Diseño de un plan estratégico docente para la formación de universitarios hacia la creación y dirección de empresas familiares en Barcelona, España


García Rodríguez, Linda


Martínez Costa, Carme


Subirachs Torné, Miquel

Date of defense



295 p.


Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Organització d'Empreses


The family businesses are one of the main motors of the economy, There for the relevance of its study. The contributions of national specialists are diverse on the subject of family businesses, but the studies and developed tools are insufficient with the purpose of professionalize this type of companies. Therefore, the main objective of this investigation is to design an educational strategy plan with interdisciplinary characteristics for the formation of students towards the creation and direction of family businesses, given answer to the needs and demands of the society. The methodology used is of quantitative nature, with a reach according to the level of knowledge obtained with this investigation: exploratory-descriptive. Also it required of a no experimental design of the descriptive transactional type, all this to accomplish the investigation of the incidence and to provide a vision of the community in study. The unit of analysis used was the educational staff of the area of Organization of companies, as well as family businesses, the sample was integrated by educator and managers, who was determined by a probabilistic sample. For the data collection instruments of quantitative type through structured questionnaires, designed with questions based on the scale of Likert, determining their degree of reliability by means of the Alpha of Cronbach. The statistical analysis was divided in two stages: 1) descriptive of the set of extracted variables and 2) inferencial with the test of hypothesis and the estimation of parameter with the coefficient of Pearson and the multiple regression, being most practical to guarantee the obtained results of the population sample and using statistical software SPSS. With base in the educational strategic plan proposed, firstly it is tried that the professors acquire the same competitions that are required by the students to manage and to operate family businesses. Also, it is important to highlight that in the plan the enterprising activity within the family businesses is emphasized, based on the innovation curve with the purpose of being supported in the constant adaptation of the changes and detection of the business opportunities, as well as to see the risk like an opportunity to make new businesses, all this with the intention of counting on with a plan that allows a flexible strategic activity. As a result of all this interdisciplinary characteristics were generated to develop specialized professionals, with specific knowledge in certain fields, abilities and skills. Therefore, the contribution of the present investigation is to assure on this way the efficient development and a change in the education for the administration family businesses, in such a way that responds to the requirements of a more dynamic labor market and therefore allowing them to take actions in which they develop strategies to obtain and to continue in the market of his competition. A tool is given with this investigation that contributes to reduce the index of failure of the family businesses. It is recommended the application of the plan and the identification of internal and external factors by the professors, and finally to apply these plans in different types from universities.


331 - Labour. Employment. Work. Organization of labour.

Knowledge Area

Àrees temàtiques de la UPC::Economia i organització d'empreses






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