Now showing items 57-76 of 86

    P-Stereogenic Intermediates and MaxPHOX ligands. Iridium Catalyzed Asymmetric Hydrogenations 

    Salomó i Prat, Ernest (Date of defense: 2018-10-19)

    Asymmetric hydrogenation of double bonds by means of organometallic catalysis is a powerful tool for organic synthesis; it is an efficient and simple method to produce valued chiral compounds. Among the many different ...

    P-Stereogenic ligands with the tert-butylmethylphosphine fragment. Coordination chemistry and catalysis of their organometallic complexes 

    Gallen Ortiz, Albert (Date of defense: 2019-02-01)

    The Thesis deals with the preparation, coordination chemistry and use in asymmetric homogeneous catalysis of several optically pure P-stereogenic ligands containing a tert-butylmethylphosphino fragment. In the first part ...

    P-Stereogenic ligands: synthesis and application to asymmetric hydrogenation 

    Rojo Solé, Josep Maria (Date of defense: 2022-11-02)

    [eng] P-Stereogenic ligands have demonstrated to be highly efficient for asymmetric catalysis, especially in metal-catalyzed asymmetric hydrogenation reactions. Among them, those bearing bulky substituents at phosphorus ...

    Palladium Catalyzed C–H activation of arylethyl amines and their derivatives: application to the construction of heterocyclic compounds 

    Mancinelli, Andrea (Date of defense: 2017-04-21)

    The development of selective methods for the direct conversion of carbon−hydrogen bonds into carbon-heteroatom and carbon−carbon bonds remains a critical challenge in organic chemistry. An interesting approach to address ...

    Polynuclear manganese compounds with carboxylate bridging ligands models of redox enzymes: insertion inside mesoporous supports: study of their magnetic and catalytic properties 

    Escriche Tur, Luis (Date of defense: 2016-11-21)

    The main objective of this work is the synthesis of manganese compounds and hybrid materials that may be relevant from a bioinorganic and magnetic point of view. The developed strategy comprises three main steps that form ...

    Preparation of CBs immobilized on different types of magnetic nanoparticles for application in selective complexation and catalysis 

    Llorens Palomo, Lluís (Date of defense: 2019-10-28)

    Cucurbiturils are known to present potential applications in molecular recognition, self- assembly, and nanotechnology. The discovery of ultra-high affinity CB–guest complexes with binding constant values similar than those ...

    Pushing peptides further: Novel methodologies for the synthesis of backbone-modified peptides 

    Lobo Ruiz, Ariadna (Date of defense: 2019-05-10)

    Peptides and proteins are essential substances for living organisms, as they can be found in every cell and tissue and are involved in many biological and physiological processes. Given their intrinsic properties and their ...

    Reacciones directas de la N-azidoacetil-1,3-tiazolidin-2-tiona catalizadas por complejos quirales de níquel(II) para la construcción enantioselectiva de enlaces carbono-carbono. Síntesis de la lacosamida y derivados de la β-hidroxifenilalanina 

    Flores Teloxa, Saúl (Date of defense: 2020-12-01)

    En esta Tesis Doctoral se han explorado y optimizado nuevas metodologías enantioselectivas y directas de formación de enlaces carbono-carbono catalizadas por complejos quirales de níquel(ll). Esencialmente, se han estudiado ...

    Reacciones directas y estereoselectivas de N-aciltioimidas quirales catalizadas por complejos de níquel(II). Síntesis de derivados de la anti ß-hidroxitirosina 

    Fernández-Valparís Morán, Javier (Date of defense: 2019-07-15)

    En la presente tesis doctoral se ha desarrollado y expandido la metodología estereoselectiva, catalítica y de tipo directa en la cual enolatos de níquel(II) de N-acil tiazolidintionas quirales reaccionan con un amplio grupo ...

    Self-assembled molecules as efficient selective contacts in translucent quantum-dot light emitting diodes 

    Kumari, Sarika (Date of defense: 2023-12-20)

    [eng] Since the last two decades, nanotechnology has been revolutionary for representing small solutions to the big problems. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology spread from the area of Electronics, Energy and Environment to ...

    Semiconductores orgánicos derivados del carbazol y su aplicación en dispositivos electrónicos 

    Cuadrado Santolaria, Alba (Date of defense: 2019-10-18)

    En los últimos años se han llevado a cabo intensas investigaciones dentro del campo de los materiales orgánicos semiconductores, principalmente enfocados a su aplicación en dispositivos electrónicos y optoelectrónicos como ...

    Simple and double conjugates of peptides and oligonucleotides 

    Agramunt Pi, Jordi (Date of defense: 2019-11-08)

    2,2-Disubstituted cyclopent-4-ene-1,3-diones (CPDs), which have been as non-hydrolysable maleimide analogs, have been found to possess an unexpected reactivity with N-terminal cysteines. Whilst maleimides react in an ...

    Síntesi assistida per microones de molècules imant i nanoestructuració en sistemes híbrids amb nanopartícules d’òxid de ferro 

    Rosado Piquer, Lidia (Date of defense: 2019-10-04)

    L’obtenció de dispositius per aplicacions tecnològiques a la nanoescala implica l’ús de molècules que permeten la miniaturització d’aquests, aconseguint així més eficiència en menys espai. Les molècules que s’utilitzen ...

    Síntesi d’anàlegs de la biotina i lligands divalents. Estudi de la interacció amb avidina i estreptavidina 

    González García, Jordi (Date of defense: 2016-09-29)

    En el present treball s’han sintetitzat dos lligands divalents i tres lligands monovalents per a les proteïnes avidina i estreptavidina, i s’han determinat les corresponents constants d’associació. Els lligands divalents ...

    Síntesi d’un pèptid terapèutic: Un estudi metodològic vers la producció a escala de planta pilot 

    Teruel Sánchez, Carolina (Date of defense: 2023-12-12)

    [cat] Tradicionalment, els fàrmacs de baix pes molecular (PM < 500 Da), coneguts com “molècules petites”, han predominat en el tractament de les malalties humanes, encara que en les últimes dècades els productes biològics ...

    Síntesis industrializable de fármacos: de la búsqueda de procesos al estudio básico de reacciones 

    Torralvo Martin, Héctor (Date of defense: 2020-09-29)

    [spa] En la industria farmacéutica es común buscar procesos alternativos de producción de fármacos comerciales o a punto de entrar en el mercado. En este trabajo, y en colaboración con Esteve Química S.A., se han buscado ...

    Síntesis y propiedades catalíticas de nanopartículas de paladio depositadas sobre nanopartículas de magnetita 

    Guarnizo Franco, Anderson (Date of defense: 2016-07-21)

    Se han sintetizado nanopartículas (NPs) de paladio depositadas en la superficie de nanopartículas de magnetita (MNPs) previamente modificadas con el nuevo ligando 4- mercaptofenildifenilfosfina (Sdp). Estos híbridos mostraron ...

    Somatostatin analogues as drug delivery systems for receptor-targeted cancer therapy 

    Escolà Jané, Anna (Date of defense: 2018-11-09)

    Somatostatin (SST or SRIF14) is a peptidic hormone secreted throughout the central nervous system and in the gastrointestinal tract which has anti-secretory, anti-proliferative and anti-angiogenic effects. Although its ...

    Spin crossover supramolecular coordination compounds: design, synthesis and properties 

    Darawsheh, Mohanad D. (Date of defense: 2016-11-04)

    The results obtained in this thesis demonstrate the importance of supramolecular chemistry for the design of potential new SCO clusters. Starting from synthesizing the suitable ligands with suitable functional groups, novel ...

    Studies on the formation of i-motif structures at neutral pH. Use of cytidine analogues and importance of minor groove tetrads on mini i-motifs stabilization 

    Mir Morro, Bartomeu (Date of defense: 2019-11-22)

    Given the increasing interest in i-motif structures, obtaining such structures as well as detailed structural information under physiological conditions have become hot topics in the structural biology field. In this ...