A multimodal rhetorical analysis of the video resume as a professional digital genre: developing students’ multimodal communicative competence


Mestre Segarra, María Ángeles


Palmer-Silveira, Juan ORCID

Ruiz-Garrido, Miguel F. ORCID


Fortanet-Gomez, Inmaculada ORCID

Data de defensa



212 p.


Universitat Jaume I. Escola de Doctorat

Programa de doctorat

Programa de Doctorat en Llengües Aplicades, Literatura i Traducció


This thesis deals with the concept of the Video Resume (henceforth VR), as a digital recruitment tool in business settings. The compendium of articles presented in this research includes the entire process of a genre analysis in order to validate the VR as a professional digital genre. In particular, it undertakes a Multimodal Discourse Analysis with a specific focus on the development of students’ multimodal communicative competence. Furthermore, it delves into the complex ways in which rhetorical and persuasive strategies as well as different modes of communication contribute to the construction of meaning employed in videos, used to enhance the communicative aim of the VR. The findings, discussion, and conclusions hold implications for both academic and pedagogical practice, offering insights into the evolving landscape of professional communication in the digital age.

Paraules clau

Video resume; Genre; MDA; Persuasion


30 - Teories i metodologia en les ciències socials. Sociografia. Estudis de gènere; 316 - Sociologia. Comunicació; 81 - Lingüística i llengües

Àrea de coneixement

Arts, humanitats i llengües


Compendi d'articles, Doctorat internacional


2025_Tesis_Mestre Segarra_Marian.pdf



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