Now showing items 1-20 of 1530

    A Cognitive Linguistics Analysis of the Effect of a 3D Video Game as an Educational Resource on the Learning of the prepositions “in” and “on” in a Higher Education Context 

    Boghiu Balaur, Sorina (Date of defense: 2024-02-16)

    This thesis investigates the pivotal role of prepositions in the English language, emphasizing their significance in conveying spatial and temporal relationships. Focusing on the challenges faced by EFL learners, the ...

    A Cognitive Semantics analysis of the Lexical Units AT, ON and IN, in English 

    Navarro i Ferrando, Ignasi (Date of defense: 1998-10-16)

    The use-in-context of three lexical units - at, on and in - is analized in thousands of examples from the BROWN corpus of written American English. Syntactic scrutiny confirms the lexicon-grammar continuum, as far as ...

    A contrastive study of the EFL vowel system in native Spanish, French, German and Russian learners 

    Juan Checa, José Javier (Date of defense: 2021-03-03)

    This thesis focuses on the phonetic difficulties that learners of English as a foreign language will encounter. This research wants tó propose a new point of view; a different and wider angle on how to approach this ...

    A Journay into the Heart of Coaching-based Leadership: Empirical Findings within the Organizational Context 

    Peláez, María Josefina (Date of defense: 2020-01-30)

    The main objective of this thesis project is to advance the stream of research on coaching-based leadership by providing theoretical and empirical evidence for its value and role within the organizational context. To achieve ...

    A Journey into the Heart of Workaholism: empirical findings from several multi-sample studies 

    Del Líbano Miralles, Mario (Date of defense: 2011-03-09)

    La adicción al trabajo es un concepto que con el tiempo ha generado cada vez mayor interés e investigación. A través de la realización de 5 estudios empíricos, en esta tesis se profundiza todavía más en su estudio. ...

    A la búsqueda del continuo de los rasgos adaptativos y desadaptativos en la personalidad normal y la personalidad patológica 

    Edo Villamón, Silvia (Date of defense: 2012-02-03)

    INTRODUCCIÓN: Aunque existe un acuerdo generalizado acerca de la necesidad de incorporar la personalidad normal y la personalidad patológica en un mismo ámbito de estudio seguimos atendiendo a un gran pluralismo conceptual ...

    A Plurilingual Approach to English Language Teaching from an Ecological Perspective: An international comparative study 

    Chabert Ull, Alicia (Date of defense: 2020-07-22)

    The aim of this dissertation is to investigate the application of multilingualism and plurilingualism theories and the use of the mother tongue in the English classroom in primary education using a communicative teaching ...

    A statistical approach for studying urban human dynamics 

    Santa Guzmán, Luis Fernando (Date of defense: 2018-11-30)

    This doctoral dissertation proposed several statistical approaches to analyse urban dynamics with aiming to provide tools for decision making processes and urban studies. It assumed that human activity and human mobility ...

    A statistichal equilibrium perspective on corporate profitability 

    Mundt, Philipp (Date of defense: 2017-04-24)

    The thesis shows how the dynamics a large pool of publicly traded firms can be meaningful described by a single stochastic equation under statistical equilibrium approximation. The whole dynamics of profitability of the ...

    A Study of Ahmed Saadawi’s Frankenstein in Baghdad in Light of Appropriation of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Through Translation and Adaptation Studies 

    mahmood, karzan (Date of defense: 2023-07-27)

    This doctoral thesis examines both Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Or the Modern Prometheus (1888), and Ahmed Saadawi’s Frankenstein in Baghdad (2014) in light of adaptation and appropriation by employing the framework of ...

    A theoretical study on the mechanism of the oxidation of substrates by human aromatase enzyme (CYP19A1) 

    Viciano Gonzalo, Ignacio (Date of defense: 2016-07-22)

    The enzyme Cytochrome P450 aromatase plays an essential role in the biosynthesis of estrogens, and its inhibition is an important target for the development of drugs for the treatment of breast cancer. The main purpose of ...

    A user-centric framework to improve the reusability of open geodata in cities 

    Benítez Páez, Manuel Fernando (Date of defense: 2018-11-22)

    This book presents a user-centric framework that local open data authorities can use it to improve the ongoing initiatives towards a bottom-up approach. In an open data atmosphere where the accessibility of data portals ...

    Academic Evaluation within the Applied Linguistics response Article: An Analysis of Writer Mediated Praise and Criticism as Rhetorical strategies 

    Moreno Pichastor, Soledad (Date of defense: 2009-09-29)

    The present dissertation deals with the analysis of rhetorical strategies of evaluation used in the "response" article in the field of applied linguistics. Based on a genre approach to discourse, our study shows how writers ...

    La acción colectiva de las mujeres obreras en Castellón durante la Segunda República y la Guerra Civil: entre la reivindicación laboral y la reafirmación identitaria feminista 

    Alcón Sornichero, Eva (Date of defense: 2022-11-14)

    La presente investigación titulada «La acción colectiva de las mujeres obreras en Castellón durante la Segunda República y la Guerra Civil: entre la reivindicación laboral y la reafirmación identitaria feminista», trata ...

    Acción directa y vinculación contractual 

    Arnau Moya, Federico (Date of defense: 2002-05-31)

    La acción directa constituye una institución autónoma que incluye toda una serie de supuestos que presentan varios rasgos comunes. El objetivo de esta tesis es el estudio de la acción directa como una institución unitaria ...

    Acculturation and acquisition of pragmatic routines in the study abroad context 

    Sánchez Hernández, Ariadna (Date of defense: 2017-06-09)

    The present study explores the influence of acculturation on learning pragmatic routines in the study-abroad context by students of diverse cultural backgrounds. It is a longitudinal investigation that involves a mixed-method ...

    Actitudes hacia la comunicación, inteligencia emocional y empatía en estudiantes del Grado en Enfermería 

    Giménez Espert, María del Carmen (Date of defense: 2021-12-17)

    La comunicación con el paciente se constituye como la esencia del cuidado enfermero, así pues, la formación de los estudiantes de enfermería además de fomentar competencias profesionales debe basarse en competencias ...

    Actores del conflicto chiapenco en México y sus representaciones sociales en el periódico español "El País" (enero de 1994- febrero de 1996) 

    Vázquez González, Natalia Ix-Chel (Date of defense: 2016-01-22)

    Hoy en día la importancia que guardan los medios de comunicación reside, a nuestro parecer, en dos hechos indisolubles, por una parte, en la inserción que tienen en la vida cotidiana, y por otra, en que son importantes ...

    Adaptación transcultural y validación del Safety Attitudes Questionnaire Short Form (SAQ-SF) en el ámbito quirúrgico español e italiano. Análisis de la cultura de seguridad del paciente por personal sanitario de quirófano 

    Bernalte Martí, Vicente (Date of defense: 2017-07-13)

    La cultura sobre seguridad del paciente es una herramienta esencial para prevenir problemas derivados de la hospitalización y efectos adversos, identificando fortalezas y áreas de mejora. Se necesitan instrumentos de ...

    Adecuación a un sistema de Prescripción Informatizada para enfermeras de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI) 

    Giménez Lajara, Miguel Ángel (Date of defense: 2021-12-09)

    Introducción Los errores relacionados con la medicación son un problema frecuente en los hospitales. La alta complejidad y la potencial peligrosidad de las terapias farmacológicas que se aplican en las UCIs, conllevan la ...