Universitat Jaume I. Escola de Doctorat
Programa de Doctorat en Llengües Aplicades, Literatura i Traducció
The present thesis will deal with the topic of mediation, in relation with plurilingual approaches and digital tools. In particular, the employment and teaching of mediation in Secondary Education in Spain and Italy will be analysed, considering the teaching material teachers are provided with. The data to develop the study were collected through the Erasmus+ project TEMPLATE and they are of both quantitative and qualitative nature. After having described the state of the art, and in particular the existing regulations in European Secondary Education, the compendium of articles that forms the present investigation will be presented. Finally, conclusions, pedagogical implications and proposals will be outlined. A training course about mediation and technology will be proposed: the aim of the course is to take advantage of the results obtained to design training units that could help the teachers improving their theoretical and practical knowledge about mediation, plurilingual approaches and technology.
Mediation; Technology; TEMPLATE Project; Secondary Education
373 - Ensenyament primari i secundari
Compendi d'articles. Cotutela.