Now showing items 12-31 of 111

    Antecedents of radical innovation: an empirical research 

    Domínguez Escrig, Emilio (Date of defense: 2019-01-11)

    The main objective of this research is to disentangle the factors that promote or are positively related to radical innovation and its success. To this end, four studies have been proposed, which suggest various facilitators ...

    Approaching Complex Credit-Driven Economies From The Bottom Up: An Agent-Based Model for Open Economies And An Empirical Study on Loans’ Distribution 

    Petrovic, Marko (Date of defense: 2017-11-03)

    In this thesis we use methodologies that are grounded on a ``bottom-up'' approach, denoting the importance of considering the emergence of the aggregate economic behavior from the interaction of heterogeneous economic ...

    Attachment Styles Associations with Long-Term Relationships Mediated by Brand Loyalty in the Israeli Mobile Market 

    Frydman, Smadar (Date of defense: 2022-04-27)

    Purpose: The main objective of the thesis is to use attachment styles theory to explore long-term relationships in a service context, using the Israeli mobile market as a case study. Theoretical framework: Attachment theory ...

    Business Cycle Fluctuations and Granular Behavior: an Empirical Analysis vs. the Agent-Based Approach 

    Blanco Arroyo, Omar (Date of defense: 2022-04-08)

    This thesis aims to quantify the granular size of an economy, i.e., the number of granular firms. Empirically, we find that the contribution of idiosyncratic shocks to gross domestic product (GDP) fluctuations is attributed ...

    Citizens' Attitude towards Political Corruption and the Impact of Social Media 

    Belda Mullor, Guillermo (Date of defense: 2018-12-13)

    The thesis is focused on the analysis of the factors that have a greater impact on citizens' attitude towards political corruption and the role played by social media, in order to design better strategies to promote citizens' ...

    Cobertura dinámica con contratos de futuro sobre índices bursátiles 

    Aragó Manzana, Vicent (Date of defense: 2000-04-14)

    El objetivo principal de esta Tesis es estudiar si la cobertura de carteras de renta variable utilizando contratos de futuro sobre índices bursátiles es más efectiva con ratios de cobertura constantes o dinámicos. El estudio ...

    Compassion Counts! The power of compassion at work: Empirical findings from several multi-samples studies 

    Miralles Armenteros, Sandra (Date of defense: 2018-06-01)

    Compassion is defined as an interpersonal process involving the noticing, feeling, sensemaking, and acting that alleviates the suffering of another person. Thus, compassion can be understood as a social process rather than ...

    Consumer's Behavior under Different Economic Scenarios: Willingness to Bargain, Willingness to Pay and Willingness to Buy 

    Parasyri, Despoina (Date of defense: 2017-03-17)

    El objeto de estudio y nexo de unión entre estos distintos trabajos que están presentados en los siguientes capítulos, queda perfectamente reflejado en el título de la tesis “Comportamiento de los consumidores en diferentes ...

    Corporate Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Behavior of Employees: Antecedents and Triple Bottom Line Consequences 

    Badoiu, Georgiana-Alexandra (Date of defense: 2023-11-03)

    This thesis sheds light on the factors that stimulate entrepreneurship within companies, both at the organizational level, by analyzing corporate entrepreneurship (CE), and at the employee level, by studying the entrepreneurial ...

    Cross-border banking and the importance of parents banks' performance for subsidiaries' credit extensions: evidence derived from a newly constructed database 

    Zagorisiou, Angeliki (Date of defense: 2017-09-29)

    The systemic role of foreign banks in the CESEE region coupled with the turbulence in financial markets back in 2008, have given rise to the study at hand. Some years after the global crisis, it is a perfect moment to ...

    Decision-Making under Flow Dynamics: Deconstructing Behavioral Patterns on Portfolio Management 

    Rodriguez Revilla, Cristhian Andres (Date of defense: 2024-07-26)

    This thesis delves into the behavioral patterns of managers within active equity mutual funds, focusing on their trading decisions influenced by various dimensions of return, risk, and capital flows. We pioneer a novel ...

    Demand and management of mutual funds 

    de Mingo López, Diego Víctor (Date of defense: 2019-01-25)

    This doctoral thesis proposes the evaluation of different aspects related to the efficiency and analysis of the behaviour of mutual funds and their demand. The sample analysed focuses on more than 17,000 share-classes ...

    Desarrollo e integración de los sistemas de información contable en la gestión medioambiental de la empresa 

    Masanet Llodrà, Maria J. (Date of defense: 2002-06-24)

    La introducción del paradigma ecológico en los modelos de desarrollo económico ha promovido la adopción de variables ambientales en los diferentes ámbitos de actuación empresariales. La responsabilidad empresarial quedará ...

    Desarrollo sostenible, cohesión social y fiscalidad 

    Saint-Supéry Ceano-Vivas, Muriel (Date of defense: 2014-01-13)

    El objeto del presente trabajo es el establecimiento de vínculos entre el desarrollo sostenible y la cohesión social, y entre esta última y la política fiscal, que permitan aportar conocimiento en torno a la importancia ...

    Designing scalable and stock-flow-consistent agent-based models: Policy scenarios and experiments on housing markets, monetary unions and interbank networks 

    Ozel, Bulent (Date of defense: 2019-04-17)

    The recent debates in economics, following the 2008 crisis, have pointed out a necessity for micro-founded macroeconomic modelling approaches for policy analyses. Agent based models have been adopted to address two ...

    Determinación de la estructura del mercado y de las características del producto: Tres ensayos 

    Barreda Tarrazona, Iván (Date of defense: 2001-04-02)

    Esta tesis está organizada en tres ensayos de investigación que se pueden leer independientemente. En el primer ensayo estudiamos la actuación óptima de las autoridades de política de la competencia frente a distintos tipos ...

    Divulgación de riesgos en empresas no financieras españolas 

    Reverte Sánchez, José Antonio (Date of defense: 2016-01-15)

    <p>La presente tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo analizar el impacto que tiene la información sobre riesgos divulgada por las empresas en el mercado de capitales español. En concreto, se analiza si la información de riesgos ...

    Economacy Strategies for Countries with Crises 

    Sawayfa, Khalil Abdalaziz Khalil (Date of defense: 2023-06-02)

    As part of this thesis, a conceptual and analytic framework for understanding economic diplomacy is presented, so that its missions, tools, and activities are better understood. Economic diplomacy can be conceptually ...

    Efectos de la dirección de calidad en los resultados: el papel mediador de las competencias distintivas 

    Escrig Tena, Ana Belén (Date of defense: 2001-06-13)

    El propósito de este trabajo es analizar, desde el Enfoque basado en las Competencias (EBC), la medida en que la introducción de la Dirección de Calidad (DC) repercute sobre los resultados. Para ello, por una parte, hemos ...

    Eficacia de la transmisión de la imagen en el patrocinio deportivo: una aplicación experimental 

    Barreda Tarrazona, Raquel (Date of defense: 2009-06-05)

    En esta tesis doctoral se plantea como objetivo principal identificar la medida de la eficacia del patrocinio deportivo y de forma específica, la eficacia en la transmisión de la imagen desde la disciplina del marketing.<br/>La ...