Cleanroom-Free Nanoelectrodes for Ultra-Sensitive Detection: From DNA Sensing to Electrochemical Lateral Flow Assay


Abarintos Rentino, Vernalyn


Piper , Andrew

Merkoçi, Arben


Gòdia Casablancas, Francesc

Data de defensa



242 p.

Programa de doctorat

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Programa de Doctorat en Biotecnologia


The primary aim of my PhD thesis involves designing, developing, and implementing cleanroom-free nanoelectrodes. One of the main objectives is to devise a fabrication technique for producing nanoelectrodes that is both inexpensive and readily available. The study emphasizes using materials and equipment commonly found in research laboratories, making the technology more widely available and reducing the financial barrier for researchers worldwide. Another objective is to demonstrate how these nanoelectrodes can be combined into more complex devices, such as complete three-electrode systems. By integrating these nanoelectrodes into an electrochemical lateral flow assay (eLFA) system, this work seeks to enhance the sensitivity and reliability of biomarker detection for diagnostic purposes.

The primary aim of my PhD thesis involves designing, developing, and implementing cleanroom-free nanoelectrodes. One of the main objectives is to devise a fabrication technique for producing nanoelectrodes that is both inexpensive and readily available. The study emphasizes using materials and equipment commonly found in research laboratories, making the technology more widely available and reducing the financial barrier for researchers worldwide. Another objective is to demonstrate how these nanoelectrodes can be combined into more complex devices, such as complete three-electrode systems. By integrating these nanoelectrodes into an electrochemical lateral flow assay (eLFA) system, this work seeks to enhance the sensitivity and reliability of biomarker detection for diagnostic purposes.

The primary aim of my PhD thesis involves designing, developing, and implementing cleanroom-free nanoelectrodes. One of the main objectives is to devise a fabrication technique for producing nanoelectrodes that is both inexpensive and readily available. The study emphasizes using materials and equipment commonly found in research laboratories, making the technology more widely available and reducing the financial barrier for researchers worldwide. Another objective is to demonstrate how these nanoelectrodes can be combined into more complex devices, such as complete three-electrode systems. By integrating these nanoelectrodes into an electrochemical lateral flow assay (eLFA) system, this work seeks to enhance the sensitivity and reliability of biomarker detection for diagnostic purposes.

Paraules clau

LFA; POC; Nanoelectrode


09 - Manuscrits. Llibres rars i notables

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