Estudio diacrónico de locuciones nominales y adjetivales españolas en diferentes tradiciones discursivas (siglos XVI a XX)

Otros títulos

Diachronic study of nominal and adjectival Spanish phrases in different discursive traditions (XVI to XX centuries)


Puertas Ribés, Elia


Blas Arroyo, José Luis

Velando Casanova, Mónica

Fecha de defensa



387 p.


Universitat Jaume I. Escola de Doctorat

Programa de doctorado

Programa de Doctorat en Llengües Aplicades, Literatura i Traducció


En el marco de la fraseología diacrónica, la presente tesis doctoral estudia un total de ochenta locuciones nominales y adjetivales desde tres niveles de análisis lingüístico (semántico, morfosintáctico y discursivo) en un periodo comprendido entre los siglos XVI y XX. Para el análisis semántico, se recupera la primera definición documentada en las obras lexicográficas y se examinan los mecanismos cognitivos que subyacen en el sentido fraseológico. En el nivel morfosintáctico, se estudian los esquemas sintagmáticos sobre los que se construyen las locuciones, las posibles variaciones morfosintácticas de los componentes y las variantes léxicas que pueden ofrecer algunas construcciones. Finalmente, en el plano discursivo los datos han permitido confirmar la polifuncionalidad de numerosos fraseologismos en el eje de la inmediatez y la distancia comunicativas. Para ello, nos servimos de tres bases de datos textuales: el Corpus del Español, el Corpus Diacrónico del español y el corpus epistolar, compilado por el grupo de investigación “Sociolingüística”, de la Universitat Jaume I y dirigido por el profesor José Luis Blas Arroyo.

In the context of diachronic phraseology, and from a closer idea on this subject, this doctoral thesis studies eighty noun phrases and adjectival phrases in total from three different levels in a linguistics analysis (semantics, morphosyntax and discourse) from the sixteenth until the twentieth centuries. For the semantic analysis, the first documented definition in lexicographic works is collected and the cognitive mechanisms underlying in the phraseological are examined. These mechanisms are used to explain the set of semantics and to understand the origin of motivation. As for morphosyntax, the syntagmatic structure used to build phrases, possible variations of components and lexical variations offered by some constructions are examined. Furthermore, the study of each phraseological unit is completed with its dissemination’s quantitative and qualitative analysis over history in several traditional discourses, organised into three different points between proximity and distance in communication. For this purpose, units’ normalised frequencies are collected from three basic stages in the Spanish language’s evolution (Classical, Modern and Contemporary periods). Materials are collected in three different historical corpus. Two of them, the Corpus Diacrónico del Español (CORDE) and the Corpus del Español (CdE) enable to access any kind of formal texts. On the other hand, the research group “Sociolingüística” from Universitat Jaume I, directed by professor Blas Arroyo, puts at hand documents that are closer to immediate communication, specially private letters and other autobiographic texts. All data compiled in this research let us verify some recurring cognitive mechanisms’ role when forming phrases (such us metaphors and metonymy, which are most fruitful) when setting the phraseological meaning and in historical and cultural bond established between the literal image and the phrase. Moreover, we have noticed the existence of some prototypical semantic relationships between an expression’s components and variations, like synonymy and antonymy, among others. In the formal frame, we have studied the most fruitful syntagmatic compounds for these two types of phrases that, far from showing biuniqueness in the interrelationship between the formal scheme and the syntagmatic function, show different preferences in use, especially in the group of noun phrases. In addition, we must take into account the discovery of different phenomena in variation such us inflectional and derivative modifications. Finally, in the discursive context, all data have shown several multi-functional phrases both in proximity and distance in communication. However, there are some interrelationships that are worth mentioning as those phrases having a lesser level of idiomaticity are more likely to appear in oral stamps in comparison to those having a more idiomatic meaning, which are more frequently documented in maximum distance. Nevertheless, these results only show some tendencies of use that not necessarily adapt to any of these phrases’ particular history.

Palabras clave

Fraseología; Diacronía; Tradiciones discursivas; Locuciones nominales; Locuciones adjetivales; Phraseology; Diachrony; Discursive traditions; Noun phrases; Sdjectival phrases


81 - Lingüística y lenguas

Área de conocimiento

Arts, humanitats i llengües


Doctorat internacional


2022_Tesis_Puertas Ribes_Elia.pdf




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