Now showing items 156-175 of 190

    Radiation in strongly coupled gauge theories 

    Martínez Montoya, Jairo Javier (Date of defense: 2022-01-13)

    This thesis is devoted to the study of radiation in generic conformal field theories in four dimensions. In the first part of the thesis we explain at the classical level the implications of considering accelerated ...

    Reacciones nucleares elásticas analizadas con la fuerza de Gogny 

    López Moraña, Juan (Date of defense: 2024-01-22)

    [spa] El Modelo Óptico es una de las herramientas más esenciales para analizar experimentos de dispersión nuclear. Se basa en la hipótesis simplificada de que la interacción nucleón-nucleón individual entre el proyectil y ...

    Recubrimientos de materiales compuestos CNF/cerámica y CNF/metal mediante proyección térmica por plasma atmosférico 

    Vidal, David R. (David Rodríguez Vidal) (Date of defense: 2017-06-23)

    Una máxima que se plantea en la sociedad actual es la consecución de una mayor eficiencia en los procesos industriales, reduciendo factores como el peso, mejorando la respuesta con los ciclos de los materiales y sobretodo ...

    Redox Flow Batteries: From Vanadium to Earth abundant organic molecules (Quinones) 

    Vázquez Galván, F. Javier (Date of defense: 2019-01-11)

    Along this Thesis dissertation book, which is focused on the topic of Redox Flow Batteries, many efforts have been done in order to improve different aspects of the all-Vanadium Redox Flow batteries (VRFBs) technology, as ...

    Rheological Characterization of Healthy and non-Healthy Blood using Electronic Detection of the Fluid Front 

    Méndez-Mora, Lourdes (Date of defense: 2024-07-01)

    [eng] In this research, we developed a technique and experimental setup that is the basis of a device, for the characterization of blood rheology and its connection to the rigidity of red blood cell (RBC). Our experimental ...

    Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Gas Sensors: Gas Source Localization with a Nano-Drone 

    Burgués Calderón, Javier (Date of defense: 2019-07-09)

    Chemical source localization (CSL) by autonomous robots has been a topic of research since the early 1990s and still today remains elusive beyond simple scenarios. It has numerous potential applications, such as the ...

    Sistemas dinámicos de dimensión finita con ligaduras 

    Román-Roy, Narciso (Date of defense: 1986-01-01)

    Aparte del atractivo meramente matemático, el interés físico del estudio de los sistemas dinámicos con ligaduras reside en un hecho fundamental: sólo las teorías físicas cuya dinámica esté descrita por una lagrahgiana ...

    Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells electrodes based on mesoporous materials 

    Hernández Rodríguez, Elba María (Date of defense: 2018-12-04)

    The need of substituting the current energetic model by a system based on clean Renewable Energy Sources (RES) have gained more importance in the last decades due to the environmental issues related to the use of fossil ...

    Solution Processed Chalcogenide Nanomaterials for Thermoelectric Application 

    Yu, Zhang (Date of defense: 2021-01-25)

    The bottom-up engineering of nanomaterials using solution-processing strategies is of particular interest for reducing cost and optimizing the performance of TE materials and devices. This thesis focuses on the development ...

    Solution-Based Bottom-Up Processing of Chalcogenide Thermoelectric Nanomaterials 

    Li, Mengyao (Date of defense: 2022-01-17)

    TE devices have countless potential application, but their high manufacturing and material costs hamper their cost-effectiveness and limit their widespread implementation. To overcome these drawbacks, TE devices must be ...

    Stable and efficient photoelectrodes for solar fuels production 

    Ros Figueras, Carles (Date of defense: 2019-10-30)

    The excessive consumption of non-renewable energy sources such as fossil fuels has lead the world to a global climate change, urging for new energy consumption habits together with developing cost- effective alternative ...

    The star formation history and the stellar initial mass function of the Milky Way disc. The population synthesis Besançon Galaxy Model in the Gaia era 

    Mor Crespo, Roger (Date of defense: 2019-06-18)

    AIMS: We develop a new theoretical framework to generate Besançon Galaxy Model Fast Approximate Simulations (BGM FASt) to address fundamental questions of the Galactic structure and evolution performing multi-parameter ...

    Statistical detection of tidal streams generated by globular clusters and their application to measure the axis ratio of the Milky Way dark matter halo 

    Garcia Palau, Carles (Date of defense: 2022-05-12)

    In this thesis we have presented a new method to search for tidal streams generated by globular clusters in the Gaia catalogue. This statistical method is based on the maximum likelihood technique to distinguish stream ...

    Stellar activity in exoplanet hosts 

    Herrero Casas, Enrique (Date of defense: 2014-10-06)

    Most of the efforts on the search and characterization of Earth-like exoplanets are currently focused on low mass stars. Some important properties related to the structure and processes in this type of stars are still ...

    Structural Engineering of Advanced Cathode Materials for Aqueous Zinc-ion Batteries 

    Zeng, Guifang (Date of defense: 2024-07-18)

    [eng] Aqueous zinc ion batteries (AZIBs) have garnered significant research attention due to their remarkably high-volume energy density, reaching up to 5,851 mAh mL-1. This surpasses the capabilities of state-of-the-art ...

    Studies and integration of Silicon-based light emitting systems 

    González Fernández, Alfredo A. (Date of defense: 2014-12-05)

    This project presents the study of luminescent devices and materials based on silicon for its use in the fabrication of an optical system that integrates light emitter, waveguide, and light sensor in a single chip obtained ...

    Study and characterization of light pollution in Catalonia 

    Linares Arroyo, Hector (Date of defense: 2021-07-27)

    The term light pollution refers to different harmful effects produced by artificial light sources. This phenomena affects observational astronomy, the flora and fauna of the species adapted to the natural cycles of light ...

    Study of radiative decays at LHCb and search for the Λb0->pπ-γ decay 

    Alfonso Albero, Alejandro (Date of defense: 2022-02-11)

    The main goal of this thesis is to study the radiative decays produced in one of the four big detectors of LHC, LHCb, which focuses on the study of matter-antimatter asymmetry through b and c quarks. In particular, the ...

    Studying protein-ligand interactions using a Monte Carlo procedure 

    Lecina Casas, Daniel (Date of defense: 2017-07-20)

    Biomolecular simulations have been widely used in the study of protein-ligand interactions; comprehending the mechanisms involved in the prediction of binding affinities would have a significant repercussion in the ...

    Substructure in the phase-space of the Galaxy with Gaia 

    Ramos, Pau (Date of defense: 2020-09-25)

    The Gaia mission and its extensive catalogue of stars has marked the beginning of the Golden Age of Galactic dynamics. We have now access to the kinematics of more than a billion stars with which we can start ...