Ara mostrant els elements 190-209 de 315

    Molecular Self-Assembly for the preparation of novel nanostructured materials 

    Magaña Rodríguez, José Rodrigo (Data de defensa: 2017-02-09)

    In this thesis, the phase behavior in water of a technical grade diglycerol-based surfactant (C41V) and a group of dyes (Quinaldine Red, Pyronin Y, N-Alkylthiacarbocyanines, Oxacarbocyanines, Pinacyanol and Alcian Blue) ...

    Monocapes autoassemblades electroactives: interaccions π-donador/π-acceptor per a induir transport en superfície 

    Giraldo Clemente, Sandra (Data de defensa: 2021-02-26)

    Les proteïnes motores s’encarreguen del transport intracel·lular de cargoes a través de fibres tubulars presents en el citosquelet mitjançant la hidròlisis del trifosfat d'adenosina (ATP) com a força motriu del moviment. ...

    Nanopartículas y Células Dendríticas: Estudio de nuevas estrategias en inmunoterapia frente al VIH 

    Bargalló, Manel Enric (Data de defensa: 2020-07-31)

    [spa] De entre las vacunas de ácidos nucleicos, las basadas en ARNm autoreplicativos (replicones) o ARNm convencionales unidos a diferentes nanopartículas (NPs) como: oro (Au-NP), nanocápsulas (NCs), ácido poliláctico ...

    Nanostructured systems for therapeutic treatment of neurodegenerative diseases = Sistemas nanoestructurados en el abordaje terapéutico de enfermedades neurodegenerativas 

    Sánchez-López, E. (Elena) (Data de defensa: 2017-09-21)

    The incidence of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, increases every year due to population aging. Therefore, the development of new therapeutic strategies, such as biodegradable nanostructured systems ...

    Nanostructured systems of thymol for dermatological and topical treatments 

    Folle, Camila (Data de defensa: 2021-11-26)

    The skin is major organ of the human body, and its function is to protect the internal tissue from environmental changes, maintains the body temperature and avoid penetration of contaminants. Therefore, the skin barrier ...

    Nanotechnology-mediated strategies targeting cancer stem cells for advanced cancer treatment 

    Montero Martín, Sara (Data de defensa: 2021-11-22)

    Despite the latest advances in early diagnosis and increased resources employed to develop new therapeutic options, effective control of cancer disease remains a challenge. In fact, cancer is the second leading cause of ...

    Neuroblastoma cancer stem cells: The role of NXPH1 and its receptor α-NRXN1 

    Fanlo Escudero, Lucía (Data de defensa: 2019-12-18)

    Neuroblastoma (NB) is a devastating paediatric cancer that originates in the developing sympathetic nervous system. These tumours account for 40% of the cases of cancer diagnosed during the first year of life and 8% of the ...

    New antimicrobial strategies against bacterial infections 

    Baelo Álvarez, Aida (Data de defensa: 2021-01-28)

    Bacterial infections are a major health concern worldwide due to the mortality and comorbidity associated levels. Besides the development of drug-resistance mechanisms, most recalcitrant infections are caused by bacteria ...

    New biotechnological systems for the research on aryltetralin lignans in Linum album 

    Lalaleo Córdova, Liliana Paulina (Data de defensa: 2017-03-03)

    Linum album is an herbaceous plant with medical interest due to its content of podophyllotoxin (PTOX), an aryltetralin lignan with cytotoxic activity. The study of biotechnological alternatives has generated big interest. ...

    New immunochemical approaches for Multiplexed diagnostics 

    Sanchis Villariz, Ana (Data de defensa: 2018-07-25)

    The central topic of this thesis has been the study, development and validation of diverse multiplexed diagnostics platforms and techniques that can be applied to a wide range of topics, from environmental monitoring to ...

    New insights into RANK signaling pathway in the mammary gland 

    Benítez, Sandra (Data de defensa: 2021-01-13)

    Receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-β ligand (RANKL) and its receptor RANK are key mediators of bone resorption1,2. RANKL, its receptor RANK and its natural decoy receptor OPG, which is a competitive inhibitor that ...

    New insights into the association between carotenoids, polyphenols and vitamin A, and highly prevalent diseases 

    Marhuenda Muñoz, María (Data de defensa: 2022-09-08)

    [eng] The present dissertation aims at broadening current knowledge regarding the importance of bodily or tissue status of bioactive compounds that are highly abundant in the Mediterranean diet (carotenoids and polyphenols) ...

    New strategies for improving the biotechnological production of pharmaceuticals and biopharmaceuticals in plant cell and organ cultures 

    Hidalgo Martínez, Diego Alberto (Data de defensa: 2017-07-10)

    The thesis is presented as a compendium of publications and includes six different sections: General Introduction, Objectives, Results, General Discussion, Conclusions and References. The General Introduction summarizes ...

    New strategies for improving the biotechnological production of taxanes 

    Pérez Matas, Edgar (Data de defensa: 2023-12-19)

    [eng] Plant specialized metabolism is the source of a wide range of bioactive compounds, some of which with relevant pharmacological properties. Nowadays, cancer is one of the main causes of mortality worldwide, therefore, ...

    Nova preparació pediàtrica per al tractament de la tuberculosi 

    Mercadé Frutos, Débora (Data de defensa: 2018-12-13)

    La tuberculosi és una infecció bacteriana causada per un micobacteri anomenat Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Actualment és la primera causa mundial de mortalitat causada per un agent infecciós fins i tot per sobre de la ...

    Novel markers and targets of collective tumor cell invasion before and after anti-angiogenic therapies 

    Sallaberry Pinto, Júlia (Data de defensa: 2019-03-22)

    Local invasion is a key cell-biological event in the metastatic cascade. In response to a changing microenvironment, cancer cells may act using two main strategies of invasion: single cell invasion and collective invasion. ...

    Novel Quatsome nanovesicles, prepared using CO2, for the development of advanced nanomedicines 

    Vargas Nadal, Guillem (Data de defensa: 2020-10-23)

    Quatsomes are lipid-based nanovesicles developed by Nanomol group, composed of ionic surfactants and sterol derivatives. Regarding their properties, Quatsomes have shown to be highly homogenous and stable for years, important ...

    Noves estratègies en la prevenció de la lesió hepàtica per isquèmia reperfusió = New strategies in the prevention of liver ischemia reperfusion injury 

    Panisello Roselló, Arnau (Data de defensa: 2018-11-30)

    Avui en dia, la única solució per a pacients que es troben en una situació de fase terminal de malaltia hepàtica o en una lesió hepàtica aguda es el transplantament. La demanda d’òrgans per a aquesta finalitat supera ...

    Nuevas aproximaciones terapéuticas para la regeneración muscular basadas en el ejercicio físico, plasma rico en plaquetas (PRP) y glicosaminoglicanos en modelo de rata 

    Contreras Muñoz, Paola (Data de defensa: 2017-07-07)

    Las lesiones del músculo esquelético son las lesiones más comunes en el ámbito deportivo (su frecuencia puede variar del 10-55%), siendo una preocupación importante en la medicina deportiva. Más del 90% de todas las lesiones ...

    Nutritional and body composition changes affecting head and neck cancer patients during oncological treatment 

    Arribas Hortigüela, Lorena (Data de defensa: 2022-06-30)

    The use of imaging techniques routinely used for diagnosis and the assessment for treatment response in oncology allow us to analyze the changes in body composition that occur during treatment and how these changes impact ...