The Quality of Medical Interpreting Services Against the Backdrop of Health Tourism in the Valencian Community, Spain, Viewed Through the Lens of the Sociology of Professions


Gavlovych, Nina ORCID


Blasco Mayor, María Jesús ORCID


Borja Albi, Anabel ORCID

Fecha de defensa



591 p.


Universitat Jaume I. Escola de Doctorat

Programa de doctorado

Programa de Doctorat en Llengües Aplicades, Literatura i Traducció


The thesis investigates the concept of medical interpreting through the lens of the Sociology of Professions and Freidson's (2001) theory of professional knowledge in the light of the lack of recognition of the figure of medical interpreter in private centres of the Valencian Community. Numerous scholars in the field of T&I and cognitive sciences confirm that interpreters need specialised and formalised professional knowledge and a psychophysiological predisposition to exercise professional discretionary judgement successfully. Multi-methodological evaluation of qualitative (thematic, conversational & multimodal analyses) and quantitative data confirms that the hybrid professional identity promoted by market demands and intersubjectively imposed on interpreters through institutional discourse differs markedly from the self-concept these professionals seek to negotiate and maintain. This study aims to find a rational explanation for the current impasse in professionalisation and to offer possible routes towards a viable solution.

Palabras clave

Quality of medical interpreting; Sociology of professions; Professional knowledge; Social constructionism; Professional identity; Medical tourism


81 - Lingüística y lenguas

Área de conocimiento

Arts i humanitats


Doctorat internacional


2023_Tesis_Gavlovych Gavlovych_Nina.pdf




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