Ara mostrant els elements 261-280 de 394

    Exploring functional connectivity dynamics in brain disorders: a whole-brain computational framework for resting state fMRI signals 

    Demirtaş, Murat (Data de defensa: 2015-12-15)

    Brain activity, on every scale, spontaneously fluctuates, thereby exhibiting complex, dynamic interactions that manifest rich synchronization patterns. The past ten years have been dominated by studies intended to further ...

    Cricking implementation with augmented reality and RFID: towards independent living of people with motor disabilities 

    Rashid, Zulqarnain (Data de defensa: 2016-01-11)

    People with manipulative and locomotive disabilities represents a large fraction of the population classified as disabled, including the elder, injured and other health related issues. Wheelchairs have evolved in order to ...

    Los títulos de crédito como marco de la obra fílmica: [1958-1969] 

    Rey Benito, Endika (Data de defensa: 2016-01-20)

    Los títulos de crédito son secuencias que cumplen con una función estructural del relato fílmico siendo, a su vez, parte representante del hecho cinematográfico. Su carácter de firma autoral e identificador general integra ...

    Covariance-based descriptors for pattern recognition in multiple feature spaces 

    Cirujeda Santolaria, Pol (Data de defensa: 2015-11-12)

    En aquesta tesi s’explora l’ús de descriptors basats en la covariància per tal de traslladar la observació de característiques dins de regions d’interès a un determinat espai descriptiu que utilitzi les matrius de covariància ...

    Towards an internet of trust: issues and solutions for identification and authentication in the internet of things 

    Signorini, Matteo (Data de defensa: 2015-12-10)

    La Internet de las Cosas está avanzando lentamente debido a la falta de confianza en dispositivos que puedan interactuar de manera autónoma. Además, se requieren nuevos enfoques para mitigar o al menos paliar ataques de ...

    Design of multiplayer exergames with systems to control quantity and foster quality of physical activity: a multidisciplinary approach with physical activity experts 

    Landry, Pascal (Data de defensa: 2016-01-25)

    This thesis focuses on defining a set of design strategies to develop and assess video games that foster physical activity, commonly referred to as exergames. Regular physical activity is essential for a good development ...

    User involvement in FTTH deployments as a key to success 

    Domingo Vilar, Albert (Data de defensa: 2015-11-26)

    Les connexions de banda ampla estan esdevinguent un servei essencial per a qualsevol llar. Estar connectat a més de 100Mbps, a 1Gbps, o a 10Gbps, és més un problema econòmic que no pas un de tecnològic. Aquesta Tesi té com ...

    From affective computing to empathic adaptive systems: inference and induction of emotion in ecologically-valid contexts to foster novel paradigms of human-computer interaction 

    Betella, Alberto (Data de defensa: 2015-10-23)

    Due to the complexity of the natural world, scientific studies on cognitive, behavioral and physiological phenomena are typically conducted under strict laboratory conditions. Nonetheless, recent technological improvements ...

    The Internet ecosystem: a traffic measurement analysis 

    Palacín Mateo, Manuel (Data de defensa: 2015-10-23)

    The analysis of the interconnection status-quo between content providers and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) is essential to understand the evolution of the Internet ecosystem. In the last years we have witnessed a ...

    Multiscale cardiovascular analysis and simulations for the understanding of intra-uterine cardiovascular remodelling 

    García Cañadilla, Patricia (Data de defensa: 2015-07-02)

    Cardiovascular diseases are nowadays one of the major causes of death in developed countries. Besides the already known risk factors such as lifestyle and genetics, there is a growing evidence that adverse remodelling ...

    An Alternative view of ICTs use by older people in human-computer interaction: similarities, digital content creation and perceived well-being 

    Möller Ferreira, Susan (Data de defensa: 2015-09-04)

    Within Human-Computer Interaction, older people (60+) are often characterized as a heterogeneous group of consumers of digital content that use ICTs in a limited way due to age-related changes in functional abilities. By ...

    Algorithms and representations for supporting online music creation with large-scale audio databases 

    Roma Trepat, Gerard (Data de defensa: 2015-06-05)

    The rapid adoption of Internet and web technologies has created an opportunity for making music collaboratively by sharing information online. However, current applications for online music making do not take advantage of ...

    Tag recommendation using folksonomy information for online sound sharing platforms 

    Font Corbera, Frederic (Data de defensa: 2015-06-11)

    Les plataformes d'intercanvi de recursos multimèdia contenen grans quantitats de contingut creat pels seus usuaris. Habitualment, aquest contingut no està ben anotat. En aquesta tesi, proposem mètodes per ajudar els ...

    Multi-cue image integration for cardiac tissue characterization 

    Porras Pérez, Antonio Reyes (Data de defensa: 2015-06-08)

    Una caracterización precisa y completa del tejido cardíaco es esencial para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de problemas cardíacos. Para caracterizar la función cardíaca desde diferentes perspectivas, en la práctica clínica, ...

    Biased behavior in web activities: from understanding to unbiased visual exploration 

    Graells-Garrido, Eduardo (Data de defensa: 2015-05-25)

    Las tendencias actuales en la Web apuntan hacia la personalización de contenido, lo que no sería un problema en un mundo uniforme y sin sesgos, pero nuestro mundo no es ni uniforme ni libre de sesgos. En esta tesis ...

    Cortical resting state circuits: connectivity and oscillations 

    Nakagawa, Tristan T. (Data de defensa: 2015-03-11)

    Ongoing spontaneous brain activity patterns raise ever-growing interest in the neuroscience community. Complex spatiotemporal patterns that emerge from a structural core and interactions of functional dynamics have been ...

    User behavior in microblogs with a cultural emphasis 

    García-Gavilanes, Ruth Olimpia (Data de defensa: 2015-02-26)

    The main objective of this thesis is to carry out a multidisciplinary study of the behavior of microblog users. To that end we first explore several user behavior patterns employing data mining techniques. Then we use ...

    From site to inter-site user engagement : fundamentals and applications 

    Lehmann, Janette (Data de defensa: 2015-02-26)

    L’objetiu d’aquesta tesi és aprofundir en el concepte de participació i compromís dels usuaris en pàgines web i analitzar com mesurar aquesta interacció. Comencem estudiant les mètriques del comportament online, les quals ...

    The Anatomical, physiological and computational principles of adaptive learning in the cerebellum: the micro and macrocircuits of the brain 

    Zucca, Riccardo (Data de defensa: 2015-02-13)

    The human brain is undoubtedly the most complex product of evolution. Understanding how complex behaviour is generated by the intricacy of hundred billion of neurons and synapses fascinated scientists and philosophers for ...

    Hemodynamic modeling of cerebral aneurysms 

    Geers, Adrianus Johannes (Data de defensa: 2015-01-12)

    Cerebral aneurysms are localized, pathological dilatations of cerebral arteries. Their rupture causes a subarachnoid hemorrhage and is associated with high rates of morbidity and mortality. Over the last decade, the ...