La Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Barcelona Tech (UPC) és una institució pública de recerca i d'educació superior en els àmbits de l'enginyeria, l'arquitectura i les ciències.
L’activitat dels seus campus i centres fan de la UPC un punt de referència i, en complicitat amb el teixit productiu, són agent i motor de canvi econòmic i social, en posar en valor la recerca bàsica i aplicada i transferir tecnologia i coneixement a la societat.
Els investigadors i investigadores de la UPC treballen des dels laboratoris i centres de recerca per augmentar la producció científica, valoritzar-la socialment a través de la transferència de resultats i continuar liderant projectes internacionals d’excel·lència, ja sigui a partir d’iniciatives pròpies o en col·laboració amb altres centres de recerca i universitats d’arreu del món.
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Si sou doctor o doctora per la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya i voleu publicar la vostra tesi a TDX, contacteu amb Per a més informació consulteu les preguntes més freqüents
Wang, Shaoxuan (Date of defense: 2024-10-09)
(English) Future radio access network (RAN) will operate with massive and heterogeneous small-cell deployments and end-to-end (e2e) connectivity in support of diverse beyond fifth-generation (B5G) use cases. More and more ...
Gómez Sánchez, Gonzalo (Date of defense: 2024-07-10)
(English) In recent years, the exponential increase of generated data has raised the need for implementing new methodologies to process the huge datasets being created. High-Performance Computing (HPC) brings together a ...
Ferriol Galmés, Miquel (Date of defense: 2024-06-06)
(English) Network modeling is central to the field of computer networks. Models are useful in researching new protocols and mechanisms, allowing administrators to estimate their performance before their actual deployment ...
Alzate Mejía, Nestor (Date of defense: 2024-06-25)
(English) This research addresses resource allocation in communication networks, with emphasis on the impact of human uncertainty on the performance of these networks, especially those using advanced technologies. The ...
Albuquerque Portella, Felipe (Date of defense: 2024-06-06)
(English) The Oil and Gas (O&G) industry ranks prominently among the leading commercial users of powerful supercomputers worldwide, as indicated by global High-Performance Computing (HPC) ranking lists, such as TOP500 and ...
Haghi, Abbas (Date of defense: 2024-03-19)
(English) The continuous progress of Moore’s Law in improving single-threaded performance (execution time) through clock frequency and process node improvements has slowed down due to physical limitations in silicon ...
Barceló Cuerda, Alex (Date of defense: 2024-03-18)
(English) Efficient data management is a fundamental aspect of application workflows, particularly in the context of High-Performance Computing environments. This thesis examines the potential of object stores as a robust ...
Yu, Chenle (Date of defense: 2024-10-25)
(English) The task execution model is widely used in computer engineering, it helps developers to design, develop and understand software systems. OpenMP is the de-facto programming model to parallelize sequential algorithms ...
Ali, Omar Shaaban Ibrahim (Date of defense: 2024-10-01)
(English) In HPC, task-based models have gained prominence via the adoption of tasks in OpenMP, as an asynchronous and platform-agnostic high-performance and productive model by annotating existing code, transforming it ...
Exenberger Becker, Pedro Henrique (Date of defense: 2024-10-21)
(English) Autonomous Driving Systems (ADS) are at the cusp of large-scale adoption, promising accident reduction and market potential. However, the complex software and sensor data pressure for better hardware support in ...
Taranco Serna, Raúl (Date of defense: 2024-08-29)
(English) The emergence of new applications such as autonomous machines (e.g., robots or self-driving cars) and XR (Extended Reality) promises to revolutionize how society interacts with technology in the rapidly advancing ...
García Calatrava, Carlos (Date of defense: 2022-12-12)
(English) The rising interest in extracting value from data has led to a broad proliferation of monitoring infrastructures, most notably composed by sensors, intended to collect this new oil. Thus, gathering data has become ...
Rivas Barragan, Daniel (Date of defense: 2022-11-09)
(English) As our digital world and physical realities blend together, we, as users, are growing to expect real-time interaction wherever and whenever we want. Newer internet services require lower latency than a data center ...
Ortega Carrasco, Cristobal (Date of defense: 2022-11-28)
(English) Every new generation of high performance computing (HPC) processors brings higher complexity to boost performance: the increasing number of cores within the processor itself, cores with the ability to run multiple ...
Macià Sorrosal, Sandra (Date of defense: 2022-05-26)
(English) High-Performance Computing (HPC) evolves vertiginously. Supercomputers are increasingly powerful and complex machines that require deep expertise to be well-exploited. Currently, scientists develop HPC codes ...
Nestorov, Anna Maria (Date of defense: 2024-05-03)
(English) Recently, serverless computing has garnered attention from academia and industry due to its on-demand resource provisioning, allowing users to focus solely on their core business logic by breaking down tasks into ...
Matsumura, Kazuaki (Date of defense: 2024-05-02)
(English) The rapid development in computing technology has paved the way for directive-based programming models towards a principal role in maintaining software portability of performance-critical applications. Efforts ...
Castell Uroz, Ismael (Date of defense: 2023-07-06)
(English) echnologies are extensively used to collect huge amounts of personal information from our online activity, including the things we search for, the sites we visit, the people we contact, or the products we buy. ...
Gemmi, Gabriele (Date of defense: 2024-02-22)
(English) This thesis aims to investigate the efficacy and applicability of Wireless Backhaul Network (WBN) in two divergent contexts: ultra-dense urban networks for 5G and connectivity solutions for rural or digitally ...
Bernárdez Gil, Guillermo (Date of defense: 2024-03-15)
(English) In the wake of a digital revolution, contemporary society finds itself entrenched in an era where network applications' demands surpass the capabilities of conventional network management solutions. This dissertation ...