Mostrando ítems 21-40 de 88

    Enolates Go Radical. Stereoselective Radical Alkylation Reactions of Titanium Enolates from N-Acyl Oxazolidinones with Carboxylic Acid Derivatives. Synthesis of Umuravumbolide 

    Pérez Palau, Marina (Fecha de defensa: 2022-07-08)

    This thesis consists in the development of a new methodology of α-alkylation of carbonyl compounds and its application to the synthesis of small molecules with therapeutic interest. In this context, the alkylation of ...

    Design, synthesis and evaluation of the biological properties of colistin analogues 

    Solé Solé, Judith (Fecha de defensa: 2022-06-03)

    Following the laws of evolution, bacteria are capable of slowly but inexorably acquiring resistance to antibiotic compounds that we have been using for decades. Therefore, bacteria that seemed harmless to most people (such ...

    Novel antimicrobial peptides for therapeutic applications: design, synthesis, characterization, and evaluation of their biological and biophysical activity 

    Segovia Laserna, Rosario (Fecha de defensa: 2022-03-08)

    After decades of exorbitant antibiotic misuse and overuse in human medicine, agriculture and livestock industry, multidrug resistant bacteria (MDR) have become a major medical concern. In this regard, the design of new, ...

    Design, synthesis and study of coordination complexes with spin crossover or single-molecule magnet properties 

    Diego Creixenti, Rosa (Fecha de defensa: 2022-01-21)

    Spin crossover (SCO) complexes and single-molecule magnets (SMMs) are promising prototypes that can reach magnetic bistability within the molecular scale required for data storage. Despite the extensive library of versatile ...

    Luminescent gold(I) supramolecular assemblies on materials and biological chemistry 

    Pinto Martínez, Andrea (Fecha de defensa: 2021-11-05)

    During the last years, the research group where this Doctoral Thesis has been carried out has been pioneer in the development of different gold(I) complexes and resulting supramolecular assemblages with a wide variety of ...

    Desenvolupament de processos per a la síntesi de pèptids d’interès terapèutic a escala industrial 

    Duran Corbera, Macarena (Fecha de defensa: 2021-09-30)

    Investigacions recents en el camp de la biomedicina han demostrat que les interaccions entre pèptids i macromolècules com ara les proteïnes, modulen i regulen processos biològics importants com la memòria, la resposta a ...

    Insights into the myristoylated c-Src N-terminal Regulatory Element 

    Mohammad Jabeen, Irrem Laareb (Fecha de defensa: 2021-09-23)

    c-Src is a non-receptor tyrosine kinase that controls numerous cellular signaling pathways. c-Src implication in human cancers was brought into the attention in the 1980s. Since its discovery, unveiling of c-Src ...

    Molecular-based Magnetoresistance Devices at Room Temperature 

    Martín Rodríguez, Alejandro (Fecha de defensa: 2021-09-15)

    In this doctoral thesis a series of computational and experimental studies of molecular magnetoresistance devices at room temperature is presented. This sort of devices is included in the molecular electronics framework ...

    Drug discovery with a FRET Biosensor of scaffolding interactions in the N-terminal region of c-Src = Descubrimiento de fármacos mediante un biosensor basado en FRET sensible a las interacciones en la región N-terminal de c-Src 

    Iruela Martin, Guillermo (Fecha de defensa: 2021-09-16)

    c-Src tyrosine kinase is associated with poor prognosis in many cancer processes. Although inhibitors of c-Src kinase activity are known, they have not reached success in clinical trials because of lack of selectivity or ...

    Mechanistic insights into substrate-assisted catalysis in glycosidases by means of QM/MM molecular dynamics 

    Coines Lopez-Nieto, Juan (Fecha de defensa: 2021-01-20)

    Carbohydrates are essential molecules in biotechnology and for the proper functioning of living organisms. They are involved in energy storage, being structural components or participating in crucial biological processes ...

    The development of new, direct and asymmetric Ni(II) catalysed carbon-carbon bond forming reactions and their application to total synthesis 

    Kennington, Stuart (Fecha de defensa: 2020-12-21)

    This thesis focuses on the search for new methodologies for the direct, stereoselective and catalytic formation of carbon-carbon bonds through the formation of chiral nickel(II) enolate species and the application of such ...

    Reacciones directas de la N-azidoacetil-1,3-tiazolidin-2-tiona catalizadas por complejos quirales de níquel(II) para la construcción enantioselectiva de enlaces carbono-carbono. Síntesis de la lacosamida y derivados de la β-hidroxifenilalanina 

    Flores Teloxa, Saúl (Fecha de defensa: 2020-12-01)

    En esta Tesis Doctoral se han explorado y optimizado nuevas metodologías enantioselectivas y directas de formación de enlaces carbono-carbono catalizadas por complejos quirales de níquel(ll). Esencialmente, se han estudiado ...

    New Catalytic Methods for Pauson-Khand Reactions, Isomerization and Asymmetric Hydrogenations. Application to the Synthesis of Bioactive Compounds 

    Cabré Montesinos, Albert (Fecha de defensa: 2020-01-31)

    The main contribution of this doctoral thesis has been devoted to the field of synthetic organic chemistry. The Pauson-Khand reaction (PKR) is a metal-catalyzed [2+2+1] cycloaddition between an alkyne, an alkene and a ...

    Organocatálisis y transferencia de quiralidad mediante porfirinas autoensamblantes solubles en agua 

    Arlegui Chamizo, Aitor (Fecha de defensa: 2019-12-16)

    La quiralidad es una propiedad fundamental de la naturaleza. La vida en la Tierra se basa en la quiralidad. Casi todos los compuestos quirales presentes en los organismos vivos se encuentran solo en una de sus formas ...

    Studies on the formation of i-motif structures at neutral pH. Use of cytidine analogues and importance of minor groove tetrads on mini i-motifs stabilization 

    Mir Morro, Bartomeu (Fecha de defensa: 2019-11-22)

    Given the increasing interest in i-motif structures, obtaining such structures as well as detailed structural information under physiological conditions have become hot topics in the structural biology field. In this ...

    Síntesi assistida per microones de molècules imant i nanoestructuració en sistemes híbrids amb nanopartícules d’òxid de ferro 

    Rosado Piquer, Lidia (Fecha de defensa: 2019-10-04)

    L’obtenció de dispositius per aplicacions tecnològiques a la nanoescala implica l’ús de molècules que permeten la miniaturització d’aquests, aconseguint així més eficiència en menys espai. Les molècules que s’utilitzen ...

    Aproximació a la síntesi de la iriomoteolida-2a i avaluació in silico de la interacció amb actina. Intents d’un nou mètode de RCM amb formació de dobles enllaços trisubstituïts 

    Marco Correas, Cristian (Fecha de defensa: 2019-10-23)

    La present Tesi Doctoral descriu tots els esforços dedicats a la síntesi total de la iriomoteolida- 2a, un nou macròlid aïllat per Tsuda i col·laboradors a l’illa d’Iriomote (Japó) l’any 2015. Exhibeix una moderada ...

    Bioconjugació de poliols i tiols amb agents antivírics 

    Petit Roig, Elena (Fecha de defensa: 2019-10-29)

    El VIH-1 segueix essent un dels problemes més greus de la sanitat pública mundial, especialment als països del tercer món. La fase més avançada de la infecció pel VIH és la SIDA (síndrome d’immunodeficiència adquirida). La ...

    Semiconductores orgánicos derivados del carbazol y su aplicación en dispositivos electrónicos 

    Cuadrado Santolaria, Alba (Fecha de defensa: 2019-10-18)

    En los últimos años se han llevado a cabo intensas investigaciones dentro del campo de los materiales orgánicos semiconductores, principalmente enfocados a su aplicación en dispositivos electrónicos y optoelectrónicos como ...

    Preparation of CBs immobilized on different types of magnetic nanoparticles for application in selective complexation and catalysis 

    Llorens Palomo, Lluís (Fecha de defensa: 2019-10-28)

    Cucurbiturils are known to present potential applications in molecular recognition, self- assembly, and nanotechnology. The discovery of ultra-high affinity CB–guest complexes with binding constant values similar than those ...