Programa de Doctorat en Urbanisme

La Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Barcelona Tech (UPC) és una institució pública de recerca i d'educació superior en els àmbits de l'enginyeria, l'arquitectura i les ciències.

L’activitat dels seus campus i centres fan de la UPC un punt de referència i, en complicitat amb el teixit productiu, són agent i motor de canvi econòmic i social, en posar en valor la recerca bàsica i aplicada i transferir tecnologia i coneixement a la societat.

Els investigadors i investigadores de la UPC treballen des dels laboratoris i centres de recerca per augmentar la producció científica, valoritzar-la socialment a través de la transferència de resultats i continuar liderant projectes internacionals d’excel·lència, ja sigui a partir d’iniciatives pròpies o en col·laboració amb altres centres de recerca i universitats d’arreu del món.


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Recent Submissions

Reestructuración urbana de la región hidrológica 36 Nazas - Aguanaval, México: modelos agroproductivos y sus sistemas hidrográficos 

Barrios Avalos, Juan José (Date of defense: 2024-11-22)

(English) Hydrological Region 36 (RH36) is one of the 37 hydrological regions identified in Mexico by the National Water Commission. Within this region lie the basins of the Nazas and Aguanaval rivers, two endorheic rivers ...

Interacciones líquidas : dibujar con el agua la ciudad de Bogotá 

Fiallo Cardona, Gloria Carolina (Date of defense: 2024-11-26)

(English) Bogotá, located in a lacustrine savanna surrounded by páramos and wetlands, has been shaped throughout its history by its relationship with water. From the muisca camellones to modern urbanization processes, the ...

Diachronic terrains: three landscape narrations on the west Attic coast 

Karamanea, Panita (Date of defense: 2024-07-11)

(English) The thesis researched for a hybrid interdisciplinary system of tools that could help decode coastal landscapes. The west Attic shoreline, a space of contrasts and surprises, stands as a forgotten landscape ...

Generando patrimonio a partir de los escombros : la recuperación de los paisajes mineros en España 

Tsiouti, Andri (Date of defense: 2024-10-09)

(English) The purpose of this research is to analyze the processes of reclamation of mining areas in Spain. A systematic review of the literature on this matter shows that, although there are numerous publications addressing ...

Hipòtesis sobre una línia : nuclis urbans i estacions a les línies interiors catalanes 

Solà Font, Joan (Date of defense: 2024-09-16)

(English) "Hypothesis on a Line" analyses the impact that the construction of the railway has had on the urban centres along the interior lines of the Catalan network. The integration of a territorial mobility infrastructure ...

Manuel de Solà-Morales, escritura y pensamiento 

Clos Costa, Oriol (Date of defense: 2024-07-19)

(English) The written work of Manuel de Solà-Morales deserves a central place in his intellectual biography, along with the pedagogical experience and the urban projects he developed; teaching, practice and writings are ...

Tijuana, un puzle de fragmentos urbanos. Origen y evolución de una ciudad fronteriza 

Medina Estrada, Isaura (Date of defense: 2024-09-05)

(English) The present research is an urban study about Tijuana, whose purpose is to understand the historical processes that have outlined it from its regional origins, the evolution of urban processes and its built ...

La construcción del territorio de la Amazonía ecuatoriana: una mirada desde las huellas de las disputas civilizatorias 

Sandoval Vásquez, Juan Carlos (Date of defense: 2022-12-13)

(English) This work strives to develop an interpretative reading of the process of configuration of the Amazonian territory of Ecuador, a vast territory with an enormous natural predominance and important biological and ...

Hybrid networks: sacred itineraries towards Santiago and Finisterre 

Bello Gómez, Lorena (Date of defense: 2015-12-21)

(English) Hybrid Networks explores in detail the slow geography of the French Camino network in northwest Spain, giving an account of the network at the scale of the lberian Peninsula and Europe. This old itinerary is a ...

La Khôra del común : una exploración de los componentes espaciales de la cooperación a lo largo del río Llobregat en el Baix Berguedà 

Rocamonde Lourido, Javier (Date of defense: 2023-01-17)

(English) The first entry of the Diccionario de la lengua española (RAE) defines cooperate as "to work together with one or more agents to achieve a common goal". Perhaps this idea of aligned agents with a shared objective ...

Dos crecimientos en una ciudad. Dos ciudades en crecimiento 

Cho, Meehwa (Date of defense: 2023-10-04)

(English) After more than a century of existence, a district considered marginal in my city is tragically disappearing without a trace. This inspired me to examine its development and destruction. Busan, the first industrial ...

Periferia y ciudad. El caso del Baix Llobregat en Barcelona 

Roa López, Miquel (Date of defense: 2023-06-26)

(English) The urban continuum of Barcelona extends through the Baix Llobregat, the mobility also forms an inseparable whole, the same happens with the economy, with social and cultural life; geography and the environment ...

Esfahan multi-node metropolis: conflicts and opportunities on urban nodes and intersections 

Omrani, Omid (Date of defense: 2022-10-24)

(English) As one of the world's most famous Islamic cities globally, Esfahan has been the focus of previous architectural and urban studies discussing its forms and structures and presenting its most distinctive features. ...

Espacios abiertos metropolitanos: criterios, objetivos y estrategias para el proyecto territorial. El caso de la región urbana de Barcelona 

Maristany Jackson, Lorena (Date of defense: 2020-09-16)

This Ph. D. deals with metropolitan open spaces, among which we consider agricultural land and forests, riverbanks, beaches, parks, gardens and urban parterres and all those elements that, even small, have a certain degree ...

São Paulo, ciudad de ciudades: de los proyectos de vivienda pública a los sistemas urbanos residenciales de interés social 

Van Sluys, Christine (Date of defense: 2022-09-12)

The subject of this doctoral thesis is the production of social housing in Brazil, studied from the diverse legacy built specifically in the city of São Paulo over the last hundred years. The main objective of this thesis ...

Supernovas, constelaciones y nebulosas : algunas singularidades del turismo urbano en Barcelona 

Pérez Bazán, Cynthia Cecilia (Date of defense: 2022-03-09)

Tourist attractions are an essential part of urban tourism. It is often thought that attractions are comparable to each other and that their impacts can be limited as if cities could manage their tourist flows as theme ...

Intertwining the city : the in-between spaces of Caracas as scenarios to achieve urban togetherness 

García Alcaraz, Teresa (Date of defense: 2022-01-17)

This thesis explores the in-between spaces of the contemporary city, and the role they have in promoting urban togetherness through interstitial practice. By looking at different processes that take place in the borderlands ...

El proyecto de las relaciones : la forma del espacio libre en la propuesta de Ernst May 

Sotoca García, Adolfo (Date of defense: 2006-06-07)

The dissertation focuses on the study of the morphology of modern city from the analysis of the free space. This research aims to provide original and unpublished elements in this issue. The following work finds its ...

Los jardines de los terrenos del agua. Caso de estudio: conurbaciones de Sabadell y Terrassa. Casos de contraste: Nueva Delhi, Málaga, Londres 

Carcaño Zapata, Carme (Date of defense: 2021-11-26)

The theoretical and analytical content of this PhD thesis generates the critical knowledge necessary to affirm that free spaces (or open spaces) are the elements capable of restructuring the contemporary city. Amongst them, ...

La ciudad de Donostia-San Sebastián antes de 1813 : reivindicación de su presencia 

Pi Chevrot, José Javier (Date of defense: 2019-11-06)

The history of the urban development of Donostia San Sebastian before its near total destruction by the Anglo-Portuguese troops of Wellington in 1813 has been little studied and never in a comprehensive and orderly manner. ...
