Biomaterials based on LMWG-polymer multicomponent supramolecular hydrogels


Giménez Hernández, Bárbara


Escuder, Beatriu ORCID


Escuder, Beatriu ORCID

Date of defense



200 p.


Universitat Jaume I. Escola de Doctorat

Doctorate programs

Programa de Doctorat en Ciències


Supramolecular hydrogels are formed through the self-assembly of low-molecular-weight gelators (LMWGs) in water, creating three-dimensional fiber networks via non-covalent interactions. The primary drawback of supramolecular hydrogels is their generally low mechanical strength. Therefore, the fabrication of hybrid LMWG-biopolymer materials is a useful strategy to enhance the final properties of the material. In this context, the synthesis of novel supramolecular hybrid hydrogels combining LMWGs with biopolymers for use as multicomponent biomaterials is notably relevant. On one hand, LMWG-polymer conjugates are prepared by synthesizing two low-molecular-weight peptide fragments that are covalently linked to the polymer, L-polyglutamic acid (PGA). On the other hand, multicomponent supramolecular hydrogels are developed. These hydrogels are formulated using biocompatible polymers such as hyaluronic acid (HA), L-polyglutamic acid (PGA), or different gelatins, which are combined with a supramolecular gelator based on dipeptides.


LMWG; Biopolymer; Multicomponent hydrogel; Hybrid hydrogel


54 - Chemistry

Knowledge Area



Doctorat internacional


This document contains embargoed files until 2026-01-28


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