The Emergence of public space in Barcelona throughout 20th Century: Defining past and future of public space in Barcelona within the context of the approaches of two urban actors


Sürer, İdil


Luna García, Antoni

Date of defense



240 p.


Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Departament d'Humanitats

Doctorate programs

Programa de doctorat en Història


The city is not a stable, static entity; therefore, it continues its transformation throughout time, and this conversion is reflected on public spaces which connect the city’s past with its present and future. Public space serves as an icon that reflects the identity of the society as well as being the most powerful visual connection between land, buildings and human. In the entire history of human settlement, public space has been the basic element of formation. Hence, this research aims to examine the natural, cultural, social development of Barcelona by means of presenting the relations of public space with identity, culture, tradition, politics, memory and time, especially through approaches and works of two important actors in the 20th century urban history of the city: Nicolau M. Rubió i Tudurí and Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola.


Public space; Barcelona; Urban design; Urban transformation; Urban landscape; Urban designers; Exposition; Olympic games; Espacio público; Diseño urbano; Transformación urbana; Paisaje urbano; Urbanistas; Exposición; Juegos olímpicos


94 - General history






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