    Characterization of the molecular mechanisms used by JmjC-lysine demethylases to regulate gene expression 

    Vicioso Mantis, Marta (Fecha de defensa: 2022-09-27)

    The thesis objectives resulted from previous work from Dr Martínez-Balbás lab that characterized the cooperation between TGFβ and JMJD3 to regulate transcription at enhancers, promoters, and gene bodies.Taking into ...

    Chemical tools for the study of sphingolipid metabolism in diseases 

    Aseeri, Mazen (Fecha de defensa: 2023-03-13)

    [eng] The main goals of this PhD thesis are closely related within the field of CDases and their key role in the regulation of sphingolipid metabolism. Thus, the roles of ACER3 and AC in different human diseases are of ...

    Combinació de tècniques citogenètiques en la leucèmia limfàtica crònica: estudi de l'heterogeneïtat dels pacients i aplicabilitat a la pràctica clínica 

    Puiggros Metje, Anna M. (Fecha de defensa: 2015-07-10)

    Un dels factors pronòstics més importants en la leucèmia limfàtica crònica (LLC) són les categories de risc citogenètic, basades en la detecció de del(13q), trisomia 12, del(11q) i del(17p) per hibridació in situ fluorescent ...

    Comparative genomics of recent adaptation in Candida pathogens 

    Schikora Tamarit, Miquel Àngel (Fecha de defensa: 2023-11-03)

    [eng] Fungal infections pose a serious health threat, affecting >1,000 million people and causing ~1.5 million deaths each year. The problem is growing due to insufficient diagnostic and therapeutic options, increased ...

    Composition, remodeling and dynamics of the CPEB RNP 

    Cañete Ríos, Manuel (Fecha de defensa: 2020-11-27)

    Xenopus laevis oocytes are transcriptionally silent cells that require hormone stimulation for maturing into fecundation-competent eggs. Meiosis resumption underlying oocyte maturation is governed by sequential waves of ...

    Compound F: A novel nuclear receptor modulator and its potential application on hematologic malignancies 

    Ruiz Cánovas, Eugenia (Fecha de defensa: 2018-12-10)

    Compound F has been reported to possess important antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti- diabetic and anti-cancer effects, among other interesting properties. Although Compound F has been extensively investigated, its ...

    Comprehensive analysis of diagnostic approaches and molecular landscape in Rett syndrome spectrum disorders 

    Xiol Viñas, Clara (Fecha de defensa: 2023-12-22)

    [eng] Rett syndrome (RTT) is a severe neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by a regression in acquired skills, such as purposeful hand use and language, after an apparently normal early development. RTT affects ...

    Comprehensive identification and characterisation of germline structural variation within the Iberian population 

    Valls Margarit, Jordi (Fecha de defensa: 2021-06-08)

    One of the central aims of biology and biomedicine has been the characterisation and understanding of genetic variation across humans, to answer important evolutionary questions and to explain phenotypic variability ...

    Comprehensive study of 3D chromatin structure 

    Lema Amado, Rafael (Fecha de defensa: 2020-11-19)

    The connection between DNA folding and chromatin conformation has been much studied but the relation between the modulation of chromatin conformation and biological processes such as DNA damage, cell differentiation and ...

    Connecting biodiversity and biogeochemical role by microbial metagenomics 

    Llorens Marès, Tomàs (Fecha de defensa: 2015-07-28)

    The main objective of this PhD dissertation was to unveil the links between biogeochemistry and microbial diversity using metagenomics functional potential as a proxy to connect a mechanistic perspective with whole-system ...