Universitat Jaume I. Escola de Doctorat
Programa de Doctorat en Economia i Empresa
With the growth of SRI funds concerns on doubts about their relative performance have increased. In our systematic literature review, we conclude that the vast majority (67%) of the empirical studies show no difference in the relative financial performance of SRI funds vs their conventional counterparts. From there we move the debate to perform a comparative analysis between the ESG scores of SRI funds and Conventional Funds of the same Mutual Fund. The results show that being a “self-declared” SRI Fund is a significant variable that affects positively the fund's ESG performance score. Finally, we wish to test the effect of the SFDR regulation on self-labeled SRI funds vs Conventional Funds of the same Mutual Fund Company. The results find evidence and reveal a clear reduction of ESG risk after SFDR for all the samples and observe a positive spill-over effect on conventional funds after the entry of the regulation.
SRI; Performance; Investment Fund; ESG Score; Greenwashing; Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR); Rendimiento; Fondo de inversión; Puntuación ESG; Lavado ecológico; Reglamento de divulgación de finanzas sostenibles (SFDR)
336 - Finanzas. Banca. Moneda. Bolsa
Economia i empresa
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