The analysis of location in a science an technology park on sustainability performance through knowledge spillovers and absorptive capacity


Fernández-Yáñez, José María ORCID


Forés, Beatriz


Boronat-Navarro, Montserrat

Data de defensa



354 p.


Universitat Jaume I. Escola de Doctorat

Programa de doctorat

Programa de Doctorat en Economia i Empresa


Sustainability performance requires reconciling an economic return with a reduction of business impact on the environment and ensuring social well-being. To improve sustainability performance, knowledge is a fundamental asset to develop new functional capabilities that impact on this triple bottom line. Science and technology parks are infrastructures that can offer greater knowledge spillovers on which the company can leverage its sustainability performance. This study confirms the beneficial effects of the location in a science and technology park on the improvement of the triple bottom line of a hosted company, provided that there are optimal conditions for the generation of more knowledge spillovers available to the company, and that the company is also be able to take advantage of them, especially through the development of an absorptive capacity. We test our hypotheses on a longitudinal database of Spanish companies over the period 2009 to 2016. The results obtained allow us to establish implications both for academia and practitioners.

Paraules clau

Sustainability performance; Knowledge spillovers; Absorptive capacity; Science and technology parks; Industrial clusters; Panel database; Rendimiento de la sostenibilidad; Desbordamiento del conocimiento; Capacidad de absorción; Parques científicos y tecnológicos; Clústeres industriales; Base de datos del panel


66 - Enginyeria, tecnologia i indústria química. Metal·lúrgia

Àrea de coneixement

Empreses, direcció i organització


Doctorat internacional


Tesis_Fernandez Yañez_JoseMaria_2022.pdf




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