858: la crisis de la solvencia: un modelo económico-financiero para un entorno en transición. 

    Martínez de Tejada Pérez, Carlos (Date of defense: 2012-03-09)

    Esta investigación nace del análisis de la economía española, fuertemente anclada en el sector construcción y se centra en la investigación de alternativas para afrontar un cambio de modelo. En efecto, la Sociedad española ...

    Augmented valuation of cultural heritage through digital representatiton based upon geographic information technologies : the case study of Lisbon Aqueduct System within an augmented reality environment 

    Marques, Luis Fílipe do Espíritu Santo Correia (Date of defense: 2017-07-21)

    The thesis focus in the central idea of Digital Representations and the Valuation of Cultural Heritage, in the relation between Technology, Agents and several knowledge Domains, seeking to analyse the Augmented Valuation ...

    Dealing with geopolitical brownfield sites : towards an adaptive guideline to foster their regeneration 

    Shojaee Far, Mohsen (Date of defense: 2019-10-01)

    This study set out initially to compare characteristics and possible regeneration approach between typical brownfield sites and semi-like brownfield sites in geopolitical conflict zones to identify similarities and ...

    Digital traces and urban research : Barcelona through social media data 

    Valls Dalmau, Francesc (Date of defense: 2019-06-14)

    Most of the world’s population now resides in urban areas, and it is expected that almost all of the planet’s growth will be concentrated in them for the next 30 years, making the improvement of the quality of life in the ...

    Efecto del comportamiento espacio-temporal de la población sobre la estructura de actividades en la ciudad: un acercamiento a los ritmos urbanos de Barcelona 2001-2006 

    Cerda Troncoso, Jorge Francisco (Date of defense: 2013-02-20)

    El tema de investigación de la tesis doctoral surge como consecuencia de una sucesión de investigaciones anteriores, en las cuales se ha construido y utilizado un concepto denominado “probabilidad funcional”, para explicar ...

    Efectos de la construcción de la autovía orbital B-40 en la estructura urbana policéntrica de la Región Metropolitana de Barcelona (RMB) 

    Suárez Pradilla, Mónica Marcela (Date of defense: 2016-09-13)

    The aim of this research is to analyze the impact of the orbital motorway B-40 or fourth belt Barcelona in the polycentric urban structure of the Barcelona Metropolitan Region or (BMR). The changes discussed in this research ...

    El impacto del policentrismo sobre el consumo de suelo y la movilidad laboral. Un estudio comparado para las 7 principales áreas metropolitanas españolas 

    Tornés Fernández, Moira (Date of defense: 2017-07-25)

    The spatial distribution of population and employment is an important issue in contemporary metropolises, especially when facing the expansion and the unstructured urban growth, which involve a high risk of damage to the ...

    El medio innovador : la clave difusa de la "ciudad informacional" : aproximación al 22@ Barcelona, con énfasis en los polígonos "Campus Audiovisual" y "Llull Pujades Levant" 

    Cueva Ortiz, Sonia Maria (Date of defense: 2016-07-27)

    In the building of the so-called informational city, there is a explicit willingness to channel the social interaction towards innovation. lt starts from the idea that the exchange of information who manage people from ...

    El sistema de transporte público masivo "Metrovía" en la movilidad y el espacio público de la ciudad de Guayaquil 

    Naranjo Ramos, Yelitza Gianella (Date of defense: 2019-06-11)

    In the present investigation the mass public transport system of Guayaquil "Metrovía" and its relationship with the immediate public space is analyzed, through study nodes that allow the study of the mobility and accessibility ...

    La estructura del mercado residencial en Barcelona : un análisis de una metodología de identificación de los submercados a partir de la movilidad residencial 

    González Tamez, Carlos Adrián (Date of defense: 2016-01-26)

    This thesis is based on the assumption that residential mobility understood as the housing changes that individuals experience throughout their lives can provide solid elements for a more sophisticated understanding of the ...

    Estudio de la estructura urbana e identificación y análisis del impacto de la localización de la actividad económica sobre las dinámicas territoriales : El caso de Bogotá, Colombia 

    Ruiz Estupiñán, Nancy Helena (Date of defense: 2016-01-29)

    El objetivo de la investigación es el estudio de los rasgos que caracterizan la estructura territorial de Bogotá y los 17 municipios de su área de influencia inmediata, y el análisis de los cambios ocurridos durante el ...

    Evaluación crítica de los nuevos sistemas de transporte público en la ciudad de La Paz, desde la perspectiva de la planificación, gestión y gobernanza 

    Vargas Beltrán, Dan Delvi (Date of defense: 2022-11-09)

    (English) The characteristics of the transport system are what explain the difficulties and facilities for mobility and access to services. The transport situation in the urban area of La Paz has been worsening over time, ...

    Evaluación de la tecnología de realidad aumentada móvil en entronos educativos del ámbito de la arquitectura y la edificación 

    Sánchez Riera, Alberto (Date of defense: 2013-07-05)

    This thesis aims to address the implementation of Augmented Reality (AR) technology in a teaching context by using mobile devices (hand held).Laptops , tablets and mobile devices were used with the two most common operating ...

    Evaluación de las externalidades del comercio informal sobre los valores inmobiliarios : el caso de la Ladera Oeste, La Paz, Bolivia 

    Maidana Zeballos, Jessica (Date of defense: 2016-01-22)

    In principle we can say that this thesis defines the informal trade as all commercial activity and/or service activities which settle in the streets (pavement and sidewalks) by will and arbitrary way they appropriate a ...

    Evaluación de los costes y beneficios de la implementación del aislamiento acústico en el mercado residencial de nueva planta en Barcelona 

    Romo-Orozco, José M. (Date of defense: 2014-06-20)

    The principie of this research answers to the interest to procure a value for silence. This argument was added to the expectation generated by the "Documento básico de Protección Frente al Ruido (DB-HR) del Código Técnico ...

    Exploring the applications and limitations of location-based social network data in urban spatiotemporal analysis 

    Yang, Liya (Date of defense: 2021-09-27)

    Nowadays, the widespread utilization of intelligent mobile and located-embedded services extends the border of social network sites (SNS) to physical-spatial space. The appearance of SNS changes our daily life meanwhile ...

    Exploring the potential usage of underused urban space: Hajj sites in Mecca as case study 

    Imam, Ayman Amin (Date of defense: 2017-07-20)

    The term Underused Urban Spaces (UUS) refers to spaces within urban areas that have become unused, or that are being used to a lesser degree than they could or should be. The emergence of such spaces has therefore encouraged ...

    Externalidades de la economía del conocimiento en el crecimiento urbano : un análisis para las áreas metropolitanas de Barcelona y Helsinki 

    Chica Mejía, Juan Eduardo (Date of defense: 2016-02-10)

    The centrality of knowledge-based industries (KBI) in the economy of metropolitan areas leads to the transformation of their labour markets and promotion of new forms of urban growth. This is due, among other things, to ...

    Gestión y explotación de la información TLS de 3D a 2D y 2.5D : análisis, selección y síntesis a partir de la tecnología escáner láser terrestre 

    Corso Sarmiento, Juan Manuel (Date of defense: 2015-10-10)

    The foundation and guarantee of a good heritage protection is the appropriate knowledge of it, this understanding is developed from studies conducted by different specialists, using the architectural surveys as a basis for ...

    Housing sector in Saudi Arabia : preferences and aspirations of Saudi citizens in the main regions 

    Alhubashi, Haytham Hussain M. (Date of defense: 2018-07-12)

    During the last few decades, Saudi Arabia, as one of the developing countries, has witnessed a noticeable and rapid development with regard to different development sectors and fields. This is mainly attributed to the ...